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Blue- green algae formed akinetes in cultures at water temperatures of 10 to 37˚C depending upon the species (Table 5). Most of the green algae investigated reproduced in cultures optimally at 20- 25˚C, but Scenedesmus obliquus and Ulva fenestrata formed gametes at 15˚C and Urospora sp. at 4˚C (Table 5). Different diatoms showed sexuality and resting spore formation at 2- 30˚C. Temperatures most favorable for reproduction of red algae assessed were 10- 20˚C, but subarctic Clathromorphum formed conceptacles at 2- 3˚C. Reproduction in brown algae occurred at somewhat lower temperatures than in red algae assessed (Table 5). In a brown alga, different life cycle stages may occur in different seasons since they have different temperature optima. In kelp members (Halosiphon=Chorda, Macrocystis), gametogenesis occurred at somewhat lower temperatures than zoosporogenesis. Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (= Gonyaulax tamarensis) formed sexual stages at 10- 12˚C and Gymnodinium pseudopalustre formed gametes at 15˚C (Table 5). Chrysophyceae members formed statospores at temperatures less than 20˚C and a Raphidophyceae member Gonyostomum formed resting cysts at temperatures less than 10˚C (Table 5).

Table 5 Optimum temperature (˚C) to induce reproduction in different algae

Alga Structure/ Optimum Reference

process induced temperature


Anabaena crassa, Akinete 10 and 15 Li et al. 1997

A. flos-aquae,

A. mucosa, A. spiroides,

A. ucrainica
Anabaena doliolum Akinete 32 ± 2 Pandey and

(also growth) Kashyap 1987

Anabaena torulosa Akinete 37 > 32 > 29 Fernandes and

Thomas 1982

Cylindrospermopsis Akinete 15- 25 Moore et al. 2003,

raciborskii 2005
Nodularia spumigena Akinete 32 Pandey and

Talpasayi 1980;

Pandey 1989
Spirulina strain Cell division 30 Raoof and

Kaushik 2002

Anadyomene stellata, Swarmer 23- 25 Jónsson 1962;

A. wrightii Enomoto and

Hirose 1970

Chlamydomonas Zoospore 21 Mergenhagen 1980


(wild type strain)

Chlamydomonas Zygospore 26 Trainor 1958

Chlorella sp. Cell division 27- 33 Novak and Brune


Cladophora glomerata Zoosporogenesis 15- 20 McNaught 1964;

Mason 1965;

Bellis and McLarty

1967; Jansson 1974;

Hoffman and

Graham 1984

Akinete 0- 27 Mason 1965

(Year round)

Closterium acerosum Conjugation 18- 22 Vidyavati and

Nizam 1973

Coleochaete scutata Zoospore 20- 25 Graham et al. 1984,

Cosmarium botrytis Zygospore 20- 30 Starr 1955

Enteromorpha Reproduction < 30 Mairh et al. 1986

Enteromorpha Swarmer 20- 25 Dan et al. 2002;

prolifera release/ asexual Fu et al. 2008


Gayralia spp. Zoospore 22 Pellizzari

induction, (at 20 psu et al. 2008

release salinity)
Haematococcus Gametogenesis > 30 Schulze 1927

Micrasterias Zygote 20- 28 Imaizumi and

thomasiana formation Doida 1990
Monostroma sp. Zoospore 5- 14 Tatewaki 1972
Oedogonium Oogonia, 25 > 20 Starr 1960

cardiacum antheridia
Oedogonium sp. Oogonial 20 Rawitscher-Kunkel

mother cell and Machlis 1962

Pithophora oedogonia Akinete 20- 25 Agrawal and Sarma

1983; Agrawal and

Singh 2000
Protosiphon botryoides Zoospore 20- 30 Stewart and

formation (maximum O’Kelley 1966

at 25˚C)
Gamete 23- 26 Klebs 1896; Oltmanns

formation 1922; Maher 1946,


Rhizoclonium Zoospore 22 Gupta and Agrawal

hieroglyphicum formation, 2004 b


Scenedesmus Gametogenesis 15 Trainor and Burg

obliquus (to tolerate 1965 b; Cain and

> 28˚C as zygotes) Trainor 1976;

Trainor 1980, 1996
Stigeoclonium pascheri Zoospore 25- 30 Agrawal 1993
Akinete 25 Agrawal and Sarma

1982 a
Ulothrix acrorhiza Akinete 25 Ohgai and Toraya 1980

Ulothrix zonata Zoosporogenesis 20 Graham et al. 1985
Ulva fasciata Gametophytes 20 Mohsen et al. 1973 a
Zoospore induction 25 Mantri et al. 2011

