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Chapter One – Grandmother Figg

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Chapter Eight – Rituals and Relationships


Over lunch, Arabella read the reply she had received from Dumbledore.  With regard to the nightmare about Wormtail, it was as they expected, he simply advised caution.  Unexpected, however, was the news that Fudge had agreed to a hearing in wizard court for Sirius.  A date for the hearing was set for the end of July. In fact, it fell precisely on Harry’s birthday.  Dumbledore indicated that because of the short time allowed them to prepare, Ron should be summoned to Paravel immediately.  Further, Dumbledore instructed Remus and Hermione to brew a batch of veritaserum so that everyone who was going to be questioned could experience the effects of the powerful truth serum before taking the stand.  Last, but not least, Dumbledore directed Hermione to make contact with Rita Skeeter.

After lunch, Harry sat down at the desk in his room to write to Ron, asking him to come to Paravel immediately.  He included a cryptic post script that read, “To do with Snuffles”.  Hedwig was eager for a journey and stood very still as Harry tied the note to her leg.  “Find Ron, for me Hedwig” said Harry, opening his bedroom window. She hooted, stretched her wings, and soared out over the sea.

Meanwhile, Hermione was next door, writing to Rita Skeeter.  She was having a difficult time composing her note.  Several crumpled pieces of parchment lay in the floor around her.  At length, she decided to keep it short and sweet.  “To help you as you begin your career of writing only the truth, I have a scoop for you to do with Sirius Black.  Interested?”  Hermione signed it, then put it carefully in an envelope.  She left her room and went to the entrance hall where Arabella’s owl stood waiting.  He was a sleek brown barn owl.  He was so solemn and so proper as Hermione attached her letter to him that she was reminded of Hopkins.  Hermione opened the front door and bid the owl to take the letter to Rita Skeeter.  He swept out the door and across the park.

Hermione spent the afternoon with Remus assembling the ingredients for veritaserum.  At long last, the rain ended.  In need of a walk, Harry went with Sirius to visit Buckbeak in the stables at the edge of the park.   Sirius was deeply touched by the photos of Lily and James in Harry’s album.  Grateful for the chance Harry had given him to glimpse his pre-Azakaban past, Sirius agreed to go through the album page by page, and share with Harry the stories behind each photo.  And so, when they returned to Paravel, Sirius drew two chairs out onto the terrace and produced the album.

Hours later, they were still on the terrace, laughing over some long-forgotten inside joke.  It was the soft laughter of remembrance, and it did Arabella’s heart good to hear it.  “With any luck,” she mused, “they will heal each other.”  She was about to speak to them, when a large snowy owl appeared out of the blue vault of the sky.  It was Hedwig. She landed easily on Harry’s arm.  He could hardly believe that she had returned so quickly and at first feared she hadn’t found Ron.

He quickly examined the note tied to her leg.  Ron, it seemed, was no longer in Romania visiting Charlie, but had returned to the Burrow a few days earlier.  He indicated that he would arrive at Paravel sometime the next day, and that he would be traveling by floo powder.  

Not unnaturally, the news of Ron’s imminent arrival produced a mixed reaction in Harry. On the one hand, Ron was Harry and Hermione’s best friend and they had loads to tell him.  He didn’t yet know that Arabella was Hermione’s grandmother, also known as “Mrs. Figg from Privet Drive”.   He didn’t know that Remus was Hermione’s own cousin.  He didn’t know about the plan to free Sirius.  He didn’t know about all the special training, or about the nightmare Harry and Hermione had shared.  He didn’t know about the Cadeau Du Mer or that his two best friends were destined to become a Sorcerer and a Sorceress.  Last but not least, he didn’t know that they had already become lovers.

Harry turned to Sirius.  “Ron will be here sometime tomorrow. He’ll travel by floo powder.”  Harry let out a long sigh.  “Not sure how he’ll take the news?” said Sirius, understanding Harry’s pensive mood.  At first, Harry didn’t answer.  He wasn’t sure he was ready to talk openly about everything that was troubling him.  “Well, there’s a lot of news isn’t there.” said Harry slowly, “I’m not sure how Ron will react to some of it.  I mean, it’s a little awkward.”  Sirius didn’t interrupt, but let Harry talk on, glad to play godfather for a while.  “First of all, there’s this business about being Sorcerers.  Last, year, Ron and I spent weeks not talking to each other when I was named a tri-wizard champion.  What’s going to happen when he finds out that not just one of his friends, but both his best friends are, well, “gifted”?

“It may be a bit of a shock at first, but he’ll be sensible and come around I’m sure.” Sirius replied. “He’s always stood by you, I’m sure he’ll be happy for you…eventually.”  Harry looked unconvinced, saying “And then, of course, there’s Hermione.”

