Ana səhifə

Janis antonovics

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Lewis and Clark Professor,

Biology Department,

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22904

Telephone: 434-243-5076

Fax: 434-982-5626



Born: Riga, Latvia. Citizenship: UK and USA
Academic Qualifications
1953-60 Gravesend Grammar School for Boys, Kent

1960-63 B.A. Cambridge University (Genetics)

1963-66 Ph.D. University of Wales (Agricultural Botany)

Thesis: "The genetics and evolution of differences between closely adjacent plant populations with special reference to metal tolerance". Thesis advisor: A. D. Bradshaw.

Department of Agricultural Botany, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caernarvonshire

1963-66 Demonstrator

1966-67 University of Wales I.C.I. Research Fellow

Department of Biology, University of Stirling, Scotland

1967-68 Assistant Lecturer

1968-70 Lecturer

Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

1970-72 Assistant Professor

1972-77 Associate Professor

1977-87 Professor

1984-88 Director, University Program in Genetics

1987-98 James J. Wolfe Professor

Member of the University Program in Genetics, and the German Studies Program

Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

1998-present, Lewis and Clark Professor

Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, UK

2005-present, Honorary Research Fellow

2010-11 Fellow , Wissenschaftskolleg ( Institute for Advanced Studies), Berlin, Germany

Summer appointments:
University of Virginia, Mountain Lake Biological Station: Ecological Genetics, Plant Population Biology, Disease in Natural Plant Populations 1978-2002

Technical University of Zurich and University of Basel, Switzerland

Evolutionary Biology Workshop, 2007
Awards and Honors
1960 Major Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge

1966 University of Wales, I.C.I. Research Fellowship

1976 David French Lecturer, Claremont College, California

1979 Vice-President, American Society of Naturalists

Vice-President, Society for Study of Evolution

University of Wales, Visiting Professorial Fellow

1980 Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Connecticut

1982 George N. Lamb Distinguished Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, University of Nebraska

1983 Vice President, Society for the Study of Evolution

1984 Invited Visiting Research Scientist, CNRS, Montpellier, France

1986 President, American Society of Naturalists

1988 Fellow of the Royal Society of London

1991 President, Society for the Study of Evolution

1992 Paul Mangelsdorf Lecturer, University of North Carolina

Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Guggenheim Fellow

Royal Society Visiting Guest Fellowship, Imperial College, London

1994 Douglass Distinguished Lecturer, Rocky Mountain Biological Station

1995 Distinguished Ecologist Lecture Series, Colorado State University

1998 Invited plenary speaker, International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh

1999 Sewall Wright Award, American Society of Naturalists

2005 Hamm Distinguished Lecture in Plant Sciences, University of Minnesota

2005 Conviron Research Fellowship, University of Sheffield

2010 Darwin Day invited speaker, University of Iowa

2010 Invited Fellow at the Wissenshaftskolleg zu Berlin

2011 Invited University Lecture, University of Tübigen

2012 Humboldt Fellowship in conjunction with Freie Universität, Berlin
Research Grants
1968-70 Science Research Council, G.B. $l0,500. "Evolutionary genetics in heterogeneous environments"

1970-71 Biomedical Sciences Support Group, Duke University, $4,900. "The genetics of differences between crop plants and their wild relatives, with particular reference to yield components in beans and flax"

1971-72 Research Council, Duke University, $1,400. "The vegetation of metal mine waste in North Carolina,Virginia, and Tennessee."

1972-77 National Science Foundation, $119,600. "The genetic factor in the population biology of Plantago lanceolata."

1974-75 Research Council, Duke University, $700. "The comparative ecological genetics of widespread and highly restricted species of Plantago."

1977-78 National Science Foundation, U.S.A.-Republic of China Cooperative Science Program, $12,900. "Genotype-environmental interactions in the yield of the second crop of rice in Taiwan."

1977-78 Research Council, Duke University, $600. "Evolution of biennial life-histories."

1978-80 National Science Foundation, $48,000. "The ecological significance of genetically variable progeny"

1979 Research Council, Duke University, $800. "Intra-specific variation in herbivore and pathogen infestation in Plantago lanceolata."

1979-81 National Science Foundation, $68,000. "The mechanics of genetic processes within a population of Chamaelirium luteum (Liliaceae)." (Co-principal Investigator, Dr. T.R. Meagher)

1981 National Science Foundation supplemental award on above grant, $8,835.

1981-84 National Science Foundation, $119,000. "The ecological significance of genetically variable progeny."

1982-84 National Science Foundation, $75,000. "The mechanics of genetic processes within a population of Chamaelirium luteum (Liliaceae)." (Co-principal Investigator, Dr. T. R. Meagher)

1983 Research Council, Duke University, $1,000. "Environmental effects on sex-determination in Jack- in-the-Pulpit."

1984-87 National Science Foundation, $90,000. "Evolution of metal tolerance in bryophytes." (Co-principal Investigators, Dr. A. J. Shaw and Dr. L. E. Anderson)

1984-86 National Science Foundation, $80,000. "Consequences of outcrossing in a predominantly self-fertilizing weed, Datura stramonium." (Co-principal Investigator, Dr. A. Motten)

1985-87 National Science Foundation, $31,817. Subcontract on grant to Helen Alexander, University of Louisville. "Ecological genetics of a natural plant/pathogen interaction: Silene alba and Ustilago violacea."

1987 Research Council, Duke University, $3,495. "Unifying conceptual ideas of environmental heterogeneity with experiments in a natural population." (Co-investigator, R. Brandon)

1988-91 National Science Foundation, $283,000. "Population dynamics of a plant-pathogen system: Silene alba and Ustilago violacea."

