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Language Education Policy Profile

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2.3. Plurality and unity

As in many countries in Europe, the main tension felt can be summarized as one between plurality and unity.

On one hand, history and demography have solidly established in the country a fair number of communities of various sizes, which keep their language of origin active while having now to become users of Lithuanian, even if it was not always the case before7. Within the Europe of the 21st century and in a more fluid contact with neighbouring countries (belonging or not to the European Union), this plurality of languages can obviously be an asset for Lithuania. Even more so since the current legislation for schools requires the learning of two foreign languages and can thus add to the potential national linguistic resources.

On the other hand, however, this historically inherited internal plurality may appear as presenting some risk, at a time when, after so many years of foreign dependency, the affirmative unity of the Lithuanian nation is a priority for the country. Lithuanian, as official language, having itself been historically menaced and minimized, becomes today, more than ever in those years following the retrieved independence, a symbol, a factor and a condition of unification.

In many European countries, the process of nation building, mainly through compulsory common education in a well codified and standardised official language, took place at the end of the XIXth and the first half of the XXth. A certain recognition of linguistic plurality and diversity came much later, within societies which have become more mobile and multicultural. In other countries, such as Lithuania, the two movements have mutatis mutandis to be somehow simultaneous and it is of no surprise if the school system and the society at large have then to cope with possibly divergent and sometimes contradictory tendencies. Even more so, perhaps, at a moment when international organisations such as the Council of Europe insist on the necessary relation and complementarity between, on one hand, the respect of languages and cultures of minorities and the diversity of foreign languages and, on the other, the progress of democratic citizenship and social cohesion. The fact that institutions and political authorities in Lithuania, as in many other countries, agree with these principles does not imply that their implementation is an easy process.

3. Commented aspects of the current situation

3.1. The position of the State language as mother tongue, second language and language of instruction

As already mentioned, the first part of the Country Report concerns the Lithuanian language and several contacts the Expert Group had in Lithuania focussed on this central aspect of the linguistic panorama. It is therefore normal to discuss first the issues related to Lithuanian as a native language, as a language of instruction and as a second language.

3.1.1. Definition and implementation of norms

Though Lithuanian has been described and analysed by important linguists of the XIXth and XXth centuries, the question of some of its rules and norms is not fully clarified and leads to studies and debates, involving not only language specialists but also political instances. The “quality” of the language forms is a matter of public and official concern, as is the case in other contexts such as Québec or France. Lithuanian has to be preserved as a common precious heritage that one has had to fight for and that is worth defending against risks of various sorts, internal (laxism and incorrections) and imported (foreign lexicon too easily borrowed). One must add that the language has a complex and fine structure (at different phonetic and morphosyntaxic levels) and is probably, compared to some others, difficult to master in the detail of its system8. It is claimed that Lithuanian comes closest to the structure of the Proto-Indo-European. As is often the case, the will to enhance the status of the language is associated with measures to enshrine and protect its corpus.

Moreover, a language that has at times been mainly used in the private sphere, since it had to compete and alternate with the former dominant or more prestigious languages for other social functions, has now to regain its place and role in the full range of domains where expression and communication are needed. This includes the production and transmission of information and knowledge, as well as communication in the various trades and professions. A form of enrichment and lexical creation or borrowing is thus needed, raising in a different way the question of defining norms. The document State Language Policy Guidelines (2003) states in its opening statement:

“The Lithuanian language constitutes the basis of the national and cultural identity of Lithuania. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania grants the Lithuanian language the status of the state language, Lithuanian is the language of state management and that of relations between the state and the individual and the state and the society”

And the following paragraph stresses the double aim of the language policy:

“The main aim of the state language policy is to preserve the language heritage and to foster its development in order to ensure the functionality of the Lithuanian language in all the spheres of public life. The main objective of the language policy is to influence the development of the state language in a planned and creative fashion, in such a way that the society realises the value of its own language and is not disappointed in its powers.”

These last lines, especially if one compares them with the first paragraph quoted just above, indicate that Lithuanian as a state language and as “basis of the national and cultural identity” would still have to prove its capacity to operate “in all the spheres of public life” and be fully recognized as such within the society at large. In some ways, but this is not unique to Lithuania, the situation is one of double bind. Lithuanian has to be preserved as a heritage and at the same time to be developed and adapted to new functions in a fast changing society ; it is inherent to the identity and the culture, but there is a risk of the society being disappointed in its effectiveness. In sociolinguistic terms, this too can be described as a form of linguistic insecurity.

The Experts’ Report underlined the central importance of these possible tensions regarding the norms of the official language. One can summarise the issue by considering some main aspects of the attention given to the State language:

1) The preservation of the language forms as heritage and the recording of their variation illustrate the richness and the past and present vitality of Lithuanian. The activities of an institution such as the Institute of Lithuanian Language are representative of this dimension of a language policy: it completed in 2002 the publication (started in 1941) of the Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language (Lietuvių kalbos žodynas) in 20 volumes. And the corpus used as a base for this dictionary includes both very ancient and recent texts. The same institute has gathered several dialect data corpora, each dialect being considered as “a separate language system and vocabulary”. And it has compiled a Linguistic Database which could be applied to different uses: academic, general public, schools. It is to be noted that these linguistic sources of reference have been constituted over a long period of time and that there is a declared need for computerisation of the data.