Sirius nodded in understanding. “Ah, yes, I’ve been wondering how you intended to approach that topic with him.  Now that you and she are,” he struggled for the right words, “more than just friends, the dynamic of each of your relationships will change.  I don’t mean that your relationship with him will be diminished in any way,  it’s just that now, part of what goes on between you and Hermione will be private, when before, you have probably shared everything with each other.”  “Exactly!” Harry said, relieved that Sirius had grasped his problem so clearly. 

“And,” said Sirius shrewdly, “there must be a history here you haven’t told me yet.”  Harry nodded and told him about Ron and Hermione’s brief flirtation.  “Well, I think that if you are open and honest with Ron, he will be man enough to handle it.  Just be sure that you are the one to tell him, okay?  Don’t try to hide anything from him, but don’t thrust your relationship with Hermione in his face either.  Just be respectful of his feelings.  Be considerate and act naturally.  It’s what James and Lily always did.”  Harry was amazed.  “What do you mean?” 

Sirius laughed, “I will never forget the look on James’s face the night he came to tell us that he and Lily were dating.  He was in agony.  He was sure we would be hurt or jealous.”  “Why?” asked Harry, plainly curious to know more.  “Lily had been a friend to all of us, but it was obvious to everyone from the start that James and Lily had certain special chemistry between them.” Sirius smiled at the memory, “James was afraid that by declaring openly to us they were dating, that somehow the companionship we all shared with Lily would be over.  He couldn’t have been more wrong.  Once Lily was officially, “James’s girl”, we began taking her with us on our adventures.  She became and even better friend to us all.  Even after they were married, she continued to make us feel special and welcome in their lives.  She was sensitive and remarkable woman.  James was a lucky man.”  Sirius seemed to snap out of a trance, “Which reminds me, Harry while we’re on the subject of manhood, they are some things I should talk with you about.”

For one horrifying second, Harry thought Sirius was about to give him the timeless father-son talk about the birds and the bees.  Sirius began, a little uncomfortably, not looking directly at Harry, “I don’t know exactly where things stand between you and Hermione – how intimate you have become,” Harry started to speak, but Sirius held up a hand warningly, “and I don’t want to know, but there are a few things I should tell you, a few things that make wizard relations different from muggle relations, okay?”  Harry nodded, frankly a little puzzled.  The idea of “differences” had simply never occurred to him.

Feeling a lit more confident now that he had finally managed to bring the topic up, Sirius continued, “When a witch and wizard experience the ultimate act of intimacy, it is more than just a physical experience.  It is a kind of sacrament.  A side-effect of the act is that it will impact your powers – your magical ability.” Harry was stunned.  “Depending on your emotional state, and your readiness, it can either increase or diminish your powers; what it won’t do is leave you unchanged.  This unusual side-effect is always the most potent when,” he paused, “it’s your first time - even more so when it is the first time for both of you.  And unless I’m much mistaken, you and Hermione haven’t done anything yet to umm, increase or decrease your powers.”  Harry was so uncomfortable he felt like squirming in his chair.  At the same time, he was tremendously grateful.  After all, this was not the kind of talk you could have with Uncle Vernon.

“So, just make sure you’re in the right place in your relationship, and whatever you do, don’t forget to perform the ritual.” Sirius said smoothly.  “Ritual? What ritual?” Harry said, weakly.  Sirius burst out laughing at the look on Harry’s face.  “Just kidding, no rituals, unless of course you count champagne, strawberries, a little quiet music…”  Harry punched him hard on the shoulder, “Shut up! Shut up! I can’t take any more!”  Sirius rumpled Harry’s hair and laughed again, glad this part of his godfatherly duties was over.  


The next morning found Hermione tense and nervous.  Even though Harry had shared with her some of the details of his talk with Sirius, she was still doubtful as to how Ron would handle all their “news.”  Adding to her anxiety was the fact that they didn’t know exactly when Ron was due to arrive.  Harry felt sure it would be in the late afternoon or evening, and encouraged Hermione to go with Arabella to the village for a while.  They needed one or two more ingredients to make the veritaserum, and Arabella had been looking forward to introducing Hermione to a few of her friends.  Eventually, the restless Hermione decided she would go to the village.

Alone in her room, she considered what to wear.  One outfit after another was tried, then tossed to the floor in a heap.  At length she settled on a white peasant blouse that had short, off the shoulder sleeves.  She paired it with a new skirt Arabella had given her upon her arrival at Paravel.  It was a shorter length than Hermione usually wore, but it captured the relaxed summery look Hermione was trying to achieve.  She put on large gold hoop earrings and a matching bracelet.  Her make-up was sheer and shimmery; her hair, still damp fell in shining ringlets around her shoulders.  She slid into sandals and surveyed herself in the long mirror.  “You are going to be fine,” she breathed, then ran to find Arabella.

