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Heritability and genetic correlation between the sexes in a songbird sexual ornament

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0.56 (1.0)












0.43 (1.0)






0.31 (0.5)






0.88 (1.3)



Paternal half-brothers




0.43 (1.0)


Maternal half-brothers




0.93 (0.5)


Maternal grandfather–grandson




0.39 (0.5)



Paternal grandfather–grandson




0.74 (1.0)


The h2 values assume autosomal inheritance; h2

values are

0 males females
Figure 2 Box plots of variation in size of the ornament in both sexes in Iberian pied flycatchers; shown are medians (solid squares), non- outlier range (whiskers), 25–75% quartiles (rectangles) and outliers.

heritability estimates assuming complete Z-linked inheritance; coef. denote coefficients applied to the familial regressions and analysis of variances (ANOVAs) when assuming complete Z-linked inheri- tance; h2 is not given for the mother–daughter regression as is predicted to be 0. N is the number of families used in each analysis.

Figure 3 Relationships of standardised size of the ornament in adult offspring of both sexes on those of their fathers and mothers. Lines are fits from linear regressions, with regression coefficients (b) indicated in each case. Note that doubled b coefficients do not equal heritabilities in Table 1 due to the latter being corrected for assortative mating with respect to FP size.

Figure 4 Linear regressions of males’ ornament size (WPS, in mm2) on those of their foster and genetic male parents. Data from a clutch exchange experiment in 2006. The h2 values are doubled regression coefficients.

Z-linked inheritance and maternal effect

The high heritabilities with both male grandparents and, in particular, the fact that the maternal half-sib estimate

greatly exceeds the theoretical maximum for heritability

(Table 1) gives support to the hypothesis that genes influencing FP size may not be situated on the autosomes

but, rather, on the sex chromosomes (Houde, 1992; Roff,

1997). Under Z-linkage, the coefficient of coancestry for

full-brothers becomes 3/4, and that between mothers and daughters should be 0 (see column h2 in Table 1;

Trivers, 1985; Lynch and Walsh, 1997). Assuming complete Z-linked inheritance, the maternal grand-

father–grandson estimate takes a value similar to those based on parent–offspring comparisons (Table 1). How-

ever, the resemblance among maternal half-brothers remained very high (Table 1). This suggests that some

of our heritability estimates may be inflated by some type of maternal effect.

There was a positive relationship between the mothers condition while rearing nestlings and size of the

ornament her young of both sexes developed at adult- hood, after accounting for maternal and paternal genetic

influence (Table 2). Further, maternal condition inter- acted with the size of the male parent ornament, so that

individuals grew larger FPs in adulthood when they were sired by fathers bearing large ornaments and

mothers in prime condition (Table 2). In addition, there was a significant influence of hatching date on ornament

size that was dependent on individual’s sex. Females born late in the season grew larger FPs than females born

early in the season, while in males FP size did not vary in relation to hatching phenology (Table 2).

Table 2 Results of the GLIMMIX model explaining variation in standardised forehead patch (FP) size as a function of individual sex, birth date and paternal and maternal FP size and condition

w hile individuals were being cared for by their parents

age-dependent expression in female pied flycatchers

(Potti, 1993; J Potti and D Canal, paper under review)



Estimate (s.e.)


P However, even within these sample size constraints, we

made unfeasible designing cross-fostering experiments to address the heritability of trait size in this sex.

Intercept 1, 8 —0.07 (0.21) 0.12 0.7313

Sex 1, 60 —0.06 (0.24) 0.06 0.8016

Hatching date 1, 60 0.83 (0.32) 6.19 0.0157
Sex x hatching date

Female 1, 60 0.79 (0.35) 5.12 0.0272

Male 0 — — — Size of father ’s FP 1, 60 0.43 (0.10) 17.91 0.0000

Size of mother ’s FP 1, 60 0.30 (0.11) 8.02 0.0063

Mother condition 1, 60 0.23 (0.12) 3.89 0.0531a

have been able to suggest for the first time a significant genetic component to threshold sex trait expression in female vertebrates. Our testing of predictions of Z-linked vs autosomal inheritance stemming from Sætre et al. (2003) work gave evidence in support of both models, while discarding independent genetic control of trait size in males and females as recently suggested for the dung beetle Onthophagus sagittarius (Watson and Simmons,

2010). Below we discuss supporting evidence for auto- somal and Z-linked inheritance of FP size and its

Size of father ’s FP x

mother condition

1, 60 0.23 (0.09) 5.84 0.0187

expression in female pied flycatchers.

