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Chapter One – Grandmother Figg

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Hermione was seated at one of the larger tables, surrounded by fat leather-bound volumes that appeared to be books on magical law.  Harry lingered for a moment in the doorway, watching her.  Her light cotton sun-dress and bare arms showed off a very becoming tan.  A slight breeze from the window played across her face and stirred the now sleek curls that hung down her back.  Her face was a mask of concentration as she skimmed one text after the other, searching for…what? 


Hermione was so deep in thought, that she didn’t hear Harry walk quietly up behind her.  Without saying a word, he gently brushed her hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck.  She gasped involuntarily, then tilted her head to one side, closed her eyes and said, “Mmmm, that’s a lovely way to say good morning.”  Grinning, Harry dropped into a chair beside her.  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?” he asked.  “Now, tell me, what are all these law books about?”   


Her voice was tense with excitement, “I’ve been researching the structure of wizarding courts, and the trial process.  Did you know, that just like in the Muggle world, it is possible to appeal the decision of a wizard court?  And,” she continued eagerly “it is possible for a defendant to make an appeal in absentia!”  Harry understood everything she was saying, but as of yet, failed to see any reason for excitement.  He assumed she was talking about Sirius, but making a case on his behalf without being able to produce Wormtail was hopeless, Dumbledore had said so.


“Hermione,” he began “unless we have Wormtail, why does all this matter?”  “Oh it matters,” she said, smiling broadly, “because modern rules of evidence are such that wizarding courts will now accept testimony from individuals questioned while they are under the influence of veritaserum!  Beyond that, wizarding criminal courts will even accept indirect testimony by reviewing a witnesses’ pensieve.  Don’t you see, Harry?  We could ask Dumbledore to file an appeal on Sirius’s behalf.  Then Winky, Remus, Ron, you, and I could all be questioned in a ministry court after having been given some veritaserum.  If more testimony was needed, a collective pensieve could be prepared in the courtroom.  An appeals judge could review our actual memories.  The truth would be undeniable borne out.   Sirius’s sentence would be overturned.” She paused for a moment to let Harry digest everything she had just shared, then said in a whisper, “He would be free Harry – free to make a life with you.”


Harry’s stomach gave a queer lurch.  He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  “You are amazing,” he breathed, hardly daring to speak above a whisper for fear that he would wake himself from the most wonderful of dreams.  Hermione looked away, not trusting herself to hold back the happy tears that were threatening to spill.  She reached for Harry’s hand and squeezed it tightly.


“There’s more, Harry.  Asking someone to testify under veritaserum in front of a courtroom full of people is a big deal.  All of us have secrets that are best kept to ourselves.  To make sure that nothing is accidentally revealed, Dumbledore and perhaps Arabella or Remus, should reach an understanding with the wizarding court of appeals as to what questions we will be asked.  All the questions should be known in advance, and approved by Dumbledore.  And, although it shouldn’t matter, I’m afraid public opinion may play a huge part in this effort.”  Harry shot her a quizzical look, “What do you mean?”


Hermione sighed.  “You know as well as I do that the whole wizarding world thinks Sirius is a dangerous dark wizard.  Sometimes it takes more than the truth to overcome sentiments that have existed for years.  Do you think for one moment that if this went before a jury you could find twelve unbiased witches or wizards?”  Harry placed the tips of his fingers together and closed his eyes remembering the first time he had heard wizards talk about Sirius.  It had been Stan Shunpike, the conductor on the Knight bus, who said “He’s mad!  Isn’t ‘e mad Ern?”  Harry remembered, too, the reaction Molly Weasley had had in the hospital wing the night Sirius revealed himself to Snape.  He nodded at Hermione.  “You are right of course, but what are we going to do about it?”

“The only thing to do.” she said, her eyes alight with mischief, “We’re going to give Rita Skeeter the scoop of a lifetime.  We’re going to help her break the habit of writing nasty things about people.  How does the saying go, about the truth being stranger than fiction? Well, we’re going to help her write a series of truthful (if somewhat embellished) articles about Sirius. You know the kind of thing I mean, ‘The Real Sirius Black: An Unsung Hero - an exclusive story by special correspondent, Rita Skeeter’.  That should go a long way toward swaying public opinion before and after Sirius’s trial”.


Harry thought about Buckbeak’s trial and appeal.  “Hermione, what if someone like Lucius Malfoy has this court in his pocket, just like he did when Buckbeak was tried?”  “No problem,” she replied smoothly, “we’ll threaten to call Dobby to the stand.  Dobby is the last person in the world Lucius Malfoy would like being questioned about dark wizards.”  She smiled, “Dobby is so loyal to you that I’m sure he would spill the beans on the Malfoys whether we gave him veritaserum or not.” 

The uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Harry’s stomach had gone away to be replaced by a surge of love and gratitude toward Hermione.  “You are undoubtedly the most clever, most beautiful witch I have ever laid eyes on.” he said, raising an eyebrow, “and a naughty one at that!  Sitting there calmly telling me that you’re perfectly prepared to blackmail an upstanding reporter like Rita Skeeter and an old pureblood family like the Malfoys.  You’re certainly full of surprises this morning!”  In answer, Hermione eased gracefully from her chair and into his lap. She bestowed upon his upturned face a kiss searing with barely controlled passion, leaving him momentarily breathless and speechless.  “Now”, she said with some satisfaction, “let’s go tell them everything…”   

They left the library together and descended the marble stairs to the lower floors in search of Arabella.  Hermione checked her watch “10:20 a.m.” she said aloud, “breakfast is long over by now, let’s check the sitting room”.   As they reached the double doors to the sitting room, they heard the soft murmur of voices.  Arabella was ensconced in an armchair near the fireplace giving Hopkins his instructions for the noon meal.  At the sight of them, her face brightened.  “There you are my dears!  Have you been sleeping in?  You’ve missed breakfast entirely, but I’m sure Hopkins can find something in the kitchen to sustain you until lunch.”  Hopkins bowed slightly and withdrew.  Hermione embraced Arabella and then dropped onto the floor at her feet.  “We didn’t sleep in,” Hermione began, “We’ve been in the library and we, well…” “We have something we want to talk to you about.” Harry finished for Hermione.  “This sounds serious” said Arabella, her forehead wrinkling slightly.


“It is”, said Hermione, “I mean to say, it may be”.  “Enlighten me!” prompted Arabella.  “Hermione has been doing some research into magical law, and believes she may have found a way to clear Sirius’ name – to set him free” Harry said slowly. Arabella listened patiently as Harry and Hermione recounted what they had learned about wizarding courts and the use of veritaserum.  Arabella nodded from time to time, but didn’t interrupt.  She was duly impressed at the idea of a collective pensieve, but admitted that she knew of no cases in modern times where it had been used.  “Still,” she said, “that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be used now.”  She became resolved.  With a determined expression she said “Let’s take the next step”.


Arabella rose from her seat and advanced to the fireplace.  No fire had been lit this morning.  Only a bed of ashes remained from the fire that burned during their reunion the night before, but with a few well chosen words and a flick of her wand, the fire sprang to life.  Behind Arabella, Harry glanced at Hermione, puzzled.  In return, Hermione gave the slightest shrug of her shoulders and then gestured to Arabella who was taking some sapphire-blue powder from a small crystal box. Closing the box gently, she placed it on the mantle, then threw a handful of powder into the fire.  Leaning close to the flames she said “Albus, could I see you for a moment?”  Harry and Hermione had rarely heard him called by his first name, but there was no doubt whom Arabella had just summoned – Albus Dumbledore.  Hermione and Harry rose immediately to their feet.  From within the now blue flames, there was suddenly an object whirling – spinning very fast.  In a moment, it ceased to spin, and there, stepping from the flames was their headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. 


Dumbledore looked from Arabella to Harry and Hermione.  He stood for a moment, taking them in, his face serene, then said “Good morning to you all.  Nothing the matter I trust?”  Arabella spoke first, “Thank you for coming Albus.  First let me put your mind at ease.  Nothing is the matter.  As you can see, Harry and Hermione are quite alright, but they have something to tell you.”  His gaze shifted to them for a moment, then back to Arabella.  “Won’t you sit down?  Hopkins is bringing some refreshments for Harry and Hermione in just a moment.  Perhaps you’d like to join them.”   Harry thought he saw Dumbledore’s remarkable blue eyes twinkle.  Smiling, Dumbledore said, “I would be delighted, but I must admit, I am deeply curious to know why you have summoned me.” he said, and seated himself on one of the comfortable couches that afforded a view of the sea.  He gestured for Harry and Hermione to sit. 