Harry stood alone on the terrace, watching Arabella’s Bentley disappear from view down the long curving drive, carrying Hermione and Arabella toward the village.  From behind him, he heard an odd noise, then a kind of sputtering and choking.  He stepped through the French doors to the sitting room to find Ron, covered in ashes and holding a battered suitcase.  “Ron!  You’re here!” Harry exclaimed happily. 

Harry rang for Hopkins who showed them both to Ron’s room.  It was in the same wing with Sirius and Remus’s rooms and had a spectacular view of the ocean.  Ron was amazed.  While he cleaned up and unpacked, Harry began to give Ron all the details about how Arabella and Remus were related to Hermione.  Ron was floored and as usual, starved.

Harry took him back downstairs and asked Hopkins if it would be possible for Ron to have a late breakfast.  In what seemed like no time at all, Hopkins returned rattling a tea trolley out onto the terrace for the two of them.  Harry began to tell Ron about the plan that had been formed to free Sirius. Not surprisingly, Ron was more than willing to testify in court while under the influence of veritaserum if it meant clearing Sirius’s name. 

Refreshed and renewed after his snack, Ron was anxious to see the cliffs and the beach up close.  “Perfect,” said Harry.  “I think Remus and Sirius are down there now, and I know they both want to see you.”  They left the terrace and strolled across the grounds to the path that led down to the cove.  Ron turned to Harry and said casually, “So where is Hermione anyway?”  “She’s gone down to the village with Arabella, but I expect they’ll be back shortly” Harry said, forcing a smile.

Down in the village, Hermione was having a lovely time with Arabella.  The shops were quaint and there was the strong smell of the sea.  Fishing boats dotted the little harbor and everywhere, things seemed to be in bloom.  Many of the friends Arabella wanted Hermione to meet turned out to be muggles, which both surprised and pleased Hermione.  As they were leaving the last shop, an owl soared over Hermione’s head and dropped a note.  Without waiting for her to read it, or to reply, it flapped out of sight.

Hermione stooped to pick up the envelope from the ground, and gasped as she saw the return address.  It was from Rita Skeeter.  Arabella and Hermione found a bench facing the harbor and tore open the letter.   Rita, although still clearly put out with Hermione for keeping her in a glass jar for days, was willing to meet with Hermione about a possible story concerning Sirius Black.  She told Hermione to name the place and time, and she would be there. 

“I can’t believe she answered so quickly,” Hermione breathed to Arabella.  “You know what this means don’t you?” asked Arabella, “She’s probably still scared you’ll report her to the ministry as an unregistered animagus!”  Hermione laughed, “I don’t care why she meets with me, just as long as she writes the truth about Sirius.”  “A word to the wise, Hermione - don’t underestimate her and don’t let her see this…” Arabella cautioned, gesturing to the amulet, glinting and sparkling in the sunlight as it hung around Hermione’s neck.

“You’re right, I never thought of that!  I suppose she would recognize it immediately.  I’ll see if I can find a turtleneck in my trunk.” Hermione laughed.  She was thrilled and happy.  Everything was falling into place.  Sirius was really going to be free.  She thought about how Rita Skeeter’s response would please Harry and Sirius and then had a marvelous idea.  “Arabella,” she said coyly, looking around, “since there doesn’t seem to be anybody about, would you mind if I um…got back on my own?”  Hermione fingered the amulet meaningfully.  Arabella laughed, “Your fearless aren’t you?  Do you know how far we are from Paravel?”  Hermione didn’t answer, just looked hopefully at her grandmother.  “Oh, all right, but not out here.”  Arabella looked around and spied a group of trees near the end of the village street, “Over there” she said, and pointed them out to Hermione.  Hermione hugged Arabella then walked toward the trees.  With a wave, she strolled behind the largest one, and concentrating hard on Harry, she disapparated. 

At that precise moment, Harry and Ron were standing on the beach talking to Sirius and Remus, who had been swimming and were just inviting Ron and Harry to join them.  The sun was bright and hot, and a pleasant breeze swirled in off the water.  It was a perfect day for swimming.  Harry was just about to accept their invitation when he felt the ring on his hand suddenly grow warm.  He looked down. The stone had begun to glow.  Seconds later, Hermione apparated right in front of him.  