Zoospore release 26 Subbaramaiah 1970

Ulva fenestrata Sporo- and 15 Kalita and Tytlianov

gametogenesis 2003

Ulva mutabilis Meiotic zoospore 21-22 Nordby 1977
Ulva pertusa Zoospore 15- 20 Hiraoka and Enomoto

1998; Han and Choi

Ulva spinulosa Zoospore 20 Hiraoka et al. 2003
Urospora sp. Gametogenesis 4 Kornmann 1961

Chaetoceros diadema Resting spore 2- 15 French and Hargraves

(at which it 1985

grew vegetatively)
Chaetoceros laciniosus Spermatogenesis 5 Jensen et al. 2003

(in small cells)

Cocconeis scutellum Sexuality 10- 14 Mizuno and Okuda

Coscinodiscus Spermatogenesis 30 Werner 1971

asteromphalus (an increase in

light intensity also)

Eunotia soleirolii Spore 24 von Stosch and

Fecher 1979

Leptocylindrus danicus Resting spore 2- 15 French and

(at which it Hargraves 1985

grew vegetatively)

Sexuality 10 and 15 French and

Hargraves 1985
Lithodesmium undulatum Sexuality 24 Manton et al. 1968

(strong light,

fresh culture)
Rhabdonema adriaticum Auxospore 15- 21 Rozumek 1968
Stephanopyxis palmeriana Auxospore 21 Drebes 1966
Resting spore 12 Drebes 1966
Stephanopyxis turris Gametes, 21 von Stosch and

auxospore Drebes 1964

Resting spore 3- 15 von Stosch and

Drebes 1964


Acrosymphyton Tetrasporangia 12 Cortel-Breeman

purpuriferum and Hoopen 1978
Bangiadulcis atropurpurea Monospore 20 Graham and

(=Bangia atropurpurea) Graham 1987

Clathromorphum Conceptacle 2- 3 Adey 1973

Colaconema proskaueri Tetrasporangia 15 West 1971

(=Acrochaetium proskaueri)

Eupogodon planus Gametangia 20 Orfanidis et al. 1999

Tetrasporangia 15- 20 Orfanidis et al. 1999

Rhodochorton Tetrasporangia 10 Dring and West

purpureum 1983


Desmarestia viridis Sex organs 3- 5 Kornmann 1962
Dictyota kunthii Tetrasporangia 20 Hoffmann and

(=Glossophora kunthii) Malbrán 1989

Halosiphon tomentosus Gametogenesis 1- 8 Maier 1984

(=Chorda tomentosa)

Macrocystis spp. Zoospore release 15 Buschmann et al.

Sporophyte growth 8 Buschmann et al.


Nereocystis luetkeana Gametes 5- 15 Vadas 1972
Petalonia fascia Zoospore 16 Hsiao 1970


Alexandrium fundyense Temporary cyst <5 Dale 1977; Anderson

(=Gonyaulax excavata) and Wall 1978

Alexandrium tamarense Sexual stages minimum Anderson et al. 1983

(=Gonyaulax tamarensis) 10- 12

Hypnozygote 22 Anderson 1980
Cyst 21 Anderson et al. 1984

Gymnodinium Gametes 15 von Stosch 1973

Gyrodinium uncatenum Cyst 23- 27 Anderson et al.

Peridinium cinctum Cyst 6 or 22 Grigorszky et al. 2006

Dinobryon cylindricum Statospore < 20 Sandgren 1986

(with 2 nuclei)

Dinobryon divergens Statospore 12- 17 Ruttner 1930;

Sheath et al. 1975

Synura petersenii Statospore < 20 Sandgren and

Flanagin 1986

Gonyostomum semen Resting cyst < 10 Cronberg 2005

Nutrient depletion

Induction of reproduction in many algae by nutrient limitation appears to be the result of reduction in cell division and cessation of growth. Culture media free or depleted of nitrogen, phosphorus or both, or of silicon, iron, sulfate or calcium induced akinete formation, sexuality or encystment (to tolerate nutrient shortage) in some algae (Table 6). An increase in cell density led to nutrient depletion and which was the most likely cause for cyst formation in dinoflagellates. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii formed gametes (to form zygotes) in response to nitrogen depletion (Table 6) but gametes can dedifferentiate to vegetative state by any nitrogen compounds which cells can use for growth. Silicon depletion induced resting spore formation in Eunotia soleirolli (Table 6). Nitrogen- fixing blue- green algae required two orders of magnitude more iron (because iron is a component of nitrogenase enzyme complex) than non- diazotrophic organisms (Raven 1988) and iron limitation induced akinete formation in Anabaena cylindrica (Table 6).