1988 Research Council, Duke University, $1,000. "Segregation distortion in Phacelia dubia."

1989-94 National Institute of Health. Genetics Training Grant. Five year competing renewal. 1989-90. Direct Costs $171,340.

1992-94 NSF Collaborative Research (with Dr. A. Jarosz, Michigan State University), 179,250. "Ecological and Genetic Processes in the Metapopulation Dynamics of the Silene-Ustilago host-Pathogen System."

REU Supplemental Award for above project, $5,000.

1992-94 National Science Foundation, $202,296. "The Genetic Basis of Sex Ratio Distortion in Silene alba."

1993-96 NSF Research Subcontract (PI, D. McCauley, Vanderbilt University), $50,053. "Ecological Determinants of Genetic Structure in a Plant Metapopulation."

1994-97 US Department of Agriculture, $191,000. "Soil Community Feedbacks on the Dynamics of Plant Populations."

1994-96 National Science Foundation, $143,000. "The Ecology and Evolution of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Theoretical and Comparative Studies."

1996-98 National Science Foundation, $185,000. " The ecological genetics of mating type bias in natural populations of the anther-smut fungus Ustilago violacea on Silene alba". REU Supplemental Award for above project, $5,000.

1996-99 National Science Foundation, $150,000. "The genetic basis of disease resistance in natural populations of Silene alba"

1998-02 National Science Foundation, Course and Curriculum Development, $120,00. "Experimental and investigative laboratory courses in evolutionary biology".

1999-03 National Institute of Health, Evolution of Infectious Disease, $750,000. "Disease on new hosts: Microbotryum as a model system.”

2000-03 National Science Foundation. $241,000. "Genetic and evolutionary consequences of intra-tetrad selfing in the anther-smut fungus."

2001-03 National Science Foundation. $190,000 (Co-Pi with Dr. Tim Newman) “Spatial Dynamics and Fluctuations at Population Margins.”

2004-06. National Science Foundation. $445,000 (Co-Pi with Dr. Michael Hood) “Karyotype dynamics and automixis.”

2004- 05 National Science Foundation. $49,680. FIBR Planning Grant. (Co-Pi with Dr. Douglas Taylor) “Genome dynamics and the evolution of genetic systems.”

2007-09 National Science Foundation. $210,650. (Co-Pi with Dr. Michael Hood) OPUS: “Anther-smut as a disease model - traversing disciplines.”

2009-14 National Science Foundation. $441,703. (Co-PI with D. Taylor).”Genetic analysis of metapopulation processes in the Silene-Microbotryum host-pathogen system”.

2011-15 National Science Foundation/NIH Program in Ecology of Infectious Disease. $668,486. "Disease at the margins of species ranges: anther-smut on alpine species"

2012-13 National Science Foundation/NIH Program in Ecology of Infectious Disease. REU supplement.

$7,230. "Disease at the margins of species ranges: anther-smut on alpine species"

Sponsor of following Dissertation Improvement Awards or Fellowships
1974-76 R. B. Primack. National Science Foundation, $1,500. "Intra- and interspecific variation in resource allocation in the genus Plantago."

1973-75 J. A. Silander. North Carolina Board of Science and Technology, $l,510. "Measurement of environmental parameters important in the ecology of Spartina patens, a dominant component of Outer Banks vegetation, North Carolina."

1975-76 R. Gordon. National Institutes of Health, $11,500. "Application of multibranching theory to demographic modelling."

1976-77 R. Wyatt. National Science Foundation, $4,800. "A detailed analysis of pollination and fruit-set in Asclepias."

1976-77 A. Teramura. National Science Foundation, $5,000. "The effects of fluctuating environment upon physiological acclimation responses of Plantago lanceolata populations." (Co-sponsor, B. R. Strain)

1977-78 To T. Meagher. National Science Foundation, $2,592. "Evolutionary considerations of sexual dimorphism in Chamaelirium luteum, a dioecious perennial."

1979-80 To J. Reinartz. National Science Foundation, $6,000. "Life-history variation in a short-lived monocarp, Verbascum thapsus, L."

1981-82 To J. McGraw. National Science Foundation, $4,295. "Physiological processes determining fecundity and mortality in Dryas octopetala ecotypes." (Co-sponsor B. R. Strain)

1983-85 To N. R. Jordan. National Science Foundation, $6,000. "Genetic analysis of local adaptation in the weedy annual plant, Diodia teres."

1984-86 To E. E. Lyons. National Science Foundation, $6,500. "Quantitative genetic analysis of heritability in Leavenworthia crassa (Cruciferae)."

1987-89 To F. Levy. National Science Foundation. $8,550. "Mechanisms of speciation in Phacelia: current patterns and experimental predictions."

1990-92 To D. Taylor, National Science Foundation. $8,000. "Population dynamics and evolution in heterogeneous environments: experimental populations of Cardamine pennsylvanica."

1993-95 To C. M. Richards. National Science Foundation , $11,588. "Demographic and Genetic Processes During Population Establishment of Silene alba."

1994-96 To E. E. Crone. National Science Foundation, $10,000. "Causes of Complex Dynamics in Cardamine pensylvanica Populations."

1995-97 To Deb Hlavaty, National Science Foundation, $9,345. "The ontogeny of brood sex-ratios: empirical studies of Leptothorax spinosus."

1995-97 To Matt Olson. National Science Foundation $8,000. "Genetics and evolution of subdioecy in Astilbe biternata."

1998-00 To Anne Pringle. National Science Foundation $8,000. "Genetic diversity in AM fungi."