Hermione was so focused on Rita Skeeter’s reply that she had temporarily forgotten about the fact that Ron was expected at Paravel sometime that day.  Without looking around, Hermione flung herself happily into Harry’s arms and kissed him soundly.  “Harry you’ll never guess!  I’ve gotten a reply from Rita Skeeter! She’s willing to meet me!” 

“That’s….great…Hermione”, Harry said in strangled sort of voice.  “What is wrong with him?” thought Hermione to herself.  “Why does his face look…frozen?”  Harry cut his eyes meaningfully to the right.  Hermione turned her head slowly to see Ron, looking at her in utter shock and amazement.  Hermione’s heart lurched to a halt, and then chugged awkwardly on again.  “Oh no,” she groaned inwardly, “this isn’t how I wanted him to find out.”  Then from somewhere at the back of her consciousness she heard a voice, to be precise, Harry’s voice.  “Steady, Hermione.  If you don’t act strangely, he won’t either.  Just greet him as enthusiastically as you would have otherwise.”  “Got it,” she answered back to the voice.

Turning from Harry, she stepped to Ron and giving him a great hug said “Ron!  When did you get here?”  Ron was incapable of speech, so Hermione took a deep breath and rattled on.  “I know - it’s amazing isn’t it!  I’ve learned to apparate!  Harry can do it, too.”  Ron had still not yet spoken.  Remus came to Hermione’s rescue.  “I was just saying to Ron, that we all ought to go for a swim.  Would you care to join us, Hermione?” “Oh yes,” she breathed, “terrific”.    “And”, Remus continued, “since it’s so close to lunch, why don’t we just picnic down here?” “Super.” said Harry, “Hermione, why don’t you pop back up to the house and ask Hopkins to start assembling the picnic stuff.  Ron and I will walk back up and change into swimsuits.”  Harry smiled encouragingly at Hermione who said brightly, “Okay, meet you on the terrace in half and hour or so.”  And with the characteristic “pop” of apparition, she vanished.

An uncomfortable silence fell between Ron and Harry.  At length, Ron found his voice, “Who was that?!”  Sirius, Remus, and Harry all laughed. 

When Hermione had apparated in front of Harry, it had taken Ron a full three seconds before he realized it was her.  His brain was just wrapping itself around the fact that this stunning girl – so different from the pale, uniform clad, book carrying, rule-following girl he knew from Hogwarts, was indeed Hermione Granger, when his besieged brain received the further shock of seeing her kissing Harry.  Add to that the fact that she had just apparated, and Ron’s brain didn’t stand a chance.  For a moment, it had simply shut down with his jaw in the open and locked position.

“Shall we, um go?” said Harry, gesturing to the cliff path.  Ron merely nodded.  “See you in a bit!” Harry called back to Sirius and Remus, who were already returning to the water.  They climbed in silence for what seemed like forever.  Eventually, Ron said, “So, was that the standard Cornish greeting, or is there something you’d like to tell me, mate?”  Harry stopped climbing and leaned against one of massive boulders that were strewn along the path.  He took a deep breath and said truthfully, “I love her, Ron.” 

“I see,” said Ron noncommittally, then added “How long?”  “Ages,” said Harry.  “How come you never said anything?” said Ron,  sounding betrayed. “Here comes the hard part,” thought Harry to himself.  “Because,” Harry said aloud, “I thought she had feelings for….you.”  Ron looked away. “And I guess I always thought you and she would, well, you know…get together,” said Harry, “and then, too, there was Krum” Harry added as an afterthought.

“So the great Harry Potter steps aside for the sake of friendship and lets his old buddy Ron make a fool of himself.  Thanks, Harry, well done.  It’s a good thing you were here in Cornwall to help her pick up the pieces and move on” Ron said angrily.   Harry was stunned.  A slight pounding was beginning at the back of his head.  “I told you, Ron, I thought she had feelings for YOU, not ME.”  Ron rounded on him, “Are you trying to tell me you were just some sort of innocent bystander?” “Look, Ron,” Harry began, but Ron cut him off, taking a new tack, “So just exactly what are her feelings for you?”   

Harry was trying to decide exactly how to answer Ron, or if he was going to even answer  at all, when he distinctly heard Hermione’s voice inside his head say, “None of his business!  If he wants to know, he should ask me, not you.  Be patient with him, Harry, he just needs to vent.”  Harry was a little confused.  He felt like he was trying to have two conversations at once.  “Okay, Okay, I hear you.” he said to the voice in his head, and he was suddenly much less frustrated with Ron. 