Before discussing the implications of our findings, we

Only significant explanatory fixed factors and covariates and/or

involved in significant interactions in the final model are shown. aEstimate (s.e.) for mother ’s condition after removing the father ’s FP x mother condition interaction term ¼ 0.25 (0.12), F ¼ 4.23, 61 d.f., P ¼ 0.0442.

Between-sex genetic correlation in ornament size

The phenotypic between-sex correlation (rp) in FP size estimated from the female–male, full-sib comparison was rp (s.e.) ¼ 0.41. (0.030); N ¼ 28, Po0.03. The estimate for the genetic correlation is rMF ¼ 0.87 (s.e. 0.24), which does not differ significantly from rG ¼ 1 (t ¼ —0.54, P40.50) while differing significantly from zero (t ¼ 3.62, Po0.001). This points out to a common genetic basis for the trait in both sexes, leaving little scope for the independent evolution of ornament size in each sex.

We have shown that a secondary sex trait differentially expressed by all males and over one-third of females in a southern European population of pied flycatchers has a genetic basis common to both sexes. Males resembled both their male and female parents in the standardised size of their ornament, while females only resembled significantly to their fathers. To the best of our knowl- edge, this is one of the few studies measuring the phenotype of a secondary sexual trait in both parents and progeny as breeding adults and suggesting its genetic transmission through both germ lines in wild populations (review in Poissant et al., 2009). Previously, Roulin et al. (2001 and Roulin and Dijkstra, 2003) capitalised on the fact that both sexes express plumage

‘quality’ signals at the late nestling stage in barn owls to show that those traits also were genetically correlated between the sexes. As ours, their results implied that selection on one sex for a trait value would indirectly impose selection toward similar values in the other sex and that genes for sex-specific traits can be expressed in the other one because of the between-sex genetic correlation (Lande, 1980, 1987). Although it may be argued that our long-term non-experimental approach could suffer from environmental causes of resemblance (cf. Roulin et al., 2001; Rowe and Day, 2006), our cross- fostering experiment unambiguously demonstrated a significant additive genetic component to the trait, at least in males. Limited expression of the ornament and

should briefly consider if extra-pair fertilisations, which being relatively frequent in pied flycatchers (Lifjeld et al.,

1991; Gelter and Tegelstro¨ m, 1992; Bru¨ n et al., 1996; Moreno et al., 2010), could be biasing our estimates of resemblance. Our data on extra pair fertilisations (D Canal, J Potti and JA Da´ vila, paper under review) do not allow for a proper estimation of their effect on trait heritability because of a combination of two events with low frequency, that is, recruiting to adult age (which is needed for the ornament being measured; average recruitment rate ¼ 14%, both sexes combined; N ¼ 14 years and 4536 fledglings; Potti and Montalvo, 1991b, Lehtonen et al., 2009) and being sired by a male other than the social ‘father ’ (average rate of extra-pair paternity about 15%; D Canal and J Potti, unpublished data). However, as there is no intraspecific brood parasitism in our population, heritabilities calculated with mothers are less prone to this kind of bias than those made with fathers, when mistakenly taking the cuckolded males caring for young in a nest as the genetic father should decrease male–offspring resemblances (Charmantier and Re´ ale, 2005). Further, ‘classical’ (that is, autosomal) heritabilities did not differ in relation to the sex of parents, suggesting that the unknown rate of misassigned paternity in our long-term database is not biasing the estimates of heritability. In this sense, the absence of differences between both grandparent–grand- offspring estimates of resemblance suggests that the effect of extra-pair paternity is not strong because, if it were, we should expect a lower resemblance for grand- offspring in the paternal line. Thus, we conclude that, irrespective of the mode of inheritance of ornament size, the heritabilities here presented are likely conservative estimates.