1999-01 To Kara O'Keefe. National Science Foundation $4,946. "Evolution of virulence in sterilizing pathogens"

2002-04 To Amy Pederson. National Science Foundation $11,932. "Intestinal parasites, acorn masts and population dynamics of Peromyscus "

2006-08 To Jessica Partain. National Science Foundation. $10,972. “The effects of sex-differential parasitism on disease dynamics in a plant-fungal system.”

2009-11 To Jessie Abbate. National Science Foundation. $14,972. “Ecological and evolutionary determinants of disease distribution in a natural host-pathogen system”.

Genetical Society, Great Britain

Society for the Study of Evolution

American Society of Naturalists

Genetics Society of America

British Ecological Society

American Phytopathological Society
Editorial Boards

Journal of Theoretical Biology

Evolutionary Theory

Evolution (Associate Editor)

American Naturalist

Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology (Co-editor)

Panel Member

National Science Foundation: Program in Population and Physiological Ecology (1984-1987), Dissertation Improvement Grant Panel (1999).

Institutional Review Committees

University of South Carolina

Princeton University (Chair, Advisory Committee, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior), University of Virginia

University of Chicago

Emory University

University of Maryland (Board of Visitors 2005-8, Chemistry and Life Sciences).


Member of National Research council review committee on infectious disease (1997).

Member of NIH/NSF workshop on evolution of infectious disease (1998, 2010).

Antonovics, J., Lovett, J., and Bradshaw, A. D. 1967. The evolution of adaptation to nutritional factors in populations of herbage plants. In "Isotopes in Plant Nutrition and Physiology." I.A.E.A. Symposium Vienna, 549-567.
Seaton, A. P. C., and Antonovics, J. 1967. Population inter-relationships. I. Evolution in mixtures of Drosophila mutants. Heredity 22: 19-33.

Putwain, P. D., Antonovics, J., and Machin, D. 1967. The effect of relative frequency of species in competition: a reappraisal. Evolution 21: 638-643.