“Well?” Ron prompted.  In reply, Harry just shook his head and kicked at a pebble, deliberately not answering.  “Is it serious between you two, or are you just… messing around?” he demanded.  Harry took a deep breath, “We’re not messing around, Ron.  She’s it – the one.”   Ron exhaled sharply, as if Harry had just hit him.  He had never expected this.  Ron played the past few years back in his mind like a movie, trying to see where he had missed signs along the way.  He thought about his own feelings for Hermione.  He forced himself to admit that he and Hermione had tried it, and it hadn’t worked.  Why should he begrudge Harry a chance to be happy?  “Of course,” he thought to himself, “if Hermione had come to my house looking like the goddess I saw earlier, I might have tried harder, even if it did feel like kissing Ginny the first few times.”  Ron sighed deeply.  It was a sigh of resignation and acceptance. 

“I don’t know what to say, Harry.”  Ron began.   Harry grinned at him.  “You’d better not say anything yet, because there’s more…”  Harry had decided to get it all over with at once.  He wanted to clear the air completely.  He didn’t want to subject Paravel’s entire house hold to fierce looks across the sitting room, and awkward silences during dinner.  Besides, they had a lot of ground to cover if they were really going to finish training and clear Sirius all in the same summer.   He continued.  “Hermione is a sorceress.”  Ron snorted.  “Yeah, right. Of course she is!  Next you’re going to tell me you are a sorcerer.  Good one.”  Harry winced slightly and nodded is head.  Ron gaped at him.  “You mean, you’re a you-know-what?” 

“Yeah, well kind of,” he said, laughing, “I’m a you-know-what in training.”   “That’s what this summer is supposed to be about.” Harry said, “Hermione and I are supposed to be completing some sort of ‘apprenticeship’, at least that what Dumbledore called it.  That’s part of why we learned to apparate early.”  Ron nodded in silence.  There were other reasons, too.  Harry told Ron about the nightmare with Wormtail.  “Bloody hell, Harry, what hasn’t happened so far this summer?”  Harry grinned broadly.  “There’s more?” Ron said, stunned.  Harry told him all about the Cadeau du Mer and then showed him the ring on his finger, careful not to take it off.  “Wicked” Ron breathed.  “You’ll be unstoppable.”

 And suddenly, everything was okay again – the friendship intact.  Ron asked about the training.  He thought the obstacle course sounded amazing and couldn’t wait to try it.  He could hardly believe what he was hearing about Hermione’s new found skills on a broomstick.  “No, really Ron,” Harry said with animation, “you should see her upside down!”  Ron waived his hands and said, “I think you better stop there, mate, sounds a little kinky to me…”  The voice in Harry’s head was suddenly back, “Oh, honestly!” Harry could only laugh, helplessly.      

 They changed into swimsuits and, bundling up some towels, went down to the terrace to find Hermione and Hopkins waiting.  Picnic baskets, hampers, coolers, blankets, and folding chairs were everywhere.  “My word, Hermione! How long were you planning to stay at the beach?” Harry laughed and pointed to all the supplies.  “It is such a gorgeous day, I thought we might be a while.”  “Is Arabella back yet? I thought she might like to come too.” Harry asked.  “Yes, she is,” said Hermione happily.  “She said for us to go without her, and that she and Hopkins would be along later with all this.”  Turning to Arabella’s endearing wizard butler, Hermione said gratefully, “Thank you, Hopkins.”  “Very good, Miss.  I’ll bring your things directly.”  He bowed, and oiled away across the terrace.  “Very good, Miss” Ron said, mimicking Hopkins.  “Next thing you know, Hermione, you’ll be asking for a house-elf for Christmas!” He gave her a saucy grin.  Things were definitely back to normal. 


Chapter Nine – Clio

 Ron was lying comfortably on a beach towel next to Arabella.  He sipped an ice cold butterbeer and adjusted his sun glasses.  From behind his glasses, he had been watching Hermione and Harry closely for about a half and hour.  They were out in the water, about chest deep, slung over rafts, talking.  In that time, there had only been one or two casual displays of affection between them.  “This is going to take some getting used to.” he thought to himself.  Just seeing the new miraculously good-looking Hermione was still a shock to him.  He studied her closely, trying to decide exactly what had changed.  She was tanned of course, and there was something different about her hair.  But she moved differently, too.  Unencumbered by books and robes, she seemed much more athletic.  Ron was still musing over the changes in her, when he sat up suddenly and said to Arabella, “What’s that?” Ron pointed to a spot in the water near Hermione where a figure appeared to be rising out of one of the waves.  