2) The protection of the standard is another dimension of the language policy with respect to the national language. It is more within the range of responsibility of the State Lithuanian Language Commission, the State Language Inspectorate and the county language services. The Language Commission has a main role in official language standardisation and elaboration of recommendations and legal documents regarding the correct use of the standard, in particular for spelling, for stress and for lexical creation. The Language Inspectorate and its controllers are more in charge of supervision of practice. “Mass media, books and other publications, public signs are subject to language correctness requirements”. Representatives of the media as well as publishers of schoolbooks, tend to acknowledge the existence and the importance of such control and definition of norms in the public and educative spheres. Although some seem to be concerned about the language inspectors´ standards and about the coherence of administrating language norms or of selecting criteria for intervention.

3) The development of the state language is being promoted through four language programs approved by the Government. These programs range from very broad purposes (such as the Programme for the Use and Development of the State Language) to more specific aims (Programme for the replacement of Loanwords by Lithuanian Equivalents) and they can be of a prospective kind (Programme of the Lithuanian Language in Information Society) or of a protective nature (Programme for the Preservation of Dialects and Ethnic Place Names).

The number of these programs and the other types of actions having to do with the corpus of Lithuanian, its variations and norms, illustrate fully the official concern with the national language. On both symbolic and practical levels, its current and future state constitutes a major object of reflection and political choice for governing bodies and institutions. The recent texts defining guidelines for the state language policy describe in strong terms a situation presented as unsatisfactory and requests urgently new orientations and measures.

“The present moment marks the beginning of a new stage in the functioning of the state language. It is predetermined both by the processes of European integration and the state’s strategic goal of building a knowledge society. It is therefore necessary to adjust the already existing provisions of the state language policy and to formulate new ones”.

3.1.2. Internal and external risks ?

According to these documents, the risk for the national language lies in the fact that its legal status and the rules regarding its correction and usage are not fully enforced and respected at the internal level, while, on the other hand, the opening of the country to market economy, and globalisation is felt as exposing Lithuanian to the influence of other languages, above all English.

At the internal level:

  • The State Lithuanian Language Commission is of the opinion that some of the important decisions (e.g. concerning the Lithuanian language teaching and training, the use of other languages in legal acts drafted in the various ministries, etc.) are made without its advice and conclusions.

  • The functions delegated to local authorities by the law on local self-government include control of the use and correctness of the state language, but the lack of real coordination between central agencies and local language administrators is considered as detrimental to the proper implementation of this delegated function.

  • The control and supervision of language use in key sectors of communication are not effective enough, “first of all in the fields that have the greatest influence on the language culture in the society, such as the media, publishing, cinematic and video production, and consumer information”.

  • The relations between state institutions involved in language policy for the national language are presented as not sufficiently clear and have not been legally defined. Therefore, the quality of information about language control and change is officially deemed as insufficient : “there is a lack of information about the changes in the language use and trends and the effectiveness of language planning.”

But the consequences of these acknowledged inner dysfunctions are seen as aggravated by the pervasive influence of linguistic globalisation. And there too, formulations are strong and raise the issue of national identity:

“The process of globalisation stimulates not only integration of cultures but also their uniformity. [...] One language, considered to be universal, starts to dominate, at the same time also creating the possibility of establishing the domination of one culture.”

English is considered to be the most important medium on the material and intellectual markets of the world. Its role in Lithuania’s economic, social and cultural life is increasing [...] whereas at the same time the prestige of the Lithuanian language is diminishing.

The state language policy must offset the new value orientations dictated by the globalisation; otherwise the knowledge society of the future will have lost its language and national identity in general”.

There again, one feels that the changes that the country is undergoing affect the linguistic scene and provoke instability. Whereas the project of the early 1990’s was a fast restoration and stabilisation of the national language in its full purity and wide functionality, the process is presently slower than hoped and the language itself is claimed to be weakened again.

Weakened from inside in so far as the set norms are somewhat violated by the users, while there is a debate as to what status and recognition should be given to dialectal and sociolinguistic variation in the media and in schools. Moreover, the population itself is perceived as not considering its national language with sufficient confidence when it comes to confronting a changing environment.

And weakened from outside in so far as the contact with other languages could deteriorate, according to official voices, the process of promotion of Lithuanian that had just been initiated. In this respect, the bodies in charge of the defence and control of the state language may express some reservations about the early introduction of a foreign language in primary schools and prove to be even more cautious when it comes to bilingual teaching (CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning) in schools where Lithuanian is the language of instruction.

