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Examination Procedures eic note: Each state must provide a response to the following questions. The Eic may compile individual responses into a single response

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MMC Capital Exam Procedures:

Examination Procedures



Examiner Notes [Document supporting evidence and note determinations and findings made]


Are the institution's operating policies, procedures, and risk limits regarding capital preservation adequate?


Are internal controls adequate with regard to capital?


Are the auditor or independent review functions related to capital adequate?


Are information communication systems related to capital adequate and accurate?


Is earnings retention sufficient to provide for future growth, capital maintenance, and potential losses?


Is the capital level sufficient in relation to the risk profile of the institution?


Do the Board and senior management effectively supervise capital amounts?


Review prior examination reports, prior examination work papers, pre-examination memorandum, and file correspondence for an overview of any previously-identified capital deficiencies.


Review internal and external audits for capital concerns.


Review remedial action taken by management to correct prior audit and examination findings related to capital.


Review the institution's dividend policy and historical and planned dividend payout ratios.


Assess any other potential risks to capital, e.g., a growing trend in nonperforming loans, rapid growth, new products, etc.


Determine whether management's policies and practices promote capital preservation. Consider the following issues:

    • The strategic plan and its underlying assumptions, projected asset growth dividend plans, asset quality, income, liquidity, funds management, deposit structure, parent company relationship, contingent liabilities, expansion plans, competition, economic conditions, etc. (Coordinate with the examiner(s) completing the Management and Internal Control Evaluation Module);

    • Interviews with institution management regarding the strategic planning process;

    • Management's risk monitoring procedures; and

    • The availability of additional capital sources. (Consider funding provided by insiders, external sources, or additional debt at the parent level.)

    • The adequacy of loan loss reserves, especially in institutions that hold loans long-term.


Determine if entries to capital accounts are appropriate and properly authorized.


Determine if controls exist over off-balance sheet items. Consult with those examiners completing the Loan Portfolio, Securities, and Interest Rate Risk ED Modules.


Review board and management's procedures to prevent, detect, and respond to policy exceptions related to capital.


Determine if the audit function verifies the accuracy of the capital accounts and regulatory reporting, the appropriateness, accuracy, and timeliness of reports produced for the board and executive management, and the reasonableness of capital budgeting.


Determine if the audit or independent review program provides sufficient capital coverage relative to the institution's size and risk profile. The program should:

    • substantiate the effectiveness of internal controls related to capital;

    • recommend corrective action related to capital when warranted;

    • verify the implementation of corrective action commitments related to capital; and

    • determine compliance with policies and procedures related to capital issues.


Determine if board and management reports provide sufficient information. Evaluate the accuracy and timeliness of these reports.


Determine if earnings performance enables the institution to fund its growth, remain competitive in the marketplace, and support the overall risk profile. Consider the level and trend of equity capital to total assets as well as asset and equity growth rates.

    • Review the level of the provision for loan and lease losses and the adequacy of the allowance for loan and lease losses.

    • Review whether the institution is relying on core earnings or income from non-recurring events.

    • Determine if dividends are excessive compared to current earnings. (Consider applicable state and federal guidance).


Determine if the existing capital level is adequate for the institution's risk profile when considering the following items:

    • The level and trend of adversely classified assets;

    • The adequacy of the allowance for loan and lease losses;

    • The volume of charged off loans and recoveries;

    • The balance sheet structure and liquidity needs;

    • The level and type of concentrations;

    • The volume of unrealized gains or losses on available-for-sale securities;

    • The degree of interest rate risk exposure assumed by the institution;

    • The reasonableness of booked future tax benefits;

    • The accounting treatment and valuation of intangible assets;

    • The extent of contingent liabilities associated with trust or other activities;

    • The extent of any other liabilities not shown on the institution's books, including contingent liabilities;

    • The letters from the institution's attorney as to the existence of pending litigation against the institution and its subsidiaries and the potential and estimated loss exposure (This information should be disclosed on the Officer's Questionnaire or First Day Letter);

    • The volume and risk characteristics of new business initiatives, and higher risk investment or lending strategies, e.g., subprime lending, electronic banking;

    • Compliance with state and federal capital level requirements if applicable;

    • The level of operational and reputational risk as it may affect capital.

    • The level, trend, and quality of assets as they influence capital preservation.


Assess the adequacy of management's actions to correct criticisms related to capital in previous examination reports as well as recent internal and external audits.


Evaluate management's effectiveness at reacting to changes in economic, industry, and regulatory environments.


Where necessary, assess management's ability to raise additional capital and the reasonableness of capital plans.

MMC Asset Quality Exam Procedures:

Examination Procedures



Examiner Notes [Document supporting evidence and note determinations and findings made]


Are policies, procedures, and risk limits related to asset quality adequate?