Antonovics, J., and Whitbread, R. 1967. Designing better plants. I. Plants as machines. Spectrum 35: 5-7.
Whitbread, R., and Antonovics, J. 1967. Designing better plants. II. Plants as machines. Spectrum 36:5-7.
McNeilly, T., and Antonovics, J. 1968. Evolution in closely adjacent plant populations. IV. Barriers to gene flow. Heredity 23: 205-218.
Antonovics, J. 1968. Evolution in closely adjacent plant populations. V. Evolution of self-fertility. Heredity 23: 219-238.
Antonovics, J. 1968. Evolution in closely adjacent plant populations. VI. Manifold effects of gene flow. Heredity 23: 507-524.
Antonovics, J. 1968. Chromosomes--the body's blueprints. Mind Alive 3: l169-l172.
Antonovics, J., and Bradshaw, A. D. 1970. Evolution in closely adjacent plant populations. VIII. Clinal patterns at a mine boundary. Heredity 25: 349-362.
Antonovics, J. 1971. The effects of a heterogeneous environment on the genetics of natural populations. American Scientist 59: 593-599.
Antonovics, J., Bradshaw, A. D., and Turner, R. G. 1971. Heavy metal tolerance in plants. Advances in Ecological Research 7: 1-85.
Antonovics, J. 1972. Population dynamics of Anthoxanthum odoratum on a zinc mine. Journal of Ecology 60: 351-365.
Ford, H., and Antonovics, J. 1972. Criteria for the validation or invalidation of the competitive exclusion principle. Nature 237: 406-408.
Dickinson, H., and Antonovics, J. 1972. The effects of simultaneous disruptive and stabilizing selection. Heredity 29: 363-365.
Dickinson, H., and Antonovics, J. 1973. Theoretical considerations of sympatric divergence. American Naturalist l07: 256-274.
Dickinson, H., and Antonovics, J. 1973. The effects of a heterogeneous environment on the genetics of finite populations. Genetics 73: 713-735.
Antonovics, J. Teaching Genetics in Higher Organisms. 1973. In "Teaching Practical Genetics" by P. M. Sheppard (Ed.). Blackwells, Oxford. Chapter II, pp. 24-85.
Grant, M. C., and Antonovics, J. 1974. Experimental evidence on the frequency of neutral or nearly neutral mutations. Journal of Heredity 65: 241-242.
Antonovics, J. 1975. Predicting evolutionary response of natural populations to increased ultra-violet radiation. In "Biological Impacts of Climatic Change," Climatic Impact Assessment Program. Volume 5. Department of Transportation. Chapter 8, pp. 3-26.
Wu, L., and Antonovics, J. 1975. Zinc and copper uptake by Agrostis stolonifera tolerant to zinc and copper. New Phytologist 75: 231-237.
Wu, L., and Antonovics, J. 1975. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. I. Induction of leaf shoots and roots for large scale vegetative propagation and tolerance testing in P. lanceolata. New Phytologist 75: 277-282.
Wu, L., and Antonovics, J. 1975. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. II. Lead tolerance in Plantago lanceolata and Cynodon dactylon from a roadside. Ecology 57: 205-208.
Stanford, J. M., Willis, R. D., Walter, R. L., Gutknecht, W. F., and Antonovics, J. 1975. Proton-induced x-ray emission analysis--a rapidly developing method to determine the relation between trace metals in plants and soils. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 12: 175-180.
Khan, M. A., Antonovics, J., and Bradshaw, A. D. 1976. Adaptation to heterogeneous environments. III. The inheritance of response to spacing in flax and linseed (Linum usitatissimum). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 649-659.
Antonovics, J. 1976. The nature of limits to natural selection. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 224-247.
Antonovics, J. 1976. Plant population biology at the crossroads. Input from population genetics. Systematic Botany l: 234-245.
Antonovics, J. 1977. Metal tolerance in plants: perfecting an evolutionary paradigm. In "International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment" (T. Hutchinson, Ed.) pp. 169-186 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1975).
Antonovics, J. 1978. Population genetics of mixtures. In "Plant Relations in Pastures" (J. R. Wilson, Ed.) pp. 233-252 (C.S.I.R.O., East Melbourne, Australia).
Wu, L., and Antonovics, J. 1978. Zinc and copper tolerance of Agrostis stolonifera L. in tissue culture. American Journal of Botany 65: 268-271.
Caisse, M., and Antonovics, J. 1978. Evolution in closely adjacent plant populations. IX. Evolution of reproductive isolation in clinal populations. Heredity 40: 371-384.
Antonovics, J., and Wu, H. P. 1978. Twelve years of district yield trials of new Japonica rice varieties in Taiwan I. Analysis, evaluation, and recommendations. Botanical Bulletin of the Academia Sinica 17: 145-170.
Wu, L., Kiang, Y. T., and Antonovics, J. 1978. Field observations on Oxalis corymbosa, a widespread weedy species in Taiwan. In "Studies and Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Academia Sinica" Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. pp. 619-626.
Meagher, T. R., Antonovics, J., and Primack, R. 1978. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. III. Genetic variation and demography in relation to survival of Plantago cordata, a rare species. Biological Conservation 14: 243-257.
Grant, M. C., and Antonovics, J. 1978. Biology of ecologically marginal populations of Anthoxanthum odoratum. I. Phenetics and dynamics. Evolution 32: 822-838.
Kiang, Y. T., Antonovics, J., and Wu, L. 1979. The extinction of wild rice (Oryza perennis formosana) in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Ecology l: l-9.
Silander, J., and Antonovics, J. 1979. The genetic basis of the ecological amplitude of Spartina patens. I. Morphometric and physiological traits. Evolution 33: ll14-l127.
Wu, H. P., and Antonovics, J. 1979. Regional distribution of rice yields in Taiwan, 1965-1976. Botanical Bulletin of the Academia Sinica 20: l-8.
Antonovics, J. 1980. The study of plant populations. Science 208: 587-589.
Antonovics, J., and Levin, D. A. 1980. The ecological and genetical consequences of density dependent regulation in plants. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 11: 411-452.
Antonovics, J. 1980. Concepts of resource allocation and partitioning in plants. In J. E. R. Staddon (Ed.). "Adaptation to Constraint: The analysis of limited resources in Biology, Psychology and Economics." Academic Press. Chapter I, pp. l-35.
Antonovics, J. 1981. This week's citation classic (Heavy metal tolerance in plants). Current Contents No. l January 5th, 1981. p.16.
Teramura, A., Antonovics, J., and Strain, B. R. 1981. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. IV. Effects of temperature on growth rates and reproduction in three populations of Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae). American Journal of Botany 68: 425-434.
Wyatt, R., and Antonovics, J. 1981. Butterflyweed revisited: spatial and temporal patterns of leaf shape variation in Asclepias tuberosa. Evolution 35: 529-542.
Primack, R. B., and Antonovics, J. 1981. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. V. Components of seed yield in the ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata L. Evolution 35: l069-l079.
Fowler, N. L., and Antonovics, J. 1981. Small-scale variability in the demography of transplants of two herbaceous species. Ecology 62: 1450-1457.
Fowler, N. L., and Antonovics, J. 1981. Competition and coexistence in a North Carolina grassland. I. Patterns in undisturbed vegetation. Journal of Ecology 69: 825-841.
Meagher, T. S., and Antonovics, J. 1982. Life history variation in dioecious plant populations. In H. Dingle and J. Hegmann (Eds.). Evolution and Genetics of Life Histories. Springer-Verlag.
Antonovics, J., and Primack, R. B. 1982. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. VI. The demography of seedling transplants of P. lanceolata L. in natural populations. Journal of Ecology 70: 55-75.
Silander, J. A., and Antonovics, J. 1982. A perturbation approach to the analysis of interspecific interactions in a coastal plant community. Nature 298: 557-560.
Primack, R. B., and Antonovics, J. 1982. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago. VII. Reproductive effort in populations of P. lanceolata L. Evolution 36: 742-752.
Meagher, T. S., and Antonovics, J. 1982. Population biology of Chamaelirium luteum, a dioecious member of the lily family. III. Life history studies. Ecology 63: 1690-1700.
Lacey, E. P., Real, L., Antonovics, J., Heckel, D. 1983. Variance models in the study of life-histories. American Naturalist 122: l14-131.
Maddox, G. D., and Antonovics, J. 1983. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago VIII. A structural equation approach to fitness components in P. aristata and P. patagonica. Ecology 64: l092-l099.
McGraw, J. B., and Antonovics, J. 1983. Experimental ecology of Dryas octopetala ecotypes. I. Ecotypic differentiation and life-cycle stages of selection. Journal of Ecology 71: 879-898.
McGraw, J. B., and Antonovics, J. 1983. Experimental ecology of Dryas octopetala ecotypes. II. A demographic model of growth, branching and fecundity. Journal of Ecology 71: 899-912.
Antonovics, J., and Ellstrand, N. C. 1984. Experimental studies on the evolutionary significance of sexual reproduction. I. A test of the frequency dependent selection hypothesis. Evolution 38: l03-l15.
Antonovics, J. 1984. Genetic variation within populations. In Dirzo, R., and Sarukhan, J. (Eds.). "Perspectives on Plant Population Ecology." Sinauer Press. pp. 229-241.
Alexander, H. M., Antonovics, J., and Rausher, M. D. 1984. Relationship of phenotypic and genetic variation in Plantago lanceolata to disease caused by Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans. Oecologia 65: 89-93.
Antonovics, J., and Fowler, N. L. 1985. Analysis of frequency and density effects in mixtures of Salvia splendens and Linum grandiflorum using hexagonal fan designs. Journal of Ecology 73: 219-234.
Clay, K., and Antonovics, J. 1985. Demographic genetics of the grass Danthonia spicata: success of progeny from chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers. Evolution 39: 205-210.
Clay, K., and Antonovics, J. 1985. Quantitative variation of progeny from chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers in the grass Danthonia spicata. Evolution 39: 335-348.
Ellstrand, N. C., and Antonovics, J. 1985. Experimental studies on the evolutionary significance of sexual reproduction. II. A test of the density-dependent selection hypothesis. Evolution 39: 657-666.
Antonovics, J., and Ellstrand, N. C. 1985. The fitness of dispersed progeny: experimental studies with Anthoxanthum odoratum. In "Genetic Differentiation and Dispersal in Plants." Jacquard, P., and Heim, G., Antonovics, J. (eds.). Springer-Verlag. pp. 369-381.
Jacquard, P., Heim, G., and Antonovics, J. (eds.) 1985. Genetic Differentiation and Dispersal in Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Antonovics, J. 1985. Conference commentary. In "Genetic Differentiation and Dispersal in Plants." Jacquard, P., and Heim, G., Antonovics, J. (eds.). Springer-Verlag. pp. 443-448.
Shaw, R. G., and Antonovics, J. 1985. Density-dependence in Salvia lyrata an herbaceous perennial: the effects of experimental alteration of seed densities. Journal of Ecology 74:797-813.