 At Ron’s shout Harry and Hermione looked up.  Emerging from a wave was the figure of a woman.  She seemed to be composed entirely of sea spray, mist and foam.  She was beautiful with long wild hair that swirled around her.  She turned to Hermione and began to glide gracefully and silently toward her.  Just as she was about to reach Hermione, the wave from which she had risen reached the shore.  Simultaneously, the figure evaporated into mist.  Harry made a lunge for Hermione and pulled her onto his raft with him.  He was poised to apparate with her back to the beach, when Arabella called to them… “Nothing to worry about!  It’s only Clio!” 

 Confused, Harry and Hermione made their way to shore and stood dripping over Arabella while she explained.  “Clio is an ancient druidess - a type of water goddess, if you will.  Legend has it that her figure can be seen in every ninth wave.  She has undoubtedly been drawn out by the Cadeau du Mer.  You remember my telling you that the Cadeau du Mer was given to my family by the Merpeople.  It is a powerful magical object to us, but even more so to those who belong to the race of the sea.  They sense its presence when the Cadeau du Mer are in or near the water.”  “But what do they want?” Hermione asked, uncertain.  “Nothing really, dear,” said Arabella soothingly, “just a chance to see it again and pay their respects to the wearer.  It serves to re-establish and promote the alliance between our families.”

 “Look, there,” said Arabella pointing to the surf.  Everyone turned to see the figure of Clio, rising out of another wave, presumably the ninth one since her previous appearance.  She beckoned to Hermione.  It was beautiful and eerie.  “Go on,” said Arabella, urging Hermione toward the sea. “You’ll offend her if you don’t.”  Hermione looked worried.  “Go on, dear, it will be fine, you’ll love it.”  “I’ll go with you,” said Harry reassuringly. 


Harry and Hermione left rafts behind and waded out through the surf to the place where Clio had risen.  She smiled and began gliding toward them, but again, her wave broke on the beach before sh e could quite get to Hermione.  “What now?” Hermione called.  “Out a bit deeper I think, and be patient!” Arabella replied.  Harry and Hermione took a few more strokes away from shore.  They could just barely touch bottom.  And then, incredibly, the water seemed come alive around them.  Rising directly in front of them out of a particularly large swell, was Clio.  Shining eyes gazed at them.  She formed a misty smile, but did not speak.  She reached out a hand to touch the amulet around Hermione’s neck, pausing before she did to raise her eyebrows.  Clearly, she was asking permission.  Hermione nodded “yes”.  Pleased, Clio fingered the amulet reverently.

 Clio turned from Hermione to Harry.  She reached out to him, then disappeared as yet again, her wave broke on the sand.   Harry and Hermione stayed in the water with her as time after time, she re-appeared from the ninth waves.  She examined Harry’s ring and amused by his glasses.  In one of her last appearances, she looked sad, and shyly touched the lighting shaped scar on Harry’s forehead.  Cleary, she recognized its significance.  At sunset she appeared for the last time, kissing Hermione and Harry’s cheeks tenderly in parting.  She rose high between them and placed her hands on the tops of their bowed heads.  “A blessing” Arabella said afterwards.  Her last wave broke on the shore, just as the sun touched the horizon.  With a crash of surf, she was gone.

 As the sun drifted below the horizon, a tired but strangely contented party set off toward Paravel.  At the second floor landing, Ron, Sirius, and Remus departed for their rooms, and Harry and Hermione were at last, alone.  Hand in hand, they slipped into Hermione’s room.  Harry kissed her immediately and without preamble.  Her towels, beach bags and sunglasses fell to the floor as she returned his kisses with an ardor to match his own.  Breathing heavily, Harry said, “I needed that.”  She laughed and said, “It’s hard isn’t it?  I had no idea how much trouble it was going to be trying to keep my hands off you while Ron’s around.”  Harry sighed, then remembered something, “I hear your voice inside my head sometimes…”  “Me too,” she said resting her head on his shoulder.  “Its wonderful,” she went on, “very intimate, very personal.” “I know”, he murmured into her hair, “I love it.”  

 At length, they drew apart.  She said, “We’ve got to get showered and down to dinner.  If we’re late there will be a thousand awkward and probing questions…”  She stepped away from him toward her bathroom, and as she did, she heard a sickening crunch from underfoot.  She had stepped on her sunglasses and broken them.  Without a word, Harry picked them up and then, focusing his attention on them fully, said with a hint of irony, “Oculus repairo”.  In an instant, her glasses were whole again.  Hermione just shook her had at him.  “You did it again.”  “What?” he asked “No wand.” She said laughing. “You used a charm (my charm in fact!) successfully with out a wand.  He laughed and left her to her shower.