On the plea of finding Hopkins, Arabella excused herself.  Hermione shot a pleading glance at her.  She would have liked to have had Arabella’s support while revealing their plan to Dumbledore, but it was not to be.  Harry began.  “Sir, do you remember that night in the hospital wing after Sirius had been captured, you told us that even though you believed us, you did not have the power to make other men see the truth?”  Dumbledore nodded.  “Hermione may have found a way to show the ministry the truth in a manner so convincing that they may have to drop all charges against Sirius.”  Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, then turned to Hermione, “Please explain, Miss Granger”.  Hermione took a deep breath.  She was unaccustomed to this level of direct interaction with Dumbledore.  Certainly, Harry had had any number of personal interviews with him, but this was a first for her.  She took another steadying breath, and told him everything. 


She told him about her research into the structure of the courts and the appeals process.  She c ited examples of the use of veritaserum in gathering evidence and in giving testimony.  She recounted at length an instance where a collective pensieve had been used successfully in court.  He listened closely and made encouraging noises from time to time.  When it came time to tell him their strategy for employing the talents of Rita Skeeter, Hermione found herself choosing her words carefully at first, but eventually confessed to trapping the pesky unregistered animagus in an unbreakable jar and only releasing her when they had reached London.  A flicker of concern crossed Hermione’s face at this point.  But Dumbledore laughed out loud and patted her hand affectionately.  “My dear, you are quite an original thinker and you plan is filled with merit.  I will be honored to join you in this effort to free Sirius.  Before we begin, however, I think we should agree that the use of the time-turner should continue to be kept secret.”  Harry and Hermione nodded, and re-emphasized the idea of preparing all the questions in advance.  “That way,” said Harry, “you can select what information you want revealed in court.  If the ministry wants to ask follow-up questions on the spot, they could simply clear them with you in the courtroom.”  Dumbledore scratched his beard thoughtfully.  “You know, I think this just may work.  I shall write to Cornelius Fudge immediately.”

Harry beamed at Hermione.  Her cheeks were flushed, but she continued to hold Dumbledore’s gaze.  “You know my dear,” he began, “if this works, you will have helped set important precedent in magical law, but more importantly, you will have freed a brave and honorable man from exile.  He will finally be able to be fully engaged as Harry’s godfather and as protector to both of you.”  At that moment, Hopkins and Arabella returned bearing laden trays of fruit, tea, coffee, and sweet breads. 


Hopkins conjured a convenient tea table and chairs near the open terrace windows.  The four of them sat down together and Arabella poured tea.  “Speaking of Sirius,” said Dumbledore, “shouldn’t he be about?”  “He and Remus have gone to the village this morning for supplies.”  “Supplies?” queried Dumbledore.  “Yes,” Arabella laughed.  “They insisted that in order to carry on training these two properly, they needed some things from down in the village.  I’ve no idea what they could possibly want that I don’t already have here.  But Hopkins was apparently not able to satisfy them, so off they went.  They should be back any moment now.” 


“Speaking of training,” Dumbledore shifted his penetrating stare to Harry, “how are you coming along? Have you decided what form you would like to assume should you become an animagus?”  “I have been thinking about it a great deal, Sir.” said Harry.  “As have I” said Hermione.  “In fact, I’ve decided.”  Harry stared at her, wondering when she had found the time to fully consider this subject. 


“And?” said Dumbledore.  “A falcon” said Hermione firmly.  Dumbledore approved.  “A wise choice, Miss Granger.  As a falcon, you can move about incognito as Sirius does.  You will have speed, strength, and superior weapons to defend yourself.  Excellent choice.  And you Harry?”  For a moment, Harry hesitated.  He was not sure how Dumbledore would react to his choice.  “A phoenix.” Harry said at last.  “Bravo Harry, bravo.  A bit flashy of course, but as you know a phoenix is a remarkable creature with many admirable qualities.”  He smiled gently at Harry, “Not unlike yourself.”


For some, tea with their headmaster, (a headmaster who happened to be the most powerful wizard in the world) could be a bit daunting, but Arabella managed to put everyone at ease.  She drew Dumbledore into recounting stories of his own youth and training.  Hermione and Harry and found themselves riveted and highly amused trying to picture a teenage Dumbledore.  At length, when tea seemed to be over, Dumbledore said “Harry, Hermione, would you mind excusing us for a bit?  I need to speak to Arabella privately for a moment.”  They rose to leave, thanking Arabella for their splendid late breakfast.  She said, why don’t you stroll down the drive toward the park.  With any luck, you’ll meet Sirius and Remus returning from the village.”  At the door, Harry turned and said to Dumbledore, “Will we see you again before you leave?”  Dumbledore smiled and nodded.  Reassured, Harry joined Hermione in the entrance hall.

Hand in hand, they crossed the threshold into the bright sunlight.  Blinking, they crossed the terrace to the gravel drive that wound its way through the edge of the park to Paravel’s main gates.  “I didn’t imagine when I got up this morning that we would be having brunch with Dumbledore.” Hermione began.  “This is some chain of events you’ve set in motion, Hermione.   Are you okay?” he asked. “Oh yes, fine.  It’s just that it’s one thing to come up with what you think is a brilliant and exciting scheme when you are alone in the library.  It’s another thing altogether when you find yourself repeating it out loud to Dumbledore.” “Wait until they have you relating it all to Fudge!”  Harry teased.  “Seriously, Hermione, you’ll be brilliant and I’ll be there with you.” 


“You will?” she said.  Taking her by the shoulders, Harry turned her gently to face him.  “I’ll always be with you” he said softly.  The tension slipped from her expression.  She simply gazed up at him, relaxed, smiling and perhaps expectant.   Slowly, very slowly, he leaned toward her.  Her eyelashes brushed his cheeks.  He held her face in his hands.  He kissed her softly at first.  She opened her lips to his and he found himself consumed with desire for her.   Passion of this sort was new to them both, it was intoxicating – overwhelming. 


It was all consuming, endless, boundless.  She trembled as his hands ran lightly down her shoulders to the small of her back.  She was lost in the pure pleasure of his touch.  The world stopped turning.  There was no park, no driveway, no breeze from the sea, only Harry kissing her eyes and cheeks, burying his head in the hollow of her neck.  Instinctively, Hermione found herself entwined against his lean muscular frame.  She was blissfully happy, but conscious of a new longing - a new need for him. 

 Harry was engulfed in a wave ecstasy.  He wanted to drink her in, to fill his senses only with her.  The smell of her hair, the feel of her skin – silky under his fingers.  He wanted to capture forever the warmth of her lips searching for his, and the sound of her breath ragged and uneven as his attentions became more urgent.

 Harry swept her into his arms.  Turning from the drive, he strode deeper into the park.  He remembered a shady glen with a hammock and a few swings.  He had seen it from the air yesterday.  Was it only yesterday that they had flown together, connected by Arabella’s training ropes?  He marveled at how much deeper the connection had become.   He reached the glen easily and crossed to the hammock.  It was a beautiful thing, white with tassels and a small embroidered pillow.  Arabella’s own no doubt. 

In one easy motion, he swung Hermione into the hammock.  He reached for her feet and undid the buckles on her sandals, placing them on the ground next to his own shoes.  He eased onto the hammock beside her.   Hermione turned to him, raised her head and smiled.  She brushed the hair back from his eyes, then settled her head on his shoulder.  She took his hand in hers and closed her eyes.  This aspect of love was unfamiliar territory to her, and Harry would have to help her find her way.  He seemed to sense what she was thinking, and sought to reassure her.

 “You are exceptional” he whispered “and especially lovely at this moment.”  Turning slightly, Harry swept a handful of small white flowers from the grass at the edge of the hammock.  He kissed one and handed it to her.  He began tucking the rest into her hair when at last, she found her voice.  “When did you begin, I mean how did you ever begin to develop feelings for the stiff, no-nonsense, know-it-all Miss Granger?”  “I’ve no idea who you are talking about.” He smiled. The girl I care about, the witch I am in love with, is warm and open, full of mischief, and unbelievably sensuous.”  Hermione shook her head.  “I can’t believe it.  You’ve been given love potion and you just don’t know it.”  “Not potion, elixir – and you give it to me every time you touch me.  You are no witch, Hermione, you are an enchantress.”


