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Global environment facility governments of colombia, ecuador, peru and venezuela

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Annex 5: Low-impact Land-use practices in Paramos

During the design phase of the project, a group of experts identified and analyzed a series of productive activities with low impact (environmental and social) on the Paramo. This task was carried out through an Infoandina electronic conference as well as field visits to different Paramo areas in the four participating countries. An initial diagnosis of the effects of such practices in the visited localities has already been developed. However, due to the large number of variables considered, most of the practices still require further analysis to define more clearly their impact on Paramos.

Particularly in the area of Ecotourism, PDF-B analysis shows that even though this activity may constitute a possible source of additional income for Paramo inhabitants, only very few areas would have real possibilities for substantial benefits and, it does not appear to be a major potential source of income for the population in general as an alternative to traditional income generating activities, at least in the medium term. Some of the analyzed areas that exploit this option differ in their characteristics from Paramo and lie outside of the project intervention area. Paramo sites in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are not easily accessible and not likely to attract a critical mass of tourists with sufficient spending capacity. This being said, the option for ecotourism development is open and the list includes several potential sites.
The analyzed practices constitute a catalog that will be an important input for the development of sustainable development plans for different Paramo areas. The complete catalog can be perused at A description of each practice and the site where it was identified and analyzed follows:
Biodiversity and Tourism:

  1. Use of Paramo straw by the artisans of Guacamayas. Department of Boyacá, municipality of Guacamayas, Colombia.

  2. Sale of wild Paramo flowers. Department of Cundinamarca, municipalities of Bogotá D.C and La Calera, Colombia.

  3. Propagation of endemic threatened Paramo flora. Department of Boyacá, municipality El Cocuy, Natural National Park El Cocuy, Colombia.

  4. Ecotourism in the a-zonal Paramos bordering the lake of La Cocha. Department of Nariño, municipality of Pasto, Colombia.

  5. Ecotourism in the Paramo bordering the lake of Telpis, Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras. Department of Nariño, municipalities of Pasto, Tangua, Yacuanquer, Consacá, Sandoná and La Florida, Colombia.

  6. Ecotourism in Natural National Park El Cocuy. Departments of Boyacá, Arauca and Casanare, municipalities of Güicán and Cocuy, Colombia.

  7. Plan of ecotourism development for the Mamapacha and Bijagual Massifs. Department of Boyacá, Colombia.

  8. Management of natural resources in the Paramo of Atapo Quichalán. Province of Chimborazo, municipality Guamote, parish of Palmira, communities of Guantug, Guasán, Santa Elena and Santa Cruz, Ecuador.

  9. Straw management for handcrafts in the Community of Cruz del Arenal. Provinces of Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Bolívar, Fauna Production Reserve of Chimborazo, Ecuador.

  10. Ecotourism in the Yanahurco Hacienda, Cotopaxi and Antisana Ecological Reserves, Ecuador.

  11. Community Ecotourism in Chimborazo (Federation of Indigenous Rural Organizations of the Slopes of Chimborazo), FOCIFCH, Ecuador.

  12. Programs of community ecotourism in Chimborazo. Provinces of Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Bolívar, Ecuador.

  13. Ecotourism project of the indigenous community of Oyacachi. Province of Napo, municipality Chaco, parish Oyacachi, Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve, Ecuador.

  14. Introduction, management and use of vicuña in the Fauna Production Reserve of Chimborazo. Provinces of Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Bolívar, Ecuador.

  15. Rural tourism in the Natural Parks Sierra Nevada and Sierra de la Culata and buffer areas. State of Merida, municipality of Rangel, Venezuela.

  16. Tourism in the cable-car of Merida. State of Merida, municipality of Merida, Venezuela.

  17. Trout cultivation in Valle Encantado. State of Merida, municipality of Rangel, town of Gaviria, Venezuela

  18. Use of natural wool dyes, Textile School “La Chamarra.” State of Merida, municipality of Rangel, Venezuela.

  19. Recovery of water sources with native plants. State of Merida, municipality of Rangel, Venezuela.

  20. Initiative to use medicinal plants, (National Committee for the use of the medicinal plants) CONAPLAMER. State of Merida, municipality of Rangel, Venezuela.

  21. “The Honey House” and “Mayan Honey”, production of honey and by-products starting from bees fed in the Paramo. State of Merida, municipality of Rangel, town of Gavidia, Venezuela.

  22. Education and popularization for Paramo populations, Ecoazul. State of Merida, municipality of Merida, Venezuela.

Other possible current or future cases (not analyzed in detail):

  1. Use of Paramo straw for the elaboration of hats in the municipality of Sandoná and elaboration of medicines, creams and shampoos from resources of the Paramo, department of Nariño, slopes of the Galeras volcano, Colombia.

  2. Ecotourism in the Paramo of Belmira. Department of Antioquia, municipality of Belmira, Colombia.

  3. Ecotourism in Cajamarca. Department of Cajamarca, Peru.

  4. Ecotourism in Huaraz. Department of Ancash, Peru.

  5. Ecotourism in the Natural National Park Los Nevados. Departments of Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda and Tolima, Colombia.

  6. Use of frailejón leaves for the transport of ice in the Paramo of Cumbal. Department of Nariño, Colombia.

  7. Extraction of wild flowers packed in frailejón for sale in Bogotá. Department of Cundinamarca, municipality of la Calera, Colombia.

  8. Use of curí skin. Departments of Nariño and Cauca, Colombia.

  9. Food security projects with the use and management of Armadillo in Chiquita. Department of Boyacá, adjacent to the Fauna and Flora Sanctuary of Iguaque, Colombia.