Table 6 Nutrients deficiency induced initiation of reproduction in some algae

Alga or flora Structure/ Inducing factor Reference

process induced

A. Nitrogen limitation or minimal medium inducing reproduction

Anabaena circinalis Akinete Lack of sodium Fay et al. 1984


Anabaena doliolum Akinete Starvation of Singh and

nitrate, nitrite, Srivastava 1968;

or ammonium Tyagi 1974;

(an increase in Rao et al. 1987;

C/ N ratio is linked Pandey and

with synthesis of Kashyap 1989

additional wall layers)

Anabaena sp. Akinete Minimal medium Räsänen et al. 2006
Anabaena torulosa Akinete Minimal medium Fernandes and

Thomas 1982

Calothrix sp. strain Hormogonium Absence of Herdman and

combined Rippka 1988;

nitrogen Damerval et al.


Cylindrospermum sp. Akinete Nitrogen, Glade 1914

Nutrient depletion

Gloeotrichia echinulata Akinete Absence of Wyman and Fay

combined 1986


Nostoc punctiforme, Akinete Nitrogen Harder 1917;

Nostoc sp. deficiency Ahluwalia and

Kumar 1983

Chlamydomonas Sexuality Nitrogen depletion Trainor 1958

Chlamydomonas Gametogenesis Nitrogen, nutrient Bernstein and

eugametos deficiency; sodium Jahn 1955; Lorch

starvation 1972; Lorch and

Karlander 1973;

Tomson et al.

Chlamydomonas Gametogenesis Nitrogen- free Nečas and

geitleri liquid medium Pavingerová 1980;

Nečas 1981, 1982

a, b; Nečas and

Tetik 1985; Sulek

Chlamydomonas Homothallic Nitrogen starvation Van Den Ende

monoica sexual that did not limit et al. 1992; Van

reproduction, cell division Winkle-Swift

mating et al. 1998


Chlamydomonas Gametogenesis Depletion of nitrate, Sager and Granick

reinhardtii ammonium, urea, 1954; Kates and

and glutamine Jones 1964; Martin

and Goodenough

1975; Wiese 1984;

Treier et al. 1989;

Weissig and Beck

1991, Matsuda

et al. 1992;

Goodenough et al.

Chlamydomonas Gametogenesis, Lowering or Tsubo 1956;

sp. 24 sexuality withdrawal of Kates and Jones

nitrogen 1964

Chlorococcum Gametogenesis, Low levels of O’Kelley 1983,

echinozygotum Zygospore nitrate, ammonia, 1984

glutamine or urea

Closterium moniliferum Conjugation KNO3 < 1.3 mM Dubois-Tylski 1977

Closterium Pairing of Nitrogen Ichimura 1971;

peracerosum- conjugants, deficiency Kato et al. 1981; Strigosum zygote Akatsuka et al. littorale formation 2003
Coelastrum sp., Gametogenesis Nitrogen Trainor and Burg

C. microporum deficiency 1965 a; Trainor

Cylindrocystis Sexuality, Nitrogen Pringsheim 1918;

brebissonii conjugation omission Biebel and

Chamberlain 1970

Dunaliella sp. Sexual Dilution with Lerche 1937

reproduction two parts of

distilled water
Golenkinia Sexuality Nitrogen or Ellis and Machlis

minutissima (phosphorus) 1968


Haematococcus Cyst Nitrogen Kakizono et al.

pluvialis deficiency 1992
Mesotaenium Gametogenesis, Nitrate Tiftickjian and

kramstai pairing depletion Rayburn 1986

Micrasterias Zygote Nitrogen Imaizumi and

thomasiana depletion Doida 1990

Mougeotia sp. Conjugation N- depletion, Stabenau and

(high light Säftel 1989



Netrium digitus Conjugation Nitrogen Biebel 1964,

omission 1973

Oedogonium Sexuality Nitrogen Hoffman 1960

borysienum limitation

Oedogonium Sexuality Nitrogen Gussewa 1931

capillare limitation
Oedogonium Sexual Low nitrate, Hill and Machlis

cardiacum stages mineral- deficient 1970; Coss and

medium Pickett- Heaps

1973; Hill 1980
Oedogonium Oogonia Nitrogen- Singh and

hatei formation deficient Chaudhary 1990

Chu- 10 medium

Pandorina morum Conjugation Lowering or Coleman 1958

omission of

Pandorina unicocca Sexuality, Nitrogen Coleman 1962;

strains 101- 104 zygote deficiency Rayburn 1974;