Are internal controls related to asset quality adequate?


Are the audit or independent review functions related to asset quality adequate?


Are information communication systems related to asset quality adequate and accurate?


Do the board and senior management effectively supervise controls related to asset quality?


Review prior examination reports and file correspondence for an overview of any previously identified asset quality.


Review board or committee minutes for evidence of asset quality and oversight, routine asset quality reports, and any identified asset quality concerns.


Determine if there are any recent or planned changes in strategic direction and discuss with management the implications for asset quality.


Review asset quality policies. Policies should provide sufficient guidance to management with regard to the board's asset quality risk tolerances and oversight responsibilities.


Determine if policies, procedures, and risk limits related to asset quality are reasonable in relation to management abilities, current economic conditions, the nature and complexity, and the overall condition of the institution.


Evaluate the frequency and timeliness of asset quality policy reviews and updates by the board of directors.


Determine if sufficient separation of duties (or comparable controls) exists over the preparation of reports used in managing asset quality.


Determine if management complies with asset quality policy guidelines and documents the reasons for any variance.


Determine that the scope of the audit or independent review is sufficient to identify policy, reporting, internal control, and compliance deficiencies related to asset quality.


Determine that asset quality independent review results are properly reported to the board.


If recent reviews disclosed any asset quality deficiencies, determine if management responses are reasonable.


Determine if board and senior management reports related to asset quality provide sufficient information to monitor compliance with board policies and guidelines.

MMC Sensitivity to Market Risk Exam Procedures:

Examination Procedures



Examiner Notes [Document supporting evidence and note determinations and findings made]


Are policies, procedures, and risk limits related to IRR adequate?


Are internal controls related to IRR adequate?


Are the audit or independent IRR review functions adequate?


Are information communication systems related to IRR adequate and accurate?


Do the characteristics of the institution's assets, funding sources, and financial derivative contracts indicate a low Interest Rate Risk (IRR) profile?


Is the level of risk reasonable relative to capital and earnings levels?


Do the board and senior management effectively supervise IRR?


Review prior examination reports, file correspondence for an overview of any previously identified rate sensitivity concerns, as well as the institution’s independent review for any recommendations or suggestions.


Review board or committee minutes for evidence of oversight, responsibility, routine management reports, and any identified rate sensitivity concerns.


Determine if there are any recent or planned changes in strategic direction and discuss with management the implications for rate sensitivity risks.


Review Rate Sensitivity policies. Policy guidance may be incorporated within Liquidity, Loan, Investment, Interest Rate Risk (IRR) or other policies, but taken as a whole, should provide sufficient guidance to management relative to the board's risk tolerances and oversight responsibilities. Policy formality and sophistication will vary, depending upon the level of the institution's risk and the complexity of its holdings and activities, but should:

  • Provide authority and responsibility to an individual(s) or committee for establishing and maintaining an effective IRR management program which identifies, measures, monitors, and controls IRR;

  • Identify the types of instruments and activities that may be used to manage IRR exposure;

  • Provide for a measurement system that is commensurate with the size and complexity of the institution;

  • Establish earnings and capital exposure limitations commensurate with the risk tolerance; and

  • Provide responsibility for authorizing policy exceptions.


Determine that the board approves and periodically reviews policies and procedures related to IRR.


Discuss IRR management processes and practices with management. Consider attending an ALCO meeting to evaluate the process. Potential topics for discussion include:

  • Development of IRR policies and practices;

  • Development or choice of IRR measurement systems;

  • Assumptions used by the IRR measurement system; and

  • Technical expertise of staff relative to the complexity of products used and the complexity of the IRR measurement system.


Determine whether the potential IRR impact is considered for all new strategic initiatives or products.


Determine if procedures and risk limits are reasonable relative to management abilities, current economic conditions, and the overall condition of the institution.


Determine if sufficient separation of duties or comparable controls exist over the development and use of IRR measurement systems and monitoring tools.


Determine that internal management reports used as a basis for IRR management decisions are prepared regularly and reviewed by senior management and the board of directors, at least quarterly.


Determine if management complies with IRR policy parameters and documents the reasons for variances.


Determine that the scope of the audit or independent review is sufficient to identify policy, reporting, internal control, and compliance deficiencies.


Determine that the scope includes a review and validation of risk measurement calculations and tests for reasonableness and accuracy of assumptions and data inputs. The scope and formality of the review and validation should reflect the size and complexity of the institution.


Determine that results are reported to the board on a timely basis.


If recent reviews disclosed any deficiencies, determine if management responses are reasonable.