The forehead ornament of black-and-white, European Ficedula flycatchers has been proposed as being linked to the Z chromosome on the basis of evidence based on variation in single-nucleotide polymorphisms (Sætre et al., 2003), although the investigators were careful in recognising that other phenomena, such as the co-linearity they noted between the Z chromosome and autosomes, could have influenced the patterns they observed. Our evidence was mixed when patterns of inheritance (autosomal vs Z-linked) in ornament size were explored. On one hand, the FP size in females was nearly half the size, on average, of that of males. This is consistent with a model based on Z-linked additive genetic inheritance without dosage compensation in

which heterogametic WZ females would express a trait

half the size, on average, of that of homogametic sex

(Ellegren et al., 2007). However, the caveat should be made that the overall degree of dosage compensation, or

lack thereof, in the avian sex chromosomes is still unresolved because (1) genomic studies have found

large variation, ranging from 0.8 to 42.4-fold increases, in levels of expression of Z-linked genes in males relative

to females but, (2) differences in the genomic dose of genes usually lead to differences in trait expression that

are lower than differences in gene doses, leading to male:

female expression ratios being, on average, lower than 2

(Itoh et al., 2007). Therefore, although a doubled male:

female ratio in ornament size cannot be taken in isolation

as unambiguous support for the hypothesis of Z-linkage, its finding gives some support to hypotheses based on

Z-linkage without dosage compensation if accompanied by additional evidence. In this sense, and consistent with

Z linkage, maternal half-sibs showed a large resemblance in ornament size, contrasting with the low one found

among paternal half-sibs (Table 1). On the other hand, however, the lack of significant differences between

slopes of parent–sons/daughters regressions, and also the fact that grandsons resembled their maternal and

paternal grandfathers to a similar degree, gave support to an autosomal model of inheritance. Further, our

comparisons showed that patterns of female expression of the ornament are fully consistent with autosomal


In conclusion, our results point out that both Z-linked

and autosomal inheritance may be involved in trait size and expression. In addition to the co-linearity suggested

by Sætre et al., 2003, other processes such as epistatic non-linear interactions between the Z chromosome

and autosomes could be at work. The similar resem-

blance among grandsons and their maternal and paternal grandfather could be due to epistatic non-linear

interactions between the Z chromosome and autosomes increasing the slope of the paternal grandfather regres-

sion, as suggested for sperm length inheritance in dung flies (Ward, 2000). However, the structure of our data

does not allow testing this idea and, nevertheless, these estimates had large s.e. Besides genetic factors, maternal

effects, one type of environmental contribution with potentially far-reaching consequences to familial resem-

blance in ornament size (Badyaev, 2002) could be also influencing patterns of trait size inheritance by inflating

(for example, Houde, 1992) some of our heritability estimates (Table 1). In fact, the high resemblance among

half-sibs of maternal origin also points out to some type of parental effect(s), as individuals in both sexes grew

larger ornaments in adulthood when they had been reared by mothers who were themselves in prime

condition (Table 2). Maternal effects would likely operate through enhanced development early in the ontogeny

that would increase the fitness prospects to offspring reared by parents in good condition and/or breeding in

high quality territories (Potti and Merino, 1994; Potti,

1999; Qvarnstro¨ m, 1999; Badyaev, 2002).

Other explanations to our results cannot be examined

with phenotypic data in isolation but could possibly be

tested through ‘omics’ approaches. For instance, pleio- tropy would tend to obscure the relationship between-

sex linkage and antagonist sexual selection (Fitzpatrick,

2004) usually going on when sexual selection on an

ornament in one sex is stronger than natural selection

acting against it in the other sex (Mank et al., 2008).

Although not common in birds (O’Neill et al., 2000), genetic mechanisms as genomic imprinting for sex traits

could be at work in the chromosomes of Ficedula

flycatchers. Speculatively, the small recombinant portion

of the W chromosome (the pseudoautosomal region; Mank and Ellegren, 2007) could also have a role in

boosting between-female resemblance. Both the Z chro- mosome and autosomes (likely involved in at least trait

expression threshold in females) could be jointly implied in the development of differentially expressed secondary

sex traits (reviewed in Fairbairn and Roff, 2006), with trait size also possibly being mediated by maternal

effects. Further, relatively low (threshold) heritability of trait expression in females suggests that environmental

variance may have a large influence on female ornament expression. Only then additive genetic variance for

ornament size manifests itself in the female phenotype. Hormonal control of gene expression (McKenna and

O’Malley, 2002) could be at work as a correlate of age- related hormonal changes in females (Gil et al., 2006).

Although several physiological mechanisms have been found to control sexual colour dimorphism in birds, male

colouration in songbirds is generally dependent on high titres of luteinizing hormone (Kimball and Ligon, 1999).

It is expected that expression of male traits in females would be based on male-like modifications of the typical

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