She closed her eyes and he continued. “If you really want to know, it came upon me gradually.  You have always been there for me – like a lifeline.  When I first came to Hogwarts I would have been lost in the wizarding world it hadn’t been for you and Ron.  In all the time we’ve spent together you’ve always given me your unconditional love and friendship – even when I didn’t deserve it.  I don’t know why I didn’t see the truth sooner, but there have moments in our past when the fog would lift briefly and I would glimpse this happiness.”  “What do you mean, Harry?”

“Do you remember the morning after my name came out of the Goblet of Fire?  I didn’t want to go down to breakfast and face everyone, and instinctively, you knew it.  I was coming out of the portrait hole feeling alone and miserable, and there you were with a stack of toast asking me to walk ‘round the lake with you.  Do you remember?” She nodded.  “As distracted as I was by my situation, I remember thinking how wonderful you were – how well you knew me.  I needed more than breakfast and privacy, I needed you and there you were.”  He continued “But I never thought I stood a chance with you.  For one thing, there was Ron – my best friend who appeared to be head-over-heels for you, but unable to admit it, even to himself.  Then there were Rita Skeeter’s horrible articles about us.  I was terrified at the thought of your reaction.  The way you handled it was very reassuring.  The person who gave me the most reassurance though, was Viktor Krum.”  

  “Viktor?” Hermione said in surprise, “how?”  “Do you remember the night that Barty Crouch disappeared from Hogwarts?  The night he came looking for Dumbledore and stumbled into Viktor and me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest?” “Yes,” Hermione said slowly.  “I never told you why Viktor asked me to walk with him did I?” It was not a question.  “No, I guess with everything else that happened that night, you never got around to it,” she mused. “I never got around to it on purpose, Hermione.”  “He wanted to speak with me in private to ask about you.”  “He did? Why?” “Well, because of Rita Skeeter’s articles and evidently because of how you talked about me when the two of you were together, he got the idea that there really was something between us.  At first I was stunned.  It never occurred to me that I might actually be perceived as competition.  Later - days later, as I looked back on our conversation, it gave me hope.  Hope that if you really were talking about me to Viktor Krum in a way that made him jealous, then maybe, deep down, you had some unexplored feelings for me as well.”  She started to speak, but he interrupted her.

  “Wait, please let me finish, I’ve needed to say this to you for too long.”  She nodded and he continued, “The night of the Yule Ball you looked so lovely, so stunningly pretty.  I could hardly take my eyes off you and I have carried that image with me in my head like a photograph, like a beacon.  In those terrible moments with Voldemort in the cemetery, all I wanted was to get back to Hogwarts, to get back to you.  I wanted to see your face, hear your voice one last time.  I remember seeing your face streaked with tears in the crowds at the entrance to the maze.  I tried to call to you, but I couldn’t.  In the hospital wing that night I wanted only you – you and Sirius.  The thing in the world I wanted most was just to hold you.  To let my head sag onto you shoulder and to feel all the pain and misery ebb away.”  He sighed deeply, “Do you know, in the last few days, you have healed all the scars that really matter?”   

 Her eyes were bright with unshed tears.  She swallowed and tried to speak, but he put his fingers to her lips and whispered “Shhsh, it’s alright.  I’m alright now.” Then he smiled and breathed into her ear, “Don’t tell me how you feel, Hermione, show me.”  And for the second time that morning, Hermione took his breath away.  When he had recovered himself, he said held her tightly and said, “And now, it’s my turn to ask you questions…”

  “Fire when ready, Mr. Potter”, Hermione laughed and she rested her head on his shoulder once more.  “Why a falcon, and when did you decide?”  “Ahh”, she said, “I wondered when we would get around to this.  I hadn’t really decided until the moment Dumbledore asked me, then it just sort of popped out.  I’d been thinking about what Arabella said, about being inconspicuous, but at the same time, I didn’t want to be powerless.  Falcons are not the largest birds of prey, but they are fast and powerful.  And, thanks to you, I’ve recently learned to love the thrill of flight.” Harry laughed.  Hermione continued, undaunted.  “Falcons have been a favorite companion of kings and conqueror’s for centuries.  They are extremely faithful, Harry; they mate for life.” She gazed at him for a moment, as if uncertain whether or not to continue, then said, “Sometimes, you remind me of a young warrior-king, and” she hesitated, “I guess I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind a falcon for a companion.”   He kissed her tenderly on the forehead and said quietly, “Only if I knew I could have that companion for life”  

“You can, Harry” And suddenly the last questions had been asked and answered.  There could be no going back, no misunderstanding.  They were together – a pair, a couple.  He had always known he wanted a future with her, and now, in the most beautiful and simple of ways, she had made it clear that she wanted the same thing.  She had chosen to assume the form of a falcon, a symbol of fidelity.  In doing so, she had agreed to bind her self and her fate to him forever.  Willing, joyously she bound her heart to his.  And he had never been happier that at that moment.

 Chapter Six – The Nightmare 

 Sirius and Remus, loaded down with curious bundles, reached Paravel shortly after Harry and Hermione had strayed from the gravel drive in the direction of their secluded glade.  They entered the foyer in high spirits and began calling immediately for Arabella.  She came out of the drawing room with a look of mock indignation and said, “For heaven’s sake, lower your voices, I’m right here.  And,” she said grandly,  “we have a visitor.”  At once, Sirius assumed the form of a giant bear-like dog.  A broad smile spread over Arabella’s features and she gestured to the door of the sitting room.  Remus crossed to the door with Sirius close at his heels. 

 At the sight of this strange two-some, Dumbledore rose.  His face was wreathed in smiles.  Sirius immediately assumed his usual form and stretched a hand out to Dumbledore who took it, but then embraced them both like sons.  “You’re both looking well, very well” he said, “I see that Arabella’s company is as therapeutic for you as it is for me.”  Arabella flushed slightly.  Sit down, sit down.  Shall I have Hopkins bring you something to drink after your long dusty walk?”  They nodded gratefully.  Dumbledore leaned forward, his eyes alight with interest, “And now, tell me, how are our young people getting along?  Does Harry seem to be suffering any lasting effects from his last encounter with Voldemort?”

“No, no” Sirius said quickly.  “In fact he seems amazingly well.”  Remus added “He and Hermione are both very receptive to training.  We seem to have begun this phase of education at exactly the right time for them both.  Even though it’s just been a few days, it is evident that they are capable of great things.  Only last night, Harry summoned his Firebolt without a wand.  It was amazing.  He did it reflexively, without thinking.  In fact, I don’t think he knows he did it and I haven’t seen him yet this morning to tell him.”  “They’ve been busy in the library, Remus, but we’ll get to that in a moment.” said Arabella, smiling. 

Dumbledore looked curious.  “I’m not sure I understand. What did you mean when you said you didn’t think Harry realized that he had summed his broomstick without a wand?”  Remus shot Sirius a helpless look.  Sirius said, “He was….highly distracted”  “Oh, I see,” said Dumbledore, “some sort of training exercise?”  “No, not exactly” said Remus, who was concentrating very hard on a mark in the carpet.   “Explain.” said Dumbledore.  Sirius sighed.  “If you must know, he was dancing with Miss Granger on the terrace in the moonlight if you catch my drift…”  Suddenly, what they had all been trying not to say became clear.  “Ahhh, I see,” Dumbledore said with a smile,  “So this is what you have been hinting at all morning Arabella.  Well, it’s perfectly natural after everything they’ve been through together and they are extremely well-suited.  And they did come to this on their own?  No well-intentioned nudges from any of you?” he said looking directly at Arabella.  Exasperated, she said “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”  In answer, the gentlemen all laughed.

From the glade, Harry and Hermione heard the clock in Paravel’s diminutive tower strike twelve.  They had already managed to miss breakfast, to miss lunch would be unforgivable.  Springing from the hammock, they hastily donned shoes and sprinted toward the house.  Breathless, they crossed the threshold to the sounds of laughter coming from the sitting room. 

“Here are the young scallywags now,” said Sirius.  “What have you two been up to?  Arabella said you went down the drive to meet us.” There was a spark of mischief in his eyes as he watched Harry shuffle his feet slightly.  “Can’t imagine how we missed you, but then we did explore the park a bit…” mumbled Harry.  Harry was spared further teasing from his godfather as Hopkins rang the gong for lunch.

Dumbledore sat at one end of Arabella’s gleaming table, while she sat at the other.  Sirius, Remus, Harry, and Hermione arranged themselves comfortably in between.  As soon as Hopkins had served the first course and excused himself, Dumbledore began.  “This morning, Arabella contacted me to inform me that an opportunity exists to clear your name, Sirius.  It seems, that Miss Granger, neglected her training this morning and instead, conducted research in the library that will undoubtedly lead to your becoming a free man Sirius.”  Sirius looked from Dumbledore to Hermione in amazement.  Hermione was blushing furiously and stared fixedly at her plate. 