 Forty-five minutes later, Hermione was showered, dressed, and slipping quietly along the stairs to the first floor.  This evening, she had dressed in an inky black gown that fastened like a halter at her neck, leaving her back and shoulders bare.  She wore no stockings. It was too hot now for that, and besides her legs were nicely tanned and shapely in a pair of open-toed slides she had purchased earlier that morning in the village with Arabella.  Hermione had managed to tease every single curl out of her hair (with a little help from Mrs. Hopkins) and it hung, like sun-streaked mahogany in a sheet down her back.   On the whole, she thought, it made for an elegant ensemble.

 She reached the first floor landing and was relieved to find Hopkins.  “Do you know where Mr. Weasley is at the moment?”  He informed her that Mr. Weasley had not yet come down.  “And where is Mr. Potter?” she asked in a would-be-calm manner.  With the faintest trace of a smile, Hopkins said courteously, “You will find Mr. Potter in the sitting room.  He is an armchair by the fireplace.”  Hermione thanked Hopkins and tiptoed silently to the door of the sitting room.  She wanted to surprise Harry if she could.  The room looked empty, accept for Harry.  She could just see the top of his dark head above the back of the chair. “Perfect!” she thought, and concentrating very hard on the figure in the chair she said “Appareo”. 

 She felt the rush of wind and involuntarily closed her eyes.  In a second, the rushing had ceased  She opened her eyes to discover herself seated comfortably in the lap of Sirius Black.  She  gasped at her mistake.  Sirius, on the other hand, was undisturbed by her unorthodox arrival.  “Good evening, Hermione.  You’re looking lovely.” he said calmly, as if pretty girls often appeared in his lap out of thin air.  From the opposite armchair, Harry laughed out loud, and before she could scramble to her feet, he said, “Accio Hermione!” She felt the amulet warm swiftly around her neck.  There was the familiar rush of wind, and then, with a gentle bump, she found herself in Harry’s arms.  “Was it something I said?” Sirius asked mildly as she reappeared.

 Hermione blushed furiously.  “You look incredible” Harry whispered into her ear, kissing her discreetly before helping her out of his lap and to her feet. 

 Hermione smoothed her dress carefully, and then turned to greet Remus and Ron who had just entered the room.   Arabella joined them soon after, and they went in to dinner.  Over the course of the meal, Arabella went over their schedules for the few days they had leading up to the trial.  “Tomorrow,” she said, “Dumbledore will be here to go over with each of you the questions that will be put to you in court.  He and I will give each of you a dose of veritaserum, and then stage a mock inquiry to give you a feel for the courtroom and for the demeanor of those who will question you.  Finally, Dumbledore will also use a pensieve to collect from you the memories each of you have of Wormtail, and of his confession in the Shrieking Shack.” 

“The next day, everyone except for you, of course,” Arabella eyed Sirius, “will travel to London.  I’ve booked rooms for us at the Leaky Cauldron.  We will probably have one last meeting with Dumbledore, then, that’s it.  We go to trial first thing the following morning.” 

“Three days,” thought Harry.  “Three days and he could be free.  I’ll be fifteen and he’ll be free.”  It scarcely seemed possible.   

After dinner, they descended on the game room.  Sirius and Remus challenged Harry and Ron to a game of billiards.  The gentlemen were soon lost in a spirited game, leaving Hermione and Arabella chatting quietly in a corner.  It was wonderful to have Arabella to herself for a little while, and Hermione enjoyed the time they had getting to know one another better.  Arabella was curious about Hermione’s muggle childhood, just as Hermione was fascinated by her grandmother’s own magical upbringing. 


Eventually, a wave of fatigue swept over Hermione.  The hours in the sun and surf were catching up to her.  She bid them all good night, and went up to her room alone.  She had just reached her door when she heard Harry’s voice whisper softly from somewhere deep inside her. “I’ll be with you soon.”   She smiled to herself, and then slipped into her room.  She threw herself onto her bed, laughing.  Through her windows, she could see a half-moon over the water.  The sea was calm and the reflection of the moon made a path of light on its surface that stretched from horizon to shore.   It filled her with deep sense of peace.  Sighing with contentment and fatigue, she draped herself attractively across her bed and waited for Harry.   In mere moments, she was fast asleep. 

The billiards game seemed to be taking forever.   Harry leaned against the windowsill watching Ron take an inordinate amount of time to line up a shot.   Finally, finally, finally the game ended with Harry and Ron losing abysmally to Sirius and Remus.  Harry didn’t seem to notice or care.  “Harry!  Snap out of it! You’re a million miles away.” said Ron, prodded him in the ribs with a pool cue.  “Watch it!” Harry said, and slapped the cue aside.

Remus was watching Harry closely and thought to himself, “Not a million miles away, just one floor away…”  And too, Remus had seen the look Hermione and Harry had exchanged just as she departed for the evening.  It had only lasted a second, but spoke volumes.

