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For highway construction oregon department of transportation salem, oregon

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Delineator Reflective Sheeting (Type III and Type IV) From QPL

00840.11(e)  Acceptance - In the paragraph that begins "Acceptance of target…", remove the 02850.20 reference.
00840.11(e-2)  Target Members - Make the paragraph that begins "Accompany each shipment…" a bulleted item of this subsection.
(Use the following subsection .42 when backside delineators are required. Obtain information from Designer. List locations by station or by milepoints.)
00840.42  Target Members for Delineator Posts - Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
Install delineators with backside target member and reflective sheeting as shown on the ______ highway from ______ to _____ .
(Use the following subsection .43 when milepost marker posts are included on the project.)
00840.43  Signs for Milepost Marker Posts - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Assemble, fasten, set, and align milepost marker signs and object marker signs according to Section 00940 and as shown.
(Use the following subsection .90 when milepost marker posts are included on the project.)
00840.90  Payment - Replace the paragraph that begins "Milepost marker signs…" with the following paragraph:
Signs mounted on milepost marker posts will be paid for according to 00940.90.

SP850  (04-02-09)
(When this Section is used on a project and when it has a completion date of September 15 or later, contact the Scheduler to determine if a separate completion date for striping is required. If a separate completion date is required, include an interim completion date in 00180.50(h).)


(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project but make necessary modifications to only include project specific specifications. Delete specifications that do not apply to the project.)
Comply with Section 00850 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
00850.20(b)  Equipment for Longitudinal Lines - Replace the paragraph that begins "Use equipment capable of…" with the following paragraph and bullets:
Provide equipment that can:

  • Place two parallel lines simultaneously with 4 inch minimum to 12 inch maximum spacings between the two lines.

  • Place the entire width of a line in one pass.

(Use the following subsection .20(c) when inlaid/grooved markings are required.)
00850.20(c)  Equipment for Inlaid/Grooved Markings - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Use grinding equipment with diamond grinding heads and shot-blasting equipment to create a smooth, flat-bottomed cut of uniform depth or a sloped cut as shown.
00850.46  Placement Tolerance - Replace the bullet that begins "Thickness of lines…" with the following bullet:

00850.47(b)  Curing of Material - Replace the sentence that begins "Rate the line…" with the following sentence:
Rate the line, markings, and pavement marker adhesive at the time of installation to determine if the material has properly cured.
00850.47(c)  Retroreflectivity - Replace the sentence that begins "Use a retroreflectometer…" with the following sentence:
(Note to spec writer - The metric value listed below is an industry recognized standard geometry for measuring retroreflectivity. DO NOT convert the value to an English unit.)
Use a 30 meter geometry retroreflectometer to measure the retroreflectivity within 48 hours of curing, except for paint applications:
00850.70  Disposal of Waste - Replace this subsection with the following subsection:
00850.70  Disposal of Materials - Dispose of all materials according to 00290.20.
SP855 (06-12-08) (This Section requires SP850.)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project but make necessary modifications to only include project specific specifications. Delete specifications that do not apply to the project.)

Comply with Section 00855 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00855.40(c)  Installation - In the paragraph that begins "Do not install…", replace the sentence that begins "Adjust spacing between…" with the following two sentences:
To avoid longitudinal cracks and joints, adjust pavement markers up to one half the width of the marker. To avoid transverse cracks and joints, adjust pavement markers ahead or back on line  5 inches.

SP857 (06-26-08)

(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project but make necessary modifications to only include project specific specifications. Delete specifications that do not apply to the project.)

Comply with Section 00857 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00857.40  Construction - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Clean the pavement by sweeping to remove dust and other foreign matter. Dispose of all materials according to 00290.20.
00857.80  Measurement - In the paragraph that begins "The quantities of…", replace the sentence that begins "Measurement will be…" with the following sentence:
Measurement will be made along each continuous rumble strip run, regardless of location or width of strip.

(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project but make necessary modifications to only include project specific specifications. Delete specifications that do not apply to the project.)
[NOTE: Do not call out 90 mil thickness for Methods A, B, and F markings. These are no longer used.]
(Use the following paragraph when subsection 00865.45 is NOT included in the project.)
Comply with Section 00865 of the Standard Specifications.
(Use the following lead-in paragraph when including subsection 00865.45)
Comply with Section 00865 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
[ Use this subsection .45 when "Method B: Non Profiled Markings" are included in the project. ]
00865.45  Installation - Replace the bullet that begins "Method B: Non Profiled Markings..." with the following bullet:

  • Method B: Non Profiled Markings - Apply with extrusion or ribbon type process.  Sprayer applications will not be allowed.

SP867 (01-14-10) (This Section requires SP850.)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project but make necessary modifications to only include project specific specifications. Delete specifications that do not apply to the project.)
[NOTES: (1) Bicycle lane stencils, bike path railroad crossings, and staggered continental crosswalks require Type B-HS material only. All other markings may use Type B-HS material as specifies by designer.

(2) Do not call out Type C or Type C-HS. These are no longer used.

(3) Do not call out Type D. This is no longer used.]
Comply with Section 00867 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
(Use the following subsection .40 when Type B or Type B HS markings are required.)
00867.40  General - Delete this subsection.
(Use the following subsection .45 when Type B or Type B HS markings are required.)
00867.45  Installation - Replace the bullet that begins "Type B: Preformed..." with the following two bullets:

  • Type B: Preformed, Fused Thermoplastic Film - Install preformed, fused thermoplastic film as shown.

  • Type B HS: Preformed Fused Thermoplastic Film High Skid - Install preformed fused thermoplastic film high skid, that has intermixed reflective elements with factory installed crushed glass or aggregate on the surface for all staggered continental crosswalks, bike lane stencils, bike path railroad crossings, and other transverse pavement markings as shown.

00867.90  Payment - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
The accepted quantities of work performed under this Section will be paid for at the Contract unit price, per unit of measurement, for the following items:

(Modify this list of pay items to only include project specific pay items. Delete those that are not required on the project. Re-alphabetize the list starting with (a), then (b), etc. Obtain information from the Traffic Designer.)
Pay Item Unit of Measurement

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