Slowly, Dumbledore explained the entire plan to Sirius who at first protested the idea of his friends having to testify under the influence of veritaserum.  “Sirius, your concern for your friends is admirable, but misplaced.  If you want to help and protect them, you can do that much more ably as a free man.” Somewhat more emphatically, Dumbledore added, “Don’t you see?  We need all our strength and resources to fight Voldemort.  By claiming your true place in the wizarding world, you can focus all your energy on protecting Harry and Hermione, and help ensure Voldemort’s downfall.  You must see that.” 

Sirius turned away for a moment, the nodded.  He rose from his chair and went to Hermione’s side.  He dropped to his knees and taking one of her hands in his own, said “How can I ever re-pay you for this miracle?”  Overwhelmed and embarrassed, Hermione urged him to rise and said, “Don’t thank me, you’re not free yet.”  “But perhaps he soon will be.” said Dumbledore.  As soon as I receive a reply from Fudge, we’ll have a better idea where we stand.”

The rest of lunch was spent devising the questions that should be asked under veritaserum and on the timing of Hermione’s next contact with Rita Skeeter.  As lunch ended, Hopkins served coffee.  Dumbledore declined, indicating that he had matters that needed his attention at Hogwarts.  He rose and beckoned to Harry.  “Could I see you for a moment before I leave, Harry?”  Harry followed Dumbledore outside to the terrace and the two of them began to walk slowly down the cliff path toward the sea.  The others remained at the table over their coffee discussing the afternoon’s training activities.

Dumbledore walked silently for a few minutes.  He was leaning forward slightly, his hands clasped behind his back.  He stopped and considered Harry for a moment, then said more to himself than to Harry, “Yes, I think it’s time.”  Harry did not respond, but turned to face his headmaster who was look at him thoughtfully over his half-moon spectacles.  “Harry, Arabella has told you and Hermione of your unusually gifted nature, correct?”  Harry nodded.  “But she has not, I understand, told you the name for a wizard who is unusually gifted has she.”  It was not a question, but a statement of fact.  Harry nodded again.  “Harry, when a wizard possesses certain special abilities - abilities that distinguish, empower and enable, he or she has traditionally been called a sorcerer or sorceress.   Since ancient times, to be called a sorcerer was an honor.  It was a mark of respect and reverence from your peers.  However, in the middle ages, there were some sorcerers who used their power to fulfill person ambition.  Sometimes these ambitions were political; sometimes they were for personal power and glory.  Increasingly, the name sorcerer began to be associated with those powerful wizards who used their talents for selfish and often dark purposes.   In modern times, when wizards refer to sorcerers they are likely to call them a ‘you-know-what’ just as they call Voldemort, ‘you-know-who’.  Do you understand what I mean?”  Harry said, “I think so.  It sounds similar to any number of other long held beliefs in the modern wizarding world.  Like the idea that all parselmouths are dark wizards or that all giants and werewolves are evil.”  “Precisely, precisely so.” said Dumbledore,  “Naturally, one can understand why people began to fear sorcerers.  Merlin was one of the last to be widely recognized for using his abilities to make a positive difference in the wizarding world.  There have been others of course,” he smiled for a moment, “but their efforts are often unremembered.” 

“Dumbledore, are you a sorcerer?”  Harry asked.  “Yes, Harry” he smiled.  “I see,” said Harry “Am I a sorcerer now, or is it that I will become one in time?”  


“When you have completed your training, your “apprenticeship”, you will be a fully qualified sorcerer and Hermione will be a sorceress.” Dumbledore explained.  Harry nodded.  “And now, Harry, I must ask you a highly personal question, one which you may choose not to answer if you like.”  Harry looked puzzled.  Eyeing Harry, Dumbledore asked, “What are your ambitions?  For what purpose will you use your enhanced powers?”  Harry said, “I’m not sure I understand, sir.”  Harry thought for a moment, then said slowly and truthfully, “My only ambitions in life at the moment are to see Sirius freed, to do whatever I can to help make sure that Voldemort is held accountable for his actions, to finish school at Hogwarts, and then,” here Harry paused again and flushed slightly, “to make a quiet life somewhere with Hermione”.  “Good lad.” said Dumbledore, who clapped Harry on the shoulder and continued walking toward the sea.  “If you hold fast to your goals and dreams, you will not easily be lead astray by those who would manipulate your powers for their own purposes.”  Dumbledore continued. “You have found in Miss Granger, a perfect companion.  Her tastes, talents, and pleasures seem to complement your own beautifully.  She understands the difficult road that may lie ahead of you both and is willing to walk it by your side.  I hope you know what a lucky young man you are.”  “ I do, sir” said Harry, smiling for the first time.  “Well, I hope so, I certainly hope so.” said Dumbledore, returning Harry’s smile, his eyes twinkling. 

 Suddenly serious for a moment, Dumbledore added “Treasure these times Harry.  Keep them close to you like a talisman to help you face the difficult times ahead.  Later, you will draw your strength from these memories.”  “Yes, sir” Harry nodded.  “And now, I must be off.  Please give Arabella and Miss Granger my regards.  As soon as I have made contact with Fudge, I will let you know.”  Harry nodded.  There was a small “pop” and Dumbledore vanished. 

 Harry retraced his steps up the cliff path toward Paravel.  As he neared the house, he saw Sirius, Remus, Hermione and Arabella outside surrounded by what looked to be the entire contents of a sporting goods store.

 “What’s all this?” Harry asked as he reached the terrace.  Hermione shook her head and gestured to the assorted volleyball nets, soccer goals, pitching machines, etc, and said, “Sirius and Remus have decided to devise some sort of mid-air obstacle course for us to fly through.  They are going to levitate most of this stuff and we’re going to have to fly through it at break-neck speeds while they hurl hexes at us.” She paused for a moment, uncertain. “From the looks of all this stuff, it looks like they plan to throw golf balls, golf clubs, tennis racquets, cricket bats, and croquet mallets as well.” said Harry, looking around him in wonder. 

 “Ha! You just wait young, Harry.  Not only are we going to devise things for you to dodge, but things you’re going to have to collect as well.” Sirius laughed.  “That’s right! You’re going to have to use your wands, fly without your hands, and rescue a hostage, all against the clock.”  “Excuse me,” interrupted Harry irreverently, “but I have had some experience with hostage rescue….”  Sirius waved a hand dismissively.  “Yes, yes, we know all about it, but that was underwater and everyone knows that underwater hostage rescue is a walk in the park compared to airborne hostage rescue.”  Everyone laughed, even Hermione, who had been growing a little nervous about this new scheme for mid-air training.  


In what seemed like a matter of moments, Sirius and Remus had managed to levitate everything into place.  They had created a labyrinth of nets, balls, hoops, and spells.  Carefully, Remus took a can of spray paint and outlined a bright yellow box in the grass near the terrace.  Glancing up, he walked beneath the course to what appeared to be the finish line, where he painted a similar circle.  He returned to the little group on the terrace and said, “Now, Harry may I borrow the Firebolt?”  Without thinking, Harry glanced toward his bedroom windows and said Accio Firebolt!”  In seconds, the Firebolt whizzed to his side.  He handed it to Remus.  “You did it again!” Remus practically shouted.  Harry was taken aback.  “Did what?  What did I do?” More quietly this time, Remus said “You used the summoning charm without a wand.”  Harry was stunned.  Hermione was shocked as well.  Sirius laughed and said with a wink, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a “you-know-what”!” 

 Sirius and Remus borrowed Harry’s Firebolt and Arabella’s Nimbus to fly slowly through the course, describing each obstacle as they came to it.  “Full speed now I think” said Remus and he gestured Sirius to the yellow box.  Arabella agreed to play hostage and took up an assigned position on a floating pallet near the end of the course.  Remus handed Harry a stop watch, then took out his wand.  “Ready?” he said to Sirius.  Sirius nodded, not looking at them, but instead fixing his eyes on the course above.  “Go!” shouted Remus.  Sirius shot from the ground like a rocket.  He dived and swooped, blasting objects out of his way and dodging curses.  As he neared Arabella, he hardly slowed down as he swept her on to the broom beside him.  With only a few obstacles left to go, they were soon on the ground, landing in the yellow circle with a flourish.  Sirius was breathing hard and laughing as he called to Harry “What was my time?”  “3 minutes 15 seconds” said Harry.