Schmitt, J., and Antonovics, J. 1986. Experimental studies of the evolutionary significance of sexual reproduction. III. Maternal and paternal effects during seedling establishment. Evolution 40: 817-829.

Antonovics, J., and Schmitt, J. 1986. Maternal and paternal effects on seed size in Anthoxanthum odoratum. Oecologia 69: 277-282.
Schmitt, J., and Antonovics, J. 1986. Experimental studies of the evolutionary significance of sexual reproduction. VI. Effect of neighbor relatedness and aphid infestation on seedling performance. Evolution 40:830-836.
Musgrave, M. E., Antonovics, J., and Siedow, J. N. 1986. Is male-sterility in plants related to lack of cyanide-resistant respiration in tissues? Plant Science 44: 7-ll.
Antonovics, J. 1987. The evolutionary dys-synthesis: which bottles for which wine. American Naturalist 129: 321-331. (Presidential address).

Uyenoyama, M., and Antonovics, J. 1987. The evolutionary dynamics of mixed mating systems: on the adaptive value of selfing and biparental inbreeding. Perspectives in Ecology. Vol. 7. Klopfer, P. and Bateson, P. (eds.). Plenum Press, N.Y. pp. 125-152.

Antonovics, J., Clay, K., and Schmitt, J. 1987. The measurement of small-scale environmental heterogeneity using clonal transplants of Anthoxanthum odoratum and Danthonia spicata. Oecologia 71: 601-607.

Shaw, J. Antonovics, J., and Anderson, L.E. 1987. Inter-and intra-specific variation of mosses in tolerance to copper and zinc. Evolution 41:1312-1325.

Shaw, R. G. and Antonovics, J. 1987. The dynamics of an experimental population of Salvia lyrata: the population cage approach applied to plants. New Phytologist 107: 415-426.

Kelly, S.E., Antonovics, J., and Schmitt, J. 1988. A test of the short term advantage of sexual reproduction. Nature 331: 714-716.

Jacobs, B. F., Duesing, J. H., Antonovics, J., and Patterson, D. T. 1988. Growth performance of triazine resistant and susceptible biotypes of Solanum nigrum over a range of temperatures. Canadian Journal of Botany 66: 847-850.

Alexander, H., and Antonovics, J. 1988. Disease spread and population dynamics of anther-smut infection of Silene alba caused by the fungus Ustilago violacea. Journal of Ecology 76: 91-104.

Antonovics, J., Ellstrand, N. C., and Brandon, R. N. 1988. Environmental variation and genetic variation: expectations and experiments. Gottlieb, L. D. and Jain, S. K. (eds.). Plant Evolutionary Biology. pp. 275-303. Chapman and Hall, N.Y.
Antonovics, J., and Kareiva, P. 1988. Frequency dependent selection and competition: empirical approaches. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London. Series B. 139: 601-613.
Palmer, M., Travis, J., and Antonovics, J. 1988. Seasonal pollen flow and progeny diversity in Amianthium muscaetoxicum: ecological potential for multiple mating in a self-incompatible, hermaphroditic perennial. Oecologia 77: 19-24.
Antonovics, J., and Via, S. 1988. The genetic factor in plant distribution and abundance. In Davy, A.J., Hutchings, M.J., and Watkinson, A.R. (eds.) Plant Population Ecology. pp. 185-203. Blackwell, Oxford.
Antonovics, J., and Alexander, H. M. 1989. The concept of fitness in plant-fungal pathogen systems. In Leonard, K. J., and Fry, W. E. Plant Disease Epidemiology. Vol. 2. McGraw-Hill.
Lyons, E. E., Waser, N. M., Price, M. V., Antonovics, J., and Motten, A. F. 1989. Sources of variation in plant reproductive success and implications for concepts of sexual selection. American Naturalist 134: 409- 433.
Palmer, M., Travis, J., and Antonovics, J. 1989. Temporal mechanisms influencing gender expression and pollen flow within a self-incompatible perennial, Amianthium muscaetoxicum (Liliaceae). Oecologia 78: 231-236.
Antonovics, J. 1990. Wilhelm Ludwig and his contributions to population genetics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5: 87-90.
Antonovics, J. 1990. Genetically based measures of uniqueness. In Orians, G. H., Brown, G. M., Kunin., W. E., and Swierzbinski, J. E. (eds.) The Preservation and Valuation of Biological Resources. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
Futuyma, D., and Antonovics, J. (eds.) 1990. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology. Vol 7. Oxford University Press.
Antonovics, J., and van Tienderen, P. H. 1991. Ontoecogenophyloconstraints? The chaos of constraint terminology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 6: 166-168.
Lyons, E. E., and Antonovics, J. 1991. Breeding system evolution in Leavenworthia: I. Breeding system variation and reproductive success in natural populations of Leavenworthia crassa. American Journal of Botany 78: 270-287.