(sulfate Rayburn and

deficiency) Starr 1974

Pithophora Akinete Nitrogen Ernst 1908;

oedogonia deficiency John and

in Bold’s Anderson 1976;

basal medium O’Neal et al 1985

Platydorina caudata Gametogenesis Nitrogen Harris and Starr

deficiency 1969

Rhizoclonium Biflagellate Nitrogen Nienhuis 1974

riparium spores deficiency
Scenedesmus Gametogenesis Nitrogen Trainor 1963, 1980;

obliquus deficiency Trainor and Burg

(at 15˚C) 1965 a; Cain and

Trainor 1976
Spirogyra spp. Conjugation, Nitrogen Pessoney 1968;

zygote depletion Grote 1977;

formation (high C/ N Yamashita and

ratio) Sasaki 1979;

Simons et al. 1984
Spongiochloris Zoospore, Nitrogen McLean and Trainor

typica akinete deficiency 1965; McLean 1968
Ulva fasciata Gametogenesis Nitrogen depletion Mohsen et al. 1974

Zygnema Lateral Low nitrogen Pouličkova et al.

chalybeospermum conjugation concentrations 2007
Zygnematacean Conjugation Low nitrogen Van Den Hoek

species concentrations et al. 1995

Ophiocytium mains Zoospores Nitrate- free Pecora and

medium Rhodes 1973

Chaetoceros Resting spore Nitrogen French and

diadema, formation deficiency Hargraves 1980,

C. didymus, 1985; Hollibaugh

C.sociale, et al. 1981;

C. teres Itakura et al.

Detonula Resting spore Nitrogen Durbin 1978

confervacea formation limitation
Eunotia soleirolii Resting spore Nitrogen von Stosch and

formation deficiency Fecher 1979


silicon, iron

Leptocylindrus Resting spore, Nitrogen Davis et al. 1980;

danicus Sexuality limitation French and

Hargraves 1980,

Stephanopyxis Resting spore Nitrogen Drebes 1966;

palmeriana, formation (or phosphorus) French and

S. turris deficiency Hargraves 1980

Thalassiosira Physiological Nitrogen Peters and

antarctica, resting stage exhaustion Thomas 1996

T. rotula

Thalassiosira Resting spore Nitrate- Durbin 1978;

nordenskioeldii formation depletion Sugie and Kuma

(iron depletion) 2008

(at 10˚C)

Rhodothamniella Tetraspore Nitrogen Knaggs 1967

floridula formation deficiency



Alexandrium Sexuqlity, Nitrogen Turpin et al. 1978;

tamarense encystment (or phosphorus) Anderson et al.

(=Gonyaulax limitation, low 1984; Anderson

tamarensis) nutrient and Lindquist

concentration 1985

Ceratium furcoides Encystment Nitrogen Hickel 1988

(or phosphorus)


Crypthecodinium Sexual Nitrogen Tuttle and

cohnii reproduction, (or phosphorus) Loeblich 1975

cyst deficiency

Glenodinium Sexual Nitrogen Diwald 1938

lubiensiforme reproduction deficiency
Gonyaulax Sexuality Nitrogen- Walker and

monilata deprived medium Steidinger 1979

Gymnodinium Sexuality Nitrogen von Stosch 1973

pseudopalustre omission

Peridinium cinctum, Gametes Nitrogen Pfiester 1975, 1976,

P. gatunense, formation, deficient 1977; Pfiester and

P. volzii, hypnozygote medium Skvarla 1979;

P. willei formation, Chapman and

encystment Pfiester 1995;

Grigorszky et al.


Scrippsiella Encystment Nitrogen Watanabe et al.

lachrymosa, (or phosphorus) 1982; Olli and

S. trochoidea limitation Anderson 2002

Woloszynskia Gametogenesis, Nitrogen von Stosch 1973

apiculata sexuality, (or phosphorus)

cyst limitation, lack of

major nutrients

Dinobryon Asexual and Nitrogen stress Sandgren 1981

cylindricum sexual encystment

B. Phosphorus limitation initiated reproduction

Anabaena Akinete Phosphorus Van Dok and

circinalis limitation Hart 1996
Anabaena Akinete Phosphorus Wolk 1965

cylindrica deficiency
Anabaena sp., Akinete Phosphate Kaushik et al. 1971;

A. doliolum starvation Reddy 1976;

Pandey and

Kashyap 1987
Anabaena Akinete Phosphorus Olli et al. 2005

lemmermannii limitation
Anabaena Akinete Phosphorus Fernandes and

torulosa deficiency Thomas 1982;

(addition of Sarma et al.