  “Well there you have it boys and girls, the time to beat is 3 minutes, 15 seconds,” said Remus cheerfully.  “Who’s going first?”  Hermione pointed at Harry and said flatly, “He is.”  Harry grinned and said “Okay, but only if you play hostage”.  Hermione agreed and allowed Remus to levitate her gently up to the pallet at the end of the course.  Harry reclaimed his Firebolt and strode to the yellow square.  He could feel his heart beginning to pound with excitement.  This was just the sort of challenge he loved best.  “Ready?” Remus called. Harry mounted his Firebolt, took out his wand and nodded.  “Then Go!” Remus shouted.  Harry whizzed upward and began to negotiate the various obstacles in the course.  “He’s some flyer isn’t he?” muttered Sirius under his breath as he glanced at the stop watch.  “He looks like a steeplechaser.”   “He looks like James.” said Arabella. 

 Harry was doing quite well until a flying cricket bat nearly unseated him.  He lost precious time righting himself and getting back onto the course.  He reached Hermione and swept her onto his broom with practiced ease.  They dove for the ground and landed a bit hard in the yellow circle.  Both were breathing hard.  “What’s my time?” Harry panted.  “Four minutes!”  Remus grinned broadly.

 Harry turned to Hermione.  “Your turn now my sweet.  Do you want the Firebolt or the Nimbus?”  Hermione pursed her lips.  She was not anxious to fly in front of Sirius and Remus, especially not through a timed obstacle course.  “The Nimbus I think, since that’s what I flew with yesterday.” she said bravely.  “And now”, said Remus, “who would you like for a hostage?”  Hermione forced a laugh and said “Who ever is willing to jump at this broom as I pass by and then cling for dear life until we land, because I don’t see myself as being strong enough to sweep any of you onto a broom with me.”    Sirius said, “It’s all a matter of leverage.  If he did it right, Professor Flitwick could lift Hagrid onboard in a pinch.  Here, I’ll show you.”  They went through it a few times on the ground until Hermione felt comfortable.  “Okay” she said, looking around and giving them a small half-smile, “Who wants to be my victim, err I mean hostage?”  “I’ll do it.” said Harry.

 Harry gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze and walked to the end of the course.  Arabella sent him neatly up to the pallet with a wave of her wand.  Hermione pulled out her own wand and edged to the yellow box that marked the start line.  Remus asked her “Do you want to do it one time at half-speed?”  Hermione shook her head, “No”.  “Well then, if you’re ready, go!” Hermione kicked off hard and soared toward the first obstacles.  She was ready as the first targets approached and negotiated them without difficulty.  She zigged, zagged, and blasted her way through the course at unbelievable speeds.  As she approached Harry on the pallet, he made a perfectly timed leap onto the Nimbus and they streaked through the last hurdles and to the ground.  Hermione’s knees were shaking as she climbed off the Nimbus.  She bent over and put her hands on her knees.  “What was the time?” Harry called to Remus.  “Four minutes and thirty seconds!” He shouted back.  Hermione whooped for joy.  Her time hadn’t been all that far off Harry’s and she hadn’t been knocked off her broom or tangled in nets or stunned by curses.  It was a great feeling.

 They spent the next couple of hours working their way endlessly though the course.  Sometimes they would dissect it item by item, other times they would speed through the whole thing at once.  Remus and Arabella had a few turns and by the end of the day, everyone had posted respectable times.  Not surprisingly, Sirius and Harry emerged as the two leaders, with Harry nearly beating Sirius’s time before they quit for the day.

The shadows were growing long as Hermione climbed the stone steps to the terrace.  She was tired, dirty, disheveled and sore.  Arabella laughed at the sight of her.  “You need a long soak in a hot tub.”  Hermione nodded wordlessly and climbed the stairs to her room.  She began peeling off dirty clothes as soon as she closed her door.  They made a trail behind her as she worked her way to the bathroom.  Stepping into the shower first, Hermione scrubbed at the grime on her face and under her fingernails until she felt clean again, then she filled the long claw footed tub with the hottest water she could stand.  Easing into the water Hermione let out a long sigh and closed her eyes.  She wondered if all their training would be so exhausting. 

Smiling to herself, she began shaking bath salts into the water.  It had been hard, but she had been up to it.  Hermione was proud of her times and especially proud of how much they had improved with each flight.  One of these days, she might even catch the famous Harry Potter.

Next door, the famous Harry Potter was just getting out of the shower himself.  Crossing to his wardrobe, he saw that Hopkins had laid out a soft blue dress shirt and grey flannels.  After having worn Dudley’s hand-me-downs for years, it was nice to have clothes that fit.  He dressed carefully, then combed his hair which stayed in place only momentarily before springing back to its normally slightly untidy look.  Harry sighed.  He wondered if Hermione was ready yet.

At the thought of her, a smile broke involuntarily across his face.  She had been so wonderful today, so brilliant.  He remembered the set look of her face as she tackled the course again, and again.  Suddenly, he could hardly wait to see her.  Impatient to hold her, and eager to tell her about his talk with Dumbledore, he crossed the hall and tapped lightly on her door, “Hermione?” he called softly. 

“Come in” she said.  He opened the door to find her just settling a filmy sort of gown over her head.  She turned and smiled at him.  “I’m so glad to see you.  I thought I was going to have to ring for Mrs. Hopkins.  Now you can do it for me.”  “Do what?” Harry breathed.  “My zipper.  Would you mind?” she asked.  In answer, he crossed the room to where she stood, barefoot in front of a long mirror and turned her around.  In one smooth motion, he zipped her into her gown and fastened the little hook at the neck.     She reached for her dressing table for a stand of pearls.  “These too?” she said handing them to Harry.  He slid them gently around her neck and fastened them at the back.  Her perfume was delicious.  Her hair was swept up in a sophisticated arrangement of curls that exposed the back of her neck.   She was irresistible. His arms encircled her waist and he kissed her lightly.  For a moment, the two of them stood looking at their own reflection in the mirror.     Harry murmured quietly in her ear, “You know, this could be the Mirror of Erised, for in it, I see my heart’s desire”.  A soft patter of rain began to fall against the windows.  Hopkin’s gong sounded for dinner.  Slowly, Hermione turned from Harry and put on her shoes. She took the arm that Harry offered and a little reluctantly, they descended the stairs to dinner.

Smiling faces greeted them as they entered the drawing room.  Harry was forced to share Hermione with Sirius who gallantly offered her an arm and took her in to dinner.  Remus led Arabella to the head of the table while Harry seated himself in the middle, opposite Hermione and Sirius who were deep in conversation.  Rain fell in torrents outside, and occasional flashes of lightning punctuated their conversation, which had turned, not surprisingly to apparition. 

 Arabella was satisfied with the progress they were making on their broomsticks, but felt that it was now time to turn to more intellectual pursuits, like apparition.  Hermione was visibly excited at the prospect of mastering this skill nearly two years earlier than most witches and wizards.  She was filled with questions.  “When you apparate, is it to a person? Or to a place?  Can it be either?  Is it easier to apparate across short distances at first?”  Remus laughed at her enthusiasm and patiently answered all her questions.  He outlined the theory and eventually shared with her the brief incantation used  (appareo) but only after she promised not to try and use it before morning. 

After dessert and coffee, they adjourned to the music room.  A gleaming black grand piano stood in the center of an elegant room lit only by candles and the light from the fire Hopkins had prepared for them.  A harp stood in one corner, and cello in the other.  Comfortably arranged near the piano and fireplace were a small sofa, and a few deep arm chairs with console tables placed strategically nearby.  They were grouped near the fire when Hopkins eased silently among them with glasses of sherry.  They each took one.  Harry held his up before the fire, watching the amber liquid shimmer in the flames before he took a grateful swallow.


Remus ran a hand lightly along the edge of the piano.  “It’s irresistible isn’t it?”  Settling himself at the keys he began to play some of the most beautiful haunting music Harry had ever heard.  It was hypnotic and oddly familiar.   “What a treat, Remus” said Arabella softly as he finished.  “I haven’t heard that in years.”  “It’s lovely,” breathed Hermione, “what was it?” Remus smiled a sad half-smile.  “Something of my own.  Your mother was especially fond of it, Harry.  She hummed it to you endlessly when you were a baby.  Do you remember?”  And Harry found that he did remember, but his throat was too tight to speak.   

Understanding Harry’s silence, Remus smiled and then with comic irony, began to play the Moonlight Sonata.  He finished with a mock flourish and bid everyone good night.  Taking their cue from Remus, all of Arabella’s guests thanked her for a lovely dinner and bid her good night in turn.