  10. Food security projects with the use and management of Agouti in the PNN Munchique. Department of Cauca, Colombia.

  11. Breeding of Agouti taczanowsky for self-consumption, investigations already in place for prompt application in Paramos of Cruz Verde, Choachí and adjacent. Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia.


  1. Geo-environmental studies for the feasibility phase of the Project Río Blanco. Province of Azuay, municipality Cuenca, parish Molleturo, Ecuador.

  2. Soil use in the exploratory phase of the Mozo mining area. Province of Azuay, municipality Nabón, parish Cochapata, sector Cerro El Mozo, Ecuador.

  3. Project Yanacocha, challenges for the Regional Sustainable Development of Cajamarca, Peru. (not classified as low-impact but evaluated due to its incidence on the area)

  4. Defense of the agriculture and community organization to face mining in the district of Tambogrande. Department of Piura, Peru.


  1. Massive plantation in Carboncillo. Province of Loja, municipality Saraguro, parish Urdaneta (Paquishapa), Ecuador.

  2. Pine plantations for mushroom production in Salinas de Bolívar. Province of Bolívar, parish Salinas, Ecuador.

  3. Block Plantation. Province of Tungurahua, parish Pilahuín, community Yatzaputzán, Ecuador.

  4. Agro-forestry system with native and exotic species. Community Cochabamba, Ecuador.

  5. Agro-forestry Plantation. Province of Imbabura, parish Angochagua, association Gallo Rumi, Ecuador.

  6. Community forestry development in the watersheds of Ayash and Carash. Department of Ancash, province of Huari, district of San Marcos, Peru.

  7. Management of forest seed nurseries in Callejón de Huaylás. Department of Ancash, provinces of Huaraz and Yungay, Peru.

  8. Community forestry development in the Encañada watershed. Department of Cajamarca, district La Encañada, Peru.

  9. Forestation with pine in Granja Porcón. Department of Cajamarca, district of Porcón, Peru.

  10. Reforestation in the Río Blanco basin. Department of Nariño, municipality of Cumbal, Indigenous Territory of Chiles, Colombia.

Agriculture and cattle rearing:

  1. Breeding and management of alpacas in high Andean areas and Paramos for the production of fiber as an economic alternative to cattle (bovine and sheep) and agricultural (potato) production. Province of Cañar, municipality Azogues, parish Rivera, Ecuador.

  2. Proposal for integral land management in the Paramo of Letras. Departments of Tolima and Caldas, municipality of Herveo, vereda El Doce, Colombia.

  3. Huacho rozado, a reduced potato plough system that allows the obtention of a better-quality product reducing erosion and chemical pollution. Province of the Carchi, municipality San Gabriel, Ecuador.

  4. Rotational shepherding in native pastures. Department of Ancash, province Recuay, Village of Acocancha, sector Canrey Chico, Huaylas, National Park Huascarán buffer zone, Peru.

  5. Lupinus plantation with Polylepis living fences. Department of Cajamarca, Municipality of La Encañada, Village Quinuamayo, Peru.

  6. Stone terraces for erosion control and improvement of production areas. State of Merida, municipality of Gavidia, Venezuela.

  7. Use of coverings with rice shell in strawberry cultivation. Asociación de Proyectores Integrales del Paramo (PROINPA) Angostura y El Rincón, municipality of Rangel, State of Merida, Venezuela.

  8. Association of medicinal plants. PROINPA, Rangel, Merida, Venezuela.

  9. Production of vegetables with organic fertilizer PROINPA, Merida, Venezuela.

  10. Sheep management. PROINPA, Rangel, Merida, Venezuela.

Water management:

  1. Improvement of the soil hydraulic dynamics by means of the introduction of alpacas, sustainable use of straw and intensification of agricultural activities in the lower area, Sangay National Park. Province of Chimborazo, communities Guarguallá and Alao, Ecuador.

  2. Declaration as Ecological Reserve of Paramos de El Ángel and management of the buffer area via a basin integral management approach. Province of Carchi, municipalities of Mira, Bolívar and Espejo, Ecuador.

  3. Improvement of the soil hydraulic dynamic by means of the substitution of sheep by vicuñas in the Fauna Production Reserve of Chimborazo. Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador.

  4. Water regulation in the high basin of the Machángara river by means of hydropower, drinking water and irrigation reservoirs. Provinces of Azuay and Cañar, basin of the Paute river, watershed of the Machángara river, Ecuador.

  5. Dialogue and agreement as tools for a sustainable administration of natural resources. Province of Tungurahua, Ecuador.

Some practices suggested as possibly low-impact but not yet analyzed:

  1. Protection of water sources by means of the acquisition of Paramo lands. Departments of Cundinamarca and Meta, Chingaza Natural National Park, Colombia.

  2. Protection of water sources by means of the acquisition of Paramo lands. Province of Azuay, municipality of Cuenca, Cajas National Park, Mazán, Ecuador.

  3. Protection of water sources by means of the acquisition of Paramo lands. Department of Boyacá, Paramo El Rabanal, Colombia.

  4. Low-impact regulation of natural water bodies. Departments of Cundinamarca, Meta and Huila, Paramo of Sumapáz, Colombia.

  5. Low-impact regulation of natural water bodies. Province of Azuay, municipality of Cuenca, Cajas National Park, Ecuador.

  6. Regulation in reservoirs. Departments of Cundinamarca and Meta, Chingaza Natural National Park, Colombia.

  7. Protection of water sources by means of the declaration of Protected Areas. Province of Azuay, municipality of Cuenca, Cajas National Park, Ecuador.

  8. Protection of water sources by means of the declaration of Protected Areas. State of Merida, National Park Sierra de la Culata, Venezuela.

  9. Consensual management of Paramo for conservation and water regulation. Province of Tungurahua, high basin of the Pastaza river, Ecuador.

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