Remus yawned and stretched elaborately, “Well, that’s it for me boys.  I’m off to bed.  Harry you look dead on your feet.  Why don’t you call it a night?”  Harry looked gratefully at Remus, “Yeah, okay - sounds good.”  Once outside the game room, Harry turned to Remus with a wicked grin said, “You know, suddenly I don’t feel so tired any more…”  At the second floor landing, they parted.  Remus stood for a moment, watching Harry make his way down the guest wing hall, certain that he was not going to bed, but instead, to the girl he loved.  “God speed” said Remus, and he headed for his own room, whistling Lily’s song softly to himself. 

Harry’s heartbeat quickened.  He reached her door and tapped gently - no response.  Closing his eyes, he focused on an image of her, and said “Appareo”.  Instantly, silently, he appeared beside her bed.  He drew his breath in sharply.  There were no lights on in the room, but the glow from a bright half-moon flooded through the windows and puddled onto the floor, illuminating Hermione’s large double-bed.  She was there.  She had been waiting.

She was still in her black gown, the skirts flaring around her, meeting at her small waist.  Her hair streamed across the pillows.  The Cadeau Du Mer shimmered in the moonlight with Hermione’s steady even breaths.  She was asleep.  In her hands, she held loosely the rose Harry had given her the night before; on her face she wore a sweet half-smile, her lips slightly parted.

Harry sat down gently on the bed beside her, facing her.  He took his glasses off and set them silently on the night stand.   Hermione stirred slightly, but didn’t wake.  Harry eased the rose gently from Hermione’s hands and brought it to his lips.  It had faded slightly, but he could still make out its heady scent.  Taking one petal, he gently stroked it against Hermione’s cheek and lips. 


From a long way away, Hermione could hear Harry calling her name.  She was rising through a warm shallow sea to meet him.  She felt something caress her cheek and lips.  Opening her eyes, she smiled at Harry’s shadowy form above her.   She experienced an instant flash of rapport.  She could hear his voice again, husky this time, “I want you” it breathed to her.

She drew his head down to hers and kissed him.   Not the tentative kiss of an adolescent girl, but the searing open-mouthed kiss of a woman, just beginning to flower - a woman who knew what he wanted and was not afraid.  Somewhere in the back of Harry’s brain, snatches of his conversation with Sirius floated about annoyingly.  Harry drew both of her hands above her head, and lacing his fingers through hers, kissed her deeply, trying to forcibly drive the conversation with Sirius out of his head.  Hermione, apparently reading his mind, sighed said softly, “You’re torn, I sense it.” 

Harry groaned and rolled to one side.  “Its just,” he began, “its just something Sirius said to me, something about all this I didn’t know and I,”  Harry groped for words, “I need to make sure…”   “That I’m ready?” she raised one eyebrow.  Harry nodded.  He started to speak, but she pressed her fingers to his lips, “You’re wondering if I realize how different this is for wizards aren’t you?”  Harry continued to gaze at her. “Its okay, Harry - I know my powers may…change.”  She looked away.  He held her tightly, as if afraid to let go.  He wondered if she knew just how much they might change.  He decided to tell her everything.

“Hermione, I’ve never…well, never had this experience before – if you know what I mean.”  She buried her face in his chest.  “Neither have I, but you know that already, don’t you?”  He nodded and said, “I thought so, at least, I’ve hoped so.”  She looked up at him.  He continued, “Do you understand then, everything that could happen if we….”  He paused, not able to finish.  “What is Harry” she said slowly, “What might happen?”  “The change in us, in our powers can be much more significant.  Sirius said it might increase them, it might diminish them, but that whatever happened, they wouldn’t remain the same.”   

For a long time, no one said anything.  They lay, wrapped in each other’s arms.  Harry ran his fingers through her hair, but made no other move.  Eventually, Hermione said. “Let’s wait, then.  Let’s wait until this apprenticeship is over.  There’s too much at stake.  They’ve all sacrificed so much for us to become sorcerers, I can’t stand it if we do something selfish and let them down.”  He said softly, “Are you sure?”  She sighed and shook her head.  “But promise me Harry, when the training is all over, we will.  Before we go back to Hogwarts, okay?  I want it to be here, I want it to be perfect.  Not the two of us fumbling around in a closet under the Invisibility Cloak.” He smiled ruefully and said, “Just as you like, Hermione.  Name the place and time, and I’ll be there.”  She grinned and her eyes sparkled up at him.  “Now that that’s settled, suppose we get back to what we were doing…” she said wickedly, and began to unbutton his shirt.

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