Harry walked Hermione to her door and after a lingering kiss, saw her safely inside.  Just as he was about to enter his own room, a queer feeling swept over him.  The hair on the back of his neck stood up, but for only a moment.  He had the urge to turn back to Hermione’s room, but after a moment’s hesitation, decided he had been mistaken.  Undoubtedly the storm, which had worsened, had him on edge.  He went to bed, but slept only fitfully.  He dreams were troubled, his body over-tired from training.

Hermione was having no better luck sleeping in her room next door.  Time after time, she would drift off to sleep only to wake with a start at…nothing.  She drifted deeper and deeper.  The storm raged on.  

A window latch clicked with near silence.  A figure, hooded and robed eased across the sill.  The figure uncorked a vial and poured the contents onto what looked to be a folded white rag.  Gloved hands reached for the girl on the bed.  She struggled, but only for a moment as powerful arms forced the rag over her nose and mouth.  His hood slipped back from his face.  His features were pale and pointy, his eyes watery.  Wormtail.  Hermione tried to scream but the noxious fumes from the rag were making her dizzy.  Her limbs were heavy, useless. Clawing her way through layers of sleep, Hermione screamed and screamed again.

Next door, Harry was deep in the middle of a horrible dream.  Wormtail had managed to slip into Hermione’s room.  He was covering her face with something.  She was screaming.  Harry jerked awake with a start.  Hermione’s screams were real.  Without warning Harry’s scar exploded with pain.  He hurled himself out of bed and burst into Hermione’s room.   

She was screaming and writhing in her covers.  He gathered her into his arms, but she continued to struggle.  Intuitively, he knew she was not awake.  “Hermione, it’s me, it’s Harry.”  His hands closed over her wrists as she fought to strike him, to rain blows on the enemy of her nightmare.  At last, he was able to wake her.  Her eyes flew open wide in terror.  She looked frantically from the window to Harry then buried her face in chest.  She clung to him tightly while he murmured soothingly into her hair, “Shhh, it’s alright, I’m here.  It’s all over now, it was just a dream.”


Wrenching herself from him for a moment she said, her voice full of fear, “It was Peter Pettigrew.  It was Wormtail.  He was here - in my room.  He put some sort of foul smelling rag over my nose.  It made me dizzy.  I couldn’t scream; I couldn’t move.  He was going to take me to Voldemort.”  “I know” said Harry.  “But, how could you know?” she said.  “Because I was having the same dream.  Your screams woke me just as he was putting the rag over your nose and mouth.  Your screams and” he paused, not wanting to frighten her any more, “my scar.”

Gently, but firmly he pulled her to her feet.  “We’re going to find Sirius, now.”   

Hermione needed no further explanations.  Linking hands, they ran to the hall, down the guest wing and to the landing.  Sirius and Remus were in rooms on the opposite side of the landing from Harry and Hermione.  Harry quickly found Sirius’s room.  He knocked sharply on the door.  “Sirius! Sirius, wake up!”  In a matter of seconds, the door was flung open wide.  Sirius stood before them, his eyes wary and alert – his wand out.  “What is it?” he growled.

At that moment, the door opposite was jerked open.  Remus appeared instantly in the hall, his own wand raised.  “It was Wormtail.”  “We had the same nightmare!” Harry and Hermione began simultaneously.  Sirius held up a hand for silence and herded everyone into his room.  Harry recounted is nightmare – seeing Wormtail enter Hermione’s room through a window, then try to put what looked like a rag over her nose and mouth.  Hermione continued, “Whatever was on the rag had a sickly, sweet smell.  It made me dizzy – unable to move.  He was just about to overpower me when I woke up.  He never said anything, but I knew he was taking me to Voldemort.”

Harry began again, “Just as I saw Wormtail reach her, I felt a searing pain in my scar.  I woke up and heard Hermione screaming.  The pain was real.  The screams were real.  I found her screaming and struggling in her sleep, but no sign of Wormtail.”  Hermione nodded.  “Harry woke me, then we came to find you.”

Sirius looked from Hermione to Harry, then said, “Does your scar still hurt?” “Just a dull ache” said Harry.  Remus helped Hermione to a chair.  “How about you?” he asked, “Are you okay? No marks or bruises?” She shook her head no.  Remus pressed the bell for Hopkins who knocked quietly a moment later.  “Tea, please Hopkins, we’ve all had a bit of a fright.” said Remus.

Sirius paced the perimeter of a large oriental carpet.  “Harry, when you’ve had dreams like this before – when your scar has hurt, there’s usually been a correlation between your dreams and reality?  Correct?”  Harry nodded.  “And you, Hermione?  Have you ever had such dreams before?” She shook her head “No”.  

Hopkins reappeared with tea.  He offered Hermione a steaming mug. She took it gratefully;  Harry noticed her hands were shaking.  Sirius continued to pace.  At length he said.  “In the morning, we will contact Dumbledore.  For now, Remus and I are going to Hermione’s room.  On the off chance that Wormtail should appear, we’ll be waiting.”  He considered Harry and Hermione for a moment.  “You two stay here and try to get some rest.”  He gave Hermione and encouraging smile, then swept out of the room with Remus at his side.

As they walked in the direction of Hermione’s now vacant room, Remus said, “Do you think that was wise?”  “What?” asked Sirius.   “We’ve just left them for the night in one room - a room that has only one bed.”  Sirius considered Remus’s question.  “There’s not much night left at the moment, and they’ve had a bad fright.  I’d say they were too tired and too worried to give much thought to what you have in mind, Remus.”  They exchanged boyish grins and walked on.

Hermione finished her cup of tea and yawned in her chair.  Here, in Sirius’s room, with Harry nearby, the nightmare was gradually beginning to recede.  She took in her surroundings carefully for the first time.  Harry had lit a fire.  The fireplace was large, with an elegantly carved marble mantle and ornate mirror above it.  There were a few candles lit here and there.  Heavy drapes of dark burgundy covered the large windows, but Hermione could still hear the rain lashing against them.  Light from the fire played across an enormous mahogany four-poster bed.  It was bedecked in luxurious hangings of burgundy that matched the drapes.  Covering the bed were masses of pillows.  Decorative pillows with brocade and tassels were placed here and there, and at the head of the bed, huge down-filled pillows had been stuffed into cases of the softest white linens Hermione had ever felt.  She was seized with an uncontrollable urge to whack Harry with one of them.  She needed to break free of the appalling aftermath of the dream and what it meant.

And so, as Harry turned his back to her to prod at the fire, she seized her wand and used the banishing charm to send an overstuffed pillow whizzing right into Harry’s backside.  He whirled in surprise to find her doubled over with laughter.   Instantly, he began hurling pillows at her.  Hermione abandoned her wand and scrambled into the center of Sirius’s bed where she began whacking at Harry with all her might.  “You’re going down, Miss Granger!” he shouted and leapt onto the bed beside her.  She landed a particularly vicious blow on his shoulder, and the pillow she was holding split down one side.  Down went everywhere.  For a shining moment, it felt like being in a snow globe that had just been shaken.   Harry lunged at her and they toppled backward onto the few pillows that remained, laughing hard and out of breath.

“Would you look at all this?  Harry said gesturing to the baroque splendor that surrounded them.  “Who would have thought Sirius was such a dandy.”  They laughed again at the thought.  And their laughter was delicious, infectious.   Eventually, Harry stretched and said, “I suppose I could make myself a bed on the floor out of all these pillows…”   Hermione arched an eyebrow and said silkily, “Whatever for?  Do you think I’m going to let you leave me all alone in this big bed after what I’ve been through tonight?”   

Harry pretended to be shocked, “Miss Granger!  Remember yourself!” he laughed and began removing stray bits of down that had floated into her hair.  “I think,” she said softly, “that I will always remember this night.”  Harry was suddenly all too aware of her eyes in the firelight, of her lips, full and soft, waiting to be kissed.  He leaned toward her and for an intoxicating eternity, he gazed into her eyes, then brushed her lips with the lightest of kisses.  Harry eased under the covers, then held them back for Hermione.  Her heart was pounding as she slid into Harry’s waiting arms.  Cradling her, he drew her palm to his lips and kissed it, then her wrist.  She moaned as he kissed her bare shoulders and throat.  Harry buried his face in the hollow of her neck and inhaled.  Her scent - her warm closeness filled him with an indescribable longing to know more of her.  He paused, deliberately.  Hermione took his face in her hands and whispered, “I love you, Harry”.    “And I love you, Hermione” he said, his voice husky.