3.1.3. Lithuanian as a second language

Lithuanian as a second language can be a rather sensitive issue with the minority schools9. The instances responsible for the state language policy tend to consider that it should be given more importance (and time) as a school subject in these schools. Moreover, the teachers of Lithuanian in Russian and Polish minority schools are sometimes seen as less qualified than they should be and not especially prepared for the teaching of a second language. But – according to representatives of the minority schools - this opinion is unsupported by the apparent success of students coming from such schools when they go on with their studies in universities where Lithuanian is the common language of instruction. And some publishers are of the opinion that the textbooks for Lithuanian as a second language prove to be of good quality and quite effective.

At official level, it is felt that the national language could and should be used as a language of instruction for some of the other subjects in the last years of the minority schools. The argument is that this academic functionalising of Lithuanian in the grades where “profiling” takes place would be an asset for students going on with further studies at university level10. But this form of bilingual learning is generally dismissed by the representatives of the minorities, particularly by the Polish community.

Another object of debate about Lithuanian as a second language is the nature of the final compulsory exam (either at school level or at state level11). The compulsory exams for Lithuanian as a state language differ in the level of their requirements from the ones that students with Lithuanian as a native language must take12. And there are different views about this present situation: should the difference between the two types of exams be maintained or reduced as much as possible? On one hand the distinction can be perceived as discriminatory13 by these very groups, on the other hand, generalising the standards of the “native” exam might well be, under the present circumstances, to the disadvantage of students of Lithuanian as a second language14. One will return to this issue in paragraph 3.1.4.

Lithuanian as a second language is also a reality in “majority” schools where a number of parents of Russian, Polish, Ukrainian or other origins decide to register their children (rather than in minority schools). And, in the same way as a concern about the quantity and the quality of the teaching of the official language in the minority schools is sometimes expressed, there appears to be some dissatisfaction also, especially among teachers, with the effects for majority schools of this other type of parental choice. Though such a phenomenon is the sign that certain families from minorities wish a stronger integration for their children in the Lithuanian society through an education in majority schools, the presence in those schools of children from other native languages can be felt as a possible hindrance for native speakers of Lithuanian. The disputable argument, which one hears in many countries besides Lithuania, is that heterogeneous classes may slow down the progress of all the learners. In this case, the focus of discussion is the level of preparation of teachers working in schools attended by children of various first languages (including Lithuanian). The general comment is that these teachers have not received an adequate training for the teaching of Lithuanian as a second language and can therefore be hampered in their efforts to comply with the official curriculum and standards for the national language.

3.1.4. Possible tensions

The concern about the national language is not specific to Lithuania. One can easily find countries, including some whose language has an international status and role, where similar questions are raised and where official or prestigious voices draw public attention on the linguistic risks of globalisation. What appears however as being more particular to the Lithuanian context is that the national language is described as not being sufficiently established and protected within the country itself, its restoration being just under way.

Perhaps paradoxically, one of the inner causes officially given for this situation is the lack of a clear distribution of roles and coordination among the numerous instances concerned (at different levels and degrees) with the national language. It can be the case, too, that influential bodies and institutions with different functions and traditions, belonging to different sectors of activity (language policy, linguistic research, philological studies, education, preservation of the cultural heritage) do not fully agree on the analysis of the current situation and on what should be done. For example, one issue where divergent opinions are expressed is that attitudes toward the dialects (their definition, their number and importance, their relative distance from the “standard” Lithuanian, their place in teaching, their role in language development) are certainly not identical among groups or between institutions which are in a position to formulate authorised recommendations about the national language.

One can point out two possible consequences of these tensions regarding the Lithuanian language.

As mentioned earlier, the strong focalisation on the quality, the correction and the controlled development of the language on one hand, the responsibility given to the educative system and to the media in the transmission and spread of models and norms on the other, can induce and breed diverse forms of linguistic insecurity. Even more so since there seems to be a large public adhesion to such a language policy. The enshrinement of the national language promotes it to the level of a national cause. Teachers (not only the teachers of Lithuanian as a subject) can be conscious of their important linguistic role and, at the same time, feel unsure of their own performances; journalists and media people as well: some of their representatives expressed similar concerns to the Expert Group.

Another effect of this very strong focalisation on the national language can be characterised as a somewhat ambivalent relationship to other languages, be they minority or foreign languages. As in many countries that have regained their full independence recently, foreign languages are in strong social demand, particularly English. Minority languages are respected and protected by the Constitution. Russian has kept an important position both in certain sectors of the economy and as a second foreign language (in “majority” schools) or language of instruction (in minority schools). The language scene is thus complex. Multilingualism is perceived as a reality, a necessity and an opportunity, but also as a potential or direct threat to the Lithuanian language, foundation of the national identity. In this context, it is clear that the language policy and the linguistic tensions concerning Lithuanian cannot be set apart from the global picture of languages used and learned in Lithuania.

Regarding more specifically the sensitive question of the examination for Lithuanian as a second language, it seems clear that any change in the present situation should be well thought and prepared, as well as involve the various stake holders : representatives of the minorities and majority concerned, central and local administration, bodies holding responsibilities with regard to the Lithuanian language and to State examinations. One can hope that the detailed review and revision of the two types of exams (native and second language) will contribute to bring their respective requirements closer, in a movement “from both ends”15.

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