Futuyma, D., and Antonovics, J. (eds.) 1991. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology. Vol 8. Oxford University Press.

Antonovics, J. 1992. Towards community genetics. In: R.S. Fritz and E. L. Simms (eds.) Ecology and Evolution of Plant Resistance to Herbivores and Pathogens: Ecology, Evolution, and Genetics. pp. 426-449. University of Chicago Press.
Antonovics, J., and Alexander, H. M. 1992. Epidemiology of anther-smut infection of Silene alba caused by Ustilago violacea: patterns of spore deposition in experimental populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 250: 157-163
Motten, A. F., and Antonovics, J. 1992. Determinants of outcrossing rate in a predominantly self-fertilizing weed, Datura stramonium (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany.
Sibley, R. and Antonovics, J. 1992. Life-history Evolution. In: Berry, R J., Crawford, T. J., and Hewitt, G.M. (eds). Genes in Ecology. British Ecological Society Symposium. pp. 87-122. Blackwell, Oxford.

Futuyma, D., and Antonovics, J. (eds.) 1992. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology. Vol 9. Oxford University Press.

Thrall, P.H., Antonovics, J., and Hall, D.W. 1993. Host and pathogen coexistence in vector-borne and venereal diseases characterized by frequency-dependent disease transmission. The American Naturalist 142: 543-552.

Alexander, H. M., Antonovics, J., and Kelly, A. 1993. Genotypic variation in plant disease resistance: physiological resistance in relation to field disease transmission. Journal of Ecology 81: 325-333.

Thrall, P.H., Biere, A., and Antonovics, J. 1993. Plant life-history and disease susceptibility: the occurrence of Ustilago violacea on different species within the Caryophyllaceae. Journal of Ecology 81: 489-498.
Van Tienderen, P. H., and Antonovics, J. 1994. Constraints in evolution: on the baby and the bath water. Functional Ecology 8: 139-140.
Antonovics, J. 1994. The interplay of numerical and gene-frequency dynamics in host-pathogen systems. In: Real, L. (ed.) Ecological Genetics. pp. 146-170. Princeton University Press .
Antonovics, J., Thrall, P.H., Jarosz, A.M. & Stratton, D. 1994. Ecological genetics of metapopulations: the Silene Ustilago plant pathogen system. In: Real, L. (ed.) Ecological Genetics. pp. 146-170. Princeton University Press .
Antonovics, J. & Thrall, P. H. 1994. The cost of resistance and the maintenance of genetic polymorphism in host-pathogen systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B 257:105-110.

Brandon, R. N., Antonovics, J., Burian, R., Carson, S., Cooper, G., Davies, P. S., Horvath, C., Mishler, B., Richardson, R. C., Smith, K., and Thrall, P. 1994. Discussion: Sober on Brandon on screening-off and the levels of selection. Philosophy of Science 61: 475-486.

Antonovics, J., Iwasa, Y., and Hassell, M.P. 1995. A generalized model of parasitoid, venereal, and vector based transmission processes. The American Naturalist 145: 661-675.

Thrall, P. H., and Antonovics, J. 1995. Theoretical and empirical studies of metapopulations: population and genetic dynamics of the Silene-Ustilago system. Canadian Journal of Botany 73 (Suppl.): 1249-1258.

Read, A.F., Albon, S., Antonovics, J., Apanius, V., Dwyer, G., Holt, R.D., Judson, O., Lively, C. M., Martin-Lof, A., McLean, A.R., Metz, H., Schmidt-Hempel, P., Thrall, P.H., Via, S., and Wilson, K. 1995. Genetics and evolution of infectious diseases in natural populations. Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations (eds B. Grenfell, A.J. Dobson), pp. 450-477. Cambridge University Press.
Alexander, H. M., and Antonovics, J. 1995. Spread of anther-smut disease (Ustilago violacea) and character correlations in a genetically variable experimental population of Silene alba. Journal of Ecology 83:783 794.
McCauley, D.E., J. Raveill and J. Antonovics. 1995. Local founding events as determinants of genetic structure in a plant metapopulation. Heredity 75: 630 636

Antonovics, J., Stratton, D., Thrall, P. H., and Jarosz, A. 1996. Anther-smut disease (Ustilago violacea) of fire-pink (Silene virginica): its biology and relationship to the anther smut disease of white campion (Silene alba). American Midland Naturalist 135:130-143.