Inside Harry, a war was raging.  Reason and good judgment were locked in battle against the desire that flamed within him, a desire that was becoming more insistent with each passing second.  “Don’t rush this; don’t ruin everything; don’t scare her.”  He thought to himself.  He remembered Snape’s sneering words, “Mr. Potter has been crossing lines ever since he came to Hogwarts.”  “Well,” Harry told himself firmly, “this is one line that is going to remain uncrossed for the time-being.”  Allowing himself a small smile and a sigh, he thought about all the sweet possibilities that were open to them - possibilities they could explore together without crossing “the line”.  He kissed Hermione deeply. 

A narrow beam of sunlight fell across the bed through a gap in the drapes.  Hermione stretched luxuriously and looked around.  “It wasn’t a dream,” she whispered to herself.  For there, sleeping peacefully beside her, was Harry.   Hermione raised her head onto one elbow, just watching him, hardly daring to breath for fear she would wake him.  She wanted this moment to last for ever.  It was delicious, just lying there watching him.  His dark hair was tousled; his face, untroubled by nightmares, was smooth and tanned.  Dark eyelashes, easily seen now without his glasses on, were thick curves against his cheeks.  Barely visible through his bangs, was the legendary lightning scar.     

The scar was a forcible reminder of everything he had been through.  Parts of his past had been torturous, even hellish, but time and again, he seemed to emerge inwardly unscathed. He was, and would perhaps always be, filled with hope and courage.  In spite of the years he spent deprived of love, he was able to give and receive it with compassion and honesty.  She continued to watch him, and marveled at the man was becoming.  For only a man, not a boy, could have loved her as he had last night.  He had been so gentle, so unhurried.  He had allowed her set her own pace, and if Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil were to believed, this was highly unusual in 15 year old wizards. 

With his whole being he had cherished her.  His love was unconditional and undemanding.  With him, and him alone, she was free to bare her soul.  And in that moment she knew could never and would never be anyone else for her. 

She ran her finger lightly across his bare chest.  “Mmmmm” he said, and opened his amazingly green eyes.  Stretching, he reached for his glasses, then faked a sudden shock as he put them on.  “Good Lord!  It’s you Hermione.”  She laughed and whacked him gently with a pillow. 

A few hours later, everyone was again back in his or her proper room.  Sirius and Remus had nothing to report, except, as Remus put it, that “Sirius snores even louder now than he did when we were in school…” 

Chapter Seven – The Cadeau Du Mer

Showered, dressed, and feeling fresh, Hermione went down to breakfast.  She found Arabella seated at the long dining room table surrounded by a series of curious objects.   “Good morning, dear,” said Arabella warmly.  “Good morning, yourself,” said Hermione stooping to drop a kiss on her grandmother’s cheek.  “Remus told me about last night” said Arabella with some concern. “Are you all right?”  “Fine, fine now – really” answered Hermione, trying to sound convincing. “Quite sure?” said Arabella eyeing her closely. “Yes, really”.  Hermione took a plate from the sideboard and began to fill her plate from the gleaming silver servers.  She was spectacularly hungry.  

“Have the others come down yet?” she asked in between swallows of coffee.  “No, not for breakfast, but as I said, Remus did find me earlier to tell me about last night.”  As if on cue, Harry, Sirius and Remus appeared in the doorway.  “Are we in disgrace for coming down so late?” said Remus.  “Never, my dear” said Arabella.  She had a soft spot for her nephew and could refuse him nothing.  “Help yourselves. It’s all on the sideboard.  Hopkins quite outdid himself this morning.” she said, gesturing to the gleaming silver servers.   Sirius and Remus moved toward the sideboard, but Harry detoured around them to Hermione.  “Good morning to you both,” he said, kissing them each in turn upon the cheek.  

In short order, everyone was settled comfortably around the table.  Arabella began, “I want you to know that I have written to Dumbledore about last nights events.  He will probably contact us shortly, but in the meantime, it’s more important than ever for the two of you learn to apparate. Sirius nodded in silent agreement.  Encouraged, Arabella went on. “As you know, most wizards do not begin the study of apparition until they are seventeen, and after they have studied it, they must pass a test before the ministry will allow them to apparate at will.  Before you two arrived, I received special permission from the ministry to begin your training early.  If you are successful  in your training, you will be allowed to take your tests early as well.”  Harry and Hermione exchanged grins.   Arabella turned to Remus, “Professor Lupin, would you be so good as to begin our lesson?” 

Remus turned in his chair to face Harry and Hermione, “Apparition is highly advanced magic.  Much like the Patronus charm, it requires force of mind.  You must focus your entire being on the person or place that is your destination.  You needn’t actually wave your wand, but it must be on your person somewhere.  The spell itself is quite simple.  It is “Appareo” from the latin meaning “to make visible”.  In other words, you are going to make yourself visible someplace, so you must concentrate very hard on the someplace you want to appear.”  Hermione nodded, eager not to miss a word.  “When you are beginning apparition, it easier to move across short distances to a person or place that evokes a strong emotion or sense of place.  Most students practice by walking a few hundred yards outside their homes; then trying to apparate back inside.  Are you following me so far?”  “I think so,” said Harry, “it seems fairly straightforward.”

“It is straightforward, but it requires practice.  When wizards begin, they find themselves popping up in all sorts of odd places,” said Sirius with a smile eyeing Remus, “like broom closets.”   “That could have happened to anyone” Remus returned.

Arabella cleared her throat, “And that leads us to these” she said, gesturing to the objects on the table around her.    There was a ball or skein of what looked like the finest, thinnest golden thread Harry had ever seen.  There was a small jewel encrusted comb, and a oval shaped silver box that was fluted, to look like a sea shell.  Arabella opened the lid of the silver box and turned it around so that everyone could see the contents.  Nestled in a lining of dark blue velvet were an amulet and a ring.  In the center of the amulet was tear-drop shaped jewel that looked to be made of abalone or mabé pearl.  It was iridescent and shimmering in pearl-toned greens, blues, and violets.  The jewel was set in gold and surrounded by a single row of small but perfectly sized pearls.  The ring was gold as well, and embedded in its center was a similar iridescent gem.   From time to time, the jewels glowed strangely and seemed to be emitting a soft hum.

Sirius inhaled sharply, “The Cadeau du Mer!  After what happened, I thought surely they were lost to us forever!”  “I’m sure you did; most people do, but with Albus’s help, I was able to recover them.” said Arabella coolly.  “The Cadeau du what?” asked Harry.

With wonder that rivaled Sirius’s, Remus began, “That amulet and ring are powerful magical objects that have been in our family for years.  They date from antiquity when (according to legend) one of my ancestors rescued a mermaid who was stranded on the beach down by the cove.  In gratitude, her father, the leader of the merpeople presented him with the ring and amulet.  “Cadeau du Mer” roughly translated means “gifts of the sea.”  Here, Remus paused, uncertain as to how he should proceed. 

“And what powers do they have?” asked Hermione, not fully aware of how completely Sirius and Remus had been taken by surprise.   “In the simplest terms, they are aids for apparition,” said Arabella.  “The wearer of the amulet is able to apparate at will to the side of the person wearing the ring, and vice-versa.  Unlike normal apparition, you do not have to know the location of the person you are moving toward.  You simply focus on the wearer of the ring, (or the amulet) utter the spell, and you will apparate instantly at his or her side, no matter where they are.  The ring and amulet call to each other so powerfully, that you can even apparate in places that are protected against it, like Hogwarts.”  “You’re kidding” Hermione gasped.

“But more than that,” Sirius continued, “you can use the objects to summon someone to you as well.  If, for example, I was wearing the ring and Arabella was wearing the amulet and she were not conscious, or for some reason unable to perform the spell, I could focus on her and using the ring, summon her to me.”   “Wow” Harry breathed.  Immediately he could think of about a zillion times in his own past where such powers would have been extremely useful.  “But how would you know if the other wearer were in distress?  How would you know to summon Arabella?” said Hermione.  “Do you notice how the stones glow from time to time?” he said, gesturing to the silver casket that held them.  “Yes” she said slowly, when one of the wearers is in distress the ring and amulet call to each other more urgently.  The stones begin to hum and glow, not just from time to time, but constantly and with increasing brightness.  Believe me, you know when someone needs to be summoned,” said Sirius firmly. 