C and N) 2000, 2004
Aphanizomenon Akinete Phosphorus- Gentile and

flos-aquae free medium Maloney 1969
Cylindrospermum sp., Akinete Phosphate Glade 1914;

C. trichotosporum omission Wolk 1965;

Reddy 1976;

Lang 1980

Fischerella Akinete Phosphate Kaushik et al. 1971

muscicola starvation
Gloeotrichia Akinete Phosphorus Karlsson-

echinulata depletion Elfgren et al. 2003

Nodularia Akinete Phosphorus Pandey and

spumigena depletion Talpasayi 1980
Nostoc Akinete Phosphorus Wong and

punctiforme limitation Meeks 2002;

(P is needed Meeks et al. 2002;

for ATP Argueta and

synthesis) Summers 2005

Nostoc sp. Akinete Phosphorus and Innok et al. 2009

VICCR1- 1 (iron) omission


Stigeoclonium sp. Akinete Phosphorus Martin and

strain limitation Whitton 1987

Aulacoseira Sporulation Decline in Jewson et al. 2008

skvortzowii phosphate

(< 15- 20 µg/L)

Alexandrium Encystment Phosphorus Figueroa et al. 2005

catenella deficiency
Alexandrium Encystment Low P/ N ratio Figueroa et al. 2011


Gloeodinium Gametogenesis Phosphorus Kelley and

montanum limitation Pfiester 1990

Gymnodinium Gametogenesis Phosphorus Blackburn et al.

catenatum limitation 1989
C. Depletion of both nitrogen and phosphorus initiated reproduction

Vaucheria Sexuality N and P limitation Aberg and Fries

dichotoma 1976

Peridinium Encystment N and P limitation Sako et al. 1984

Gymnodinium Encystment N and P limitation Figueroa et al. 2006

Gyrodinium Encystment N and P limitation Anderson et al. 1985


D. Depletion of nutrients other than N and P initiated reproduction

Anabaena Akinete Depletion of Sinclair and

cylindrica iron Whitton 1977
Aphanizomenon Akinete Depletion of Sukenik et al.

ovalisporum potassium 2009
Westiellopsis Akinete Depletion of Agrawal and

prolifica calcium, boron, Sharma 1994


Halimeda sp. Sporulation Iron deficiency Tullock 1997


Skeletonema Auxospore Silicon depletion Davis et al. 1973

Thalassiosira Resting spore Iron depletion Sugie and Kuma

nordenskioeldii (at 5˚C) 2008

Alexandrium Gametes Iron limitation Doucette et al.

tamarense 1989

Requirement of inorganic substances and nutrients

Inorganic carbon compounds like carbon dioxide, bicarbonate or carbonate are usual source of carbon to algae and favored reproduction in many algae (Table 7). When carbon dioxide concentration is increased in the air over the culture media, a number of freshwater green algae becomes reproductive, e.g. Oedogonium spp. formed zoospores; Cosmarium, Closterium, Micrasterias and Staurestrum performed conjugation; Stigeoclonium turned reproductive; and Volvox formed gonidia (Table 7). This is believed to be a nutritive (and not pH) effect. Bicarbonate or carbonate has also been reported to induce akinete formation in Anabaena torulosa and Nodularia spumigena (Table 7). Of course, given the fundamental importance of the relative amounts of C, N, and P (i. e. the Redfield ratio), enrichment of carbon can potentially be perceived as a limitation of nitrogen and phosphorus.

Presence of sufficient nitrate, phosphate or both induced reproduction in many algae (Table 7) and this may be because of sufficient algal growth requirement. Calcium, magnesium, sulfate and iron are needed for algal reproduction (Table 7) because of their specific role. Formation of akinetes in cultures of Anabaena cylindrica containing low concentrations of inorganic phosphate exhibited calcium2+ dependency (Wolk 1965). Sodium was needed for sexuality in diatoms Cyclotella, Coscinodiscus and Licmophora (Table 7). Although importance of boron and iodine in nature remains to be demonstrated, boron in limited levels was required for reproduction in Dictyota dichotoma and embryo development in Fucus edentatus. Iodine was implicated in growth and reproduction of Ectocarpus siliculosus and Petalonia fascia (Table 7).

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