Brandon, R. and Antonovics, J. 1996. The coevolution of organism and environment. In: Brandon, R.(ed.) Concepts and Methods in Evolutionary biology. Cambridge University Press.
Alexander, H. M., Thrall, P.H., Antonovics, J., Jarosz, A. M., and Oudemans, P. V. 1996. Population dynamics and genetics of plant disease: a case study of anther-smut disease of Silene alba caused by the fungus Ustilago violacea. Ecology 77: 990-996.
Lockhart, A. B., Thrall, P. H., and Antonovics, J. 1996. The distribution and characteristics of sexually transmitted diseases in animals: ecological and evolutionary implications. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 71:415-471.
Levy, F., Antonovics, J., Boynton, J. E., Gillham, N. W.1996. A population genetic analysis of chloroplast DNA in Phacelia. Heredity 73: 143-155.
Bever, J. D., Morton, J. B., Antonovics, J., and Schultz, P. A.1996. Host-specificity and diversity of Glomalean fungi: an experimental approach in an old field system. Journal of Ecology 84: 71-82.
Biere, A., and Antonovics, J. 1996. Sex-specific costs of resistance to the fungal pathogen Ustilago violacea (Microbotryum violaceum) in Silene alba. Evolution 50: 1098-1110.
Thrall, P. H., Antonovics, J., and Bever, J. D. 1997. Sexual transmission of disease and host mating systems. I. Within season reproductive success. American Naturalist 149: 485-506.
Thrall, P. H., and Antonovics, J. 1997. Polymorphism in sexual vs. non-sexual transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 264: 581-587.
Bever, J. D., Westover, K. M., and Antonovics, J. 1997. Incorporating the soil community into plant population dynamics: the utility of the feedback approach. Journal of Ecology 85: 561-573.
Antonovics, J., Thrall, P. H., and Jarosz, A. M. 1997. Genetics and the spatial ecology of species interactions: the Silene-Ustilago system. In: Tilman, D., and Kareiva, P. (eds.) Spatial Ecology: The Role of Space in Population Dynamics and Interspecific Interactions. pp. 158-180. Princeton University Press.
Thrall, P. H., Antonovics, J., and Wilson, W. G. 1998. Allocation to sexual vs. non-sexual disease transmission. American Naturalist 151: 29-45.
Oudemans, P., Alexander, H. M., Antonovics, J., Altizer, S., Thrall, P. H., and Rose, L. 1998. The distribution of mating type bias in natural populations of the anther smut Ustilago violacea (=Microbotryum violaceum) on Silene alba (= S. latifolia) in Virginia. Mycologia 90: 372-381.

Antonovics, J., O'Keefe, J., and Hood, M. E. 1998. Theoretical population genetics of mating-type linked haplo-lethal polymorphisms. International Journal of Plant Sciences 159: 192-198.

Hood, M. E., and Antonovics, J. 1998. Two-celled promycelia and mating type segregation in Ustilago violacea. International Journal of Plant Sciences 159: 199-205.

Stephens, D. S., Moxon, E. R., Adams, J., Altizer, S., Antonovics, J., Aral, S., Berkelman, R., Bond, E., Bull, J., Cauthen, G., Farley, M. M., Glasgow, A., Glasser, J. W., Katner, H., Kelley, S., Mittler, J., Nahmias, A. J., Nichol, S., Perrot, V., Pinner, R., Shrag, S., Small, P., and Thrall, P. H. Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases: a multidisciplinary perspective. 1998. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 315(2):64-75.