Determine if internal management reports provide sufficient information for ongoing interest rate risk management decisions and for monitoring the results of those decisions. Reports should contain sufficient detail for the board or committee and senior management to:

  • Analyze IRR levels and trends and measure effects on earnings and capital;

  • Identify material risk exposures and sources;

  • Evaluate key assumptions, including interest rate forecasts, deposit behavior, and loan prepayments;

  • Assist management in pricing decisions; and

  • Verify compliance with risk limits and policy guidelines, including exception reporting.


Determine if interest rate risks are effectively communicated to all areas affected.


Consider testing IRR reports for accuracy by comparing with regulatory reporting schedules and subsidiary records.


Determine whether recent or anticipated structural changes or trends in balance sheet composition alter the IRR profile relative to historical data. When significant structural changes have or are expected to occur, de-emphasize historical analysis and focus on current and forecasted balance sheet composition. Significant structural changes may include:

    • Major shift in the maturity (repricing) characteristics of the investment portfolio, loans, borrowings, or deposit accounts;

    • Increased holdings of financial instruments such as mortgage securities, callable securities, fixed-rate residential loans, and structured notes;

    • Fundamental change in liability mix between core deposits and other funding sources; and/or

    • Unexpected change in level or trend of securities appreciation and depreciation.


Analyze the historical volatility of the net interest margin (NIM) and net operating income (NOI) relative to:

    • Correlation with market interest rate fluctuations;

    • Management strategies to minimize the effect on earnings and capital;

    • Ability of earnings to absorb reductions in net interest margin resulting from market volatility; and

    • Increased reliance on rate sensitive noninterest income activities (e.g., mortgage banking activities).


Determine the level of IRR from the results of the internal measurement system.


Determine whether the board provides adequate IRR management resources. Consider the following items:

    • Sufficient staff to operate measurement systems, including back-up personnel;

    • Technical expertise consistent with the institution's complexity, risk profile, and measurement system; and

    • Adequate training and staff development.


Determine if historical performance related to IRR indicates adequate board and senior management oversight.


Determine if the board and senior management can effectively oversee planned initiatives related to IRR.


Determine what actions management has taken or plans to take if IRR policy limitations are breached.

MMC Management Create and Implement Exam Procedures:

Examination Procedures



Examiner Notes [Document supporting evidence and note determinations and findings made]


Are policies, procedures, and risk limits adequate?


Are internal controls adequate?


Are the audit or independent review functions adequate?


Are information communication systems adequate and accurate?


Do the board and senior management effectively supervise controls related to financial condition, operations, regulatory compliance, and consumer protection?


Review prior examination reports and file correspondence for an overview of any previously identified management concerns.


Review board or committee minutes for evidence of oversight, responsibility, routine management reports, and any identified management concerns.


Determine if there are any recent or planned changes in strategic direction and discuss with management the implications for risk management.


Review management policies. Policies should provide sufficient guidance to management with regard to the board's risk tolerances and oversight responsibilities.


Determine if policies, procedures, and risk limits are reasonable in relation to management abilities, current economic conditions, the nature and complexity, and the overall condition of the institution.


Evaluate the frequency and timeliness of policy reviews and updates by the board of directors.


Determine if sufficient separation of duties (or comparable controls) exists over the preparation of reports used in managing the specific functions of the institution.


Determine if management complies with policy guidelines and documents the reasons for any variance.


Determine that the scope of the audit or independent review is sufficient to identify policy, reporting, internal control, and compliance deficiencies.


Determine that results are properly reported to the board.


If recent reviews disclosed any deficiencies, determine if management responses are reasonable.


Determine if board and senior management reports provide sufficient information to monitor compliance with board policies and guidelines.


Evaluate management’s Risk Management Program:

  • Is the program adequate?

  • Is the program appropriately designed?

MMC Management Adherence to Plans Exam Procedures:

Examination Procedures



Examiner Notes [Document supporting evidence and note determinations and findings made]


Does management properly enforce all internal policies and procedures?


Does management properly enforce policies and procedures related to financial condition?


Does management properly enforce policies and procedures related to operations?


Does management properly enforce policies and procedures related to regulatory compliance?


Does management properly enforce policies and procedures related to consumer protection?

MMC Management Plan Modification Exam Procedures:

Examination Procedures



Examiner Notes [Document supporting evidence and note determinations and findings made]


Are systems that are in place to, at least annually, review and modify policies adequate?


Examinations and Investigations:

  • Does the institution timely provide requested information?

  • Is the institution forthcoming with information?

  • Does the institution display a willingness to quickly and effectively correct violations?

  • Does the institution display a willingness to quickly and effectively modify policies and procedures based on the findings of examinations and investigations?

  • Is the institution in compliance with regulatory enforcement actions?

  • Is the institution complaint with outstanding enforcement actions? If it is not, for how long has the enforcement action been outstanding?

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