Thrall, P. H., Richards, C. M., McCauley, D. E., and Antonovics, J. 1998. Metapopulation collapse: the consequences of limited gene flow in spatially structured populations. In: Bascompte, J., and Sole, R. V. (eds.) Modeling Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Ecology. pp. 83-104. Academic Press.
Altizer, S., Thrall, P.H., Antonovics, J. 1998. Pollinator behavior and disease transmission of the anther-smut disease of Silene alba. American Midland Naturalist 139:147-163.
Akhter, S. and Antonovics, J. 1999. Use of ITS primers and fungicide treatments to study the anther-smut disease (Ustilago violacea = Microbotryum violaceum) of white campion (Silene alba = S. latifolia). International Journal of Plant Science 160: 1171-1176.
Antonovics, J. 1999. Pathogens and plant population dynamics: the effects of resistance genes on numbers and distribution. In: Traynor, P. M., and Westwood, H. H. (eds) Ecological Effects of Pest Resistance Genes in Managed Ecosystems. pp. 49-55. Information Systems for Biotechnology, Blacksburg, VA.
Buck, W. R., Harris, B. C., Shaw, A. J., Piercey-Normore, M. D., Tabaee, A., Antonovics, J., Crone, C. E. 1999. Unusual lichens under electricity pylons on zinc-enriched soil. The Bryologist 102:130-132.
Olson, M.S., and J. Antonovics. 2000. Correlation between male and female reproduction in the near-dioecious herb Astilbe biternata (Saxifragaceae). American Journal of Botany 87: 837-844.
Ward, J.K., Antonovics, J., Thomas, R. B., Strain, B. R. 2000. Is atmospheric CO2 a selective agent on model C3 annuals? Oecologia 123: 330-341.
Hood, M. E., and Antonovics, J. 2000. Intra-tetrad selfing and the maintenance of heterozygosity in Microbotryum violaceum (= Ustilago violacea). Heredity 85: 231-241.
Thrall, P. H., Antonovics, J., and Dobson, A. P. 2000. Sexually transmitted diseases in polygynous mating systems: prevalence and impact on reproductive success. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 267: 1555-1563.
Nunn, C. L., Gittleman, J. L., and Antonovics, J. 2000. Promiscuity and the primate immune system. Science 290: 1168-1170.
Hood, M. E., Rocha, 0. J., and Antonovics, J. 2000. Differences in teliospore germination patterns of Microbotryum violaceum on European and North American Silene species. Mycological Research 105:532-536.
Molofsky, J., Bever, J. D., and Antonovics, J. 2001. Coexistence under positive frequency dependence. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 268: 273-277.
Silvertown, J. and Antonovics, J. (eds.) 2001. Integrating Ecology and Evolution in a Spatial Context. Blackwell, Oxford.
Antonovics, J., Newman, T. J., and Best, B. J. 2001. Spatially explicit studies on the ecology and genetics of population margins. In: Silvertown, J. and Antonovics, J. (eds.) Integrating Ecology and Evolution in a Spatial Context. pp. 91-116. Blackwell, Oxford
Molofsky, J., Bever, J.D., Antonovics, J., Newman, T.J. 2002. Negative frequency dependence and the importance of spatial scale. Ecology 83:21-27.
O'Keefe, K. J., and Antonovics, J. 2002. Playing by different rules: the evolution of virulence in sterilizing pathogens. American Naturalist 159: 597-605.
Antonovics, J., Hood, M. E., Partain, J. 2002. The ecology and genetics of a host-shift: Microbotryum as a model system. American Naturalist 160: S40–S53.
Newman, T. J., Antonovics, J., and Wilbur, H. W. 2002. Population dynamics with a refuge: fractal basins and the suppression of chaos. Theoretical Population Biology 62:121-128.
Antonovics, J. 2002. Toward community genomics. Ecology 84: 598–601.
Hood, M. E., Antonovics, J., and Heishman, H. 2003. Karyotypic similarity identifies multiple host-shifts of a pathogenic fungus in natural populations. Infection, Genetics, and Evolution 2: 167-172.
Hood, M. E. and Antonovics, J. 2003. Plant species descriptions show signs of disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B (Suppl.) 270: S156-S158.
Antonovics, J., Hood, M. E., Thrall, P., Abrams, J. Y, and Duthie, M. 2003. Herbarium studies on the distribution of anther-smut disease (Microbotryum violaceum) and Silene species in the eastern United States. American Journal of Botany 90:1522-1531.
Nunn, C. L., Gittleman, J. L., and Antonovics, J. 2003. A comparative study of white blood cell counts and disease risk in carnivores. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 270: 347-356.
Altizer, S., Nunn, C. L., Thrall, P. H., Gittleman, J. L., Antonovics, J., Cunningham, A. A., Dobson, A. P., Ezenwa V, Jones, K. E., Pedersen, A. B. , Poss, M., and Pulliam, J. R. C. 2003. Social organization and parasite risk in mammals: integrating theory and empirical studies. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 34:517-547.
Antonovics, J., and Abrams, J. Y. 2004. Intra-tetrad mating and the evolution of linkage relationships. Evolution 58: 702-709.
Antonovics, J. 2004. Long term study of a plant-pathogen metapopulation. In Hanski,I., and Gaggiotti, O. (eds.) Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulations. Pp. 471-488. Academic Press.
Hood, M. E., and Antonovics, J. 2004. Mating within the meiotic tetrad and the maintenance of genomic heterozygosity. Genetics 166: 1751-1759.
Newman, T. J., Kolomeisky, E. B., and Antonovics, J. 2004. Population dynamics with global regulation: the conserved Fisher equation. Physical Review Letters 92: 228103.1-228103.4.
Hood, M. E., Koskella, B., and Antonovics, J. 2004. Shared forces of sex-chromosome evolution in haploid-mating and diploid-mating organisms. Genetics 168: 141-146.
Vondrasek, J., Antonovics, J., and Taylor, D. 2004. Evolution kills: a web resource for instructors of evolutionary biology. Bioscene 30 (2): 3-8. Accompanying web site:
Antonovics, J. 2005. Plant venereal diseases: insights from a messy metaphor. New Phytologist 165: 71-80.
Von Ghyczy, T., and Antonovics, J. 2005. In praise of feedership. Harvard Business Review, February 2005: 52-54.
Rudolf, V., and Antonovics, J. 2005. Species coexistence and pathogens with frequency-dependent transmission. American Naturalist 166: 112-118.
Johnson, L. J., Antonovics, J., Hood, M. E. 2005. The evolution of intratetrad mating rates. Evolution 59: 2525-2532.
Antonovics, J., McKane, A. J., and Newman, T. 2006. Spatio-temporal dynamics at population margins. American Naturalist 167: 16-27.
Antonovics, J., Hood, M. E., and Baker, C. H. 2006. Was the 1918 flu avian in origin? Nature 440: E9.
Antonovics, J. 2006. Evolution in closely adjacent populations X: long term persistence of prereproductive isolation at a mine boundary. Heredity 97: 33-37.
Ferrrari, M. J., Bjornstad, O. N., Partain, J. L., and Antonovics, J. 2006. A gravity model for the spread of a pollinator-borne plant pathogen. American Naturalist 168: 294-303.
Antonovics, J., Abbate, J.L., Baker, C. H., Daley, D., Hood, M. E., Jenkins, C. E., Johnson, L. J., Murray, J. J., Panjeti, V., Volker H. W. Rudolf, V. W. H., Sloan, D., Joanna Vondrasek, J. 2007. Evolution by any other name: antibiotic resistance and avoidance of the e-word. PLOS Biology 5: e30.
Rudolf, V., and Antonovics, J. 2007. Disease transmission by cannibalism: rare event or common occurrence? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 274:1205-10.
Cafuir, L., Antonovics, J., and Hood, M. E. 2007. Tissue culture and quantification of individual-level resistance to anther-smut disease in Silene vulgaris. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168: 415-419.

Moody-Weis, J., Antonovics, J., Alexander, H. M., and Pilson, D. 2008. Predicting local colonization and extinction dynamics from coarser-scale surveys. Ecography 31: 61-72.

Brooks, C.P., Antonovics, J., and Keitt, T. H. 2008. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity explain disease dynamics in a spatially-explicit network model. American Naturalist 172: 149-159.
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