“I thought, that given the enemies you two face, it might be time to bring them out again.” said Arabella.  She looked to Remus for approval.  He nodded, but his eyes were over bright, and he had to look away for a moment.  “Would you like to look at them more closely?” Arabella asked.  Carefully, she lifted the amulet from its blue velvet nest and passed it to Hermione.  She withdrew the ring and handed it to Harry.  Hermione studied the front of the amulet closely, mesmerized by the stone in the center which glowed and hummed in her hands, its colors swirling like the waters of its birth.  She turned it over.  On the back were beautiful interlocking letters - two names and a date.  She leaned closer to try to make them out.  Then she gave a sort of strangled gasp.  The names were “Lily and James”.

Simultaneously, Harry had discovered a similar inscription inside the ring.  He said, “I don’t understand.”   Remus cleared his throat, “Harry, when your parents got married, I gave them the Cadeau du Mer as a wedding present.  I had their names and the date of their wedding inscribed on the back of the amulet and on the inside of the ring.”  “Lily and James were overwhelmed and of course, tremendously pleased to receive such a gift, Harry” said Arabella gently.  “The thing is though,” said Remus “is that once you invoke the Cadeau du Mer, you can never take them off or their magic is lost to you.  If you took them off, and then later tried to put them on again, they wouldn’t work.  So,” he continued carefully, “they typically only pass from wizard to wizard when someone dies.  When I inherited them, I kept them for years, but never used them.  No one in their right mind would want to inadvertently apparate to the side of a full-fledged werewolf.” Remus paused for a moment to collect himself.   “Sirius, here, and your father were my best friends and of course, we all adored Lily.  We had always feared that Voldemort might one day come after them and so, with Arabella’s permission, I gave them the Cadeau du Mer, thinking it would help keep them safe.  And it did for a while.” his voice trailed off.

Sirius turned to Harry,  “Just before their wedding ceremony, James and Lily put on the amulet and ring. Arabella performed the short ritual and incantation necessary to invoke the powers of the Cadeau du Mer.  After that, I never saw James without the ring, or Lily without the amulet. Naturally, after what happened that night in Godric’s Hollow, I assumed they were destroyed.”  “So did the rest of the wizarding world.  I remember seeing it reported in the Daily Prophet.” said Arabella.  But the ring and amulet were simply too powerful to be destroyed.  Dumbledore and I went to Godric’s Hollow the night your parents were killed, Harry.  We were able to recover the Cadeau du Mer and some other personal items that I believe Dumbledore intends to pass on to you shortly.”

“What happened to my parents? – to their bodies, I mean” said Harry, quietly.  “Dumbledore arranged for them to be buried in Godric’s Hollow.  He erected a beautiful monument to them both.  Has no one ever taken you to see it?” Arabella asked.  “No, m’am” said Harry.  His voice was a bit husky and he had to look away.   “Then I will take you,” she said firmly.  “it’s important for you to see it, for you to understand how beloved your parents were and who your real family is.”  Harry could only nod. 

 “And so, it has been my secret all these years.  I have kept them here at Paravel, waiting for the right time to give them to you, Harry.” Arabella paused, “I think, that time is now.”  Turning to Remus and Sirius, Arabella said, “Would you excuse us for a moment?” They didn’t seem surprised at the request and rose to leave.  Sirius placed a hand on Harry and Hermione’s shoulders.  He gave them an encouraging squeeze and walked toward the door.   When Remus and Sirius had departed, Arabella turned to Harry and Hermione and said, “Brace yourselves for what is going to sound like a lecture, but isn’t.  You are both intelligent enough to recognize the symbolism associated with this amulet and ring.  Most often, the wearers have had, shall we say, a deep regard for one another.  Such regard is not necessary, of course, but when strong feelings are present, the Cadeau Du Mer seem to be more effective.  Also, I’m sure you realize that no matter how you feel about each other at the moment, to wear them is to make a commitment to one another to use their powers in an honorable way.  In other words, you must agree not to use them to do anything silly or outrageous to each other.  Do I make myself clear?”  They nodded, their faces solemn. 


She continued. “Before you came to Paravel, I had already made up my mind to present you with the Cadeau Du Mer.  Harry, you have long been high on Voldemort’s list of targets, and it is possible that Hermione may join you there.  I knew of course, that you have been close friends for years.  I hoped that your friendship would serve as a basis for a relationship to the ring and the amulet.  Also, you needn’t feel that once you put them on, you are somehow bound together for the rest of your natural lives.  After this danger had passed, you may decide mutually to remove them.  That will be up to you, but while you are living, no one can take them off of you.”  She inhaled deeply and began again, “Now, I must know, are you prepared to do this?  Think carefully, it is a great honor and a great burden.  To wear them is to commit to working together for a common purpose.  Initially, that purpose may simply be to escape Lord Voldemort should the need arise.  Eventually, you may use them to defeat him.” Arabella looked from Harry to Hermione and then asked politely, “Would you like a little time alone to talk it over?”  To her own surprise, Hermione heard herself saying “No, I don’t need any time, I would be honored and grateful to receive them.”  She looked down, staring hard at the table again, waiting to hear what Harry would say.  She didn’t have to wait long.  “Yes, I will wear the ring” said Harry, his voice steady. “I am grateful for any means of keeping Hermione safe and for any way to combat the Voldemort.”  “All right then”, said Arabella.  “In your rooms you will find ceremonial robes.  Put them on, then come back here.”

 Harry and Hermione did as they were told.  Each found robes of dark gray velvet.  Hermione’s was dotted with pearls; Harry’s was plain.  They returned to the dining room to find Sirius, Remus and Arabella waiting for them, all in wizards’ robes.  Sirius and Remus shook hands with Harry and kissed Hermione on the check.  “Are you ready?” Arabella asked.  They did not answer, but stepped toward the table together. 

Arabella held up the ball of fine golden thread.  It was unbelievably delicate, like a spider web, or strands of gossamer.  She used the jewel encrusted comb to draw three long threads from the ball.  Smoothing them out, she handed them to Harry.  “Hold the ends evenly Harry, and Hermione, you plait the three strands together.”  Hermione braided the strands in silence.  The amulet and ring hummed in their casket.  Rain poured down outside.  When the braid was nearly two and half feet long, Arabella stopped Hermione.  “That’s enough now I think”, she said.  She took one of the braided ends from Hermione and the other from Harry.  She pointed to two chairs that had been drawn to the head of the table, facing each other.  “Have a seat” Hermione sank gratefully into a chair. 

“Now, we’re going to use this plait, created by the two of you, to establish and symbolize the new link between the amulet and ring.  The amulet and ring have always been linked, but now they will be linked through you.  The only way one will be able to reach the other is through you,” explained Arabella.  She took Hermione’s right hand in hers, and pressed Hermione’s palm against the palm of Harry’s right hand.  She began wrapping the gossamer thread around and around their joined hands.  She drew out her wand and closing her eyes, murmured and incantation so quietly that Harry could hardly hear her.    The thread began to vibrate.  It felt warm against his skin.

“Harry do you willingly accept the Cadeau du Mer and swear to be a faithful steward of its powers?” Arabella asked, without looking at him or opening her eyes.  “Yes” he replied, his voice steady, his eyes on Hermione.  “Do you pledge to honor and protect Hermione who will share with you the stewardship of its power?”  “I do” he said, smiling at her briefly.  Arabella now turned to her granddaughter, “Hermione, do you willingly accept the Cadeau du Mer and swear to be a faithful steward of its powers?”  “Yes” she whispered, looking only at Harry.  “Do you pledge to honor and protect Harry who will share with you the stewardship of its power?”  “I do,” she breathed. 

Arabella opened her eyes and smiled at them both.  She unwrapped the thread from around their hands, and passed it carefully to Harry saying, “Take the amulet from the casket, Harry and thread the braid through the back.” Harry obeyed.  “Now, place the amulet around Hermione’s neck.  The amulet swayed gently from the glowing golden braid as Harry stepped behind Hermione and placed it gently around her neck.  As he did so, the ends of the braids suddenly fused together.  The braid now had no beginning and no end.  It was so fine that it was nearly impossible to see, and yet, it was unbreakable.  Hermione gasped as the braids fused and the amulet touched her skin.  She had expected it to feel cold and heavy, but it was warm and alive - a natural extension of herself.

“And now, Hermione will you take the ring from the casket…” likewise, Hermione did as she was told.  “Now, hold Harry’s left hand up like so,” Arabella demonstrating.  She held her left hand up with her fingers slightly spread. “Touch the ring first to his thumb, then to each finger in sequence until you reach his ring finger.” Hermione began.  As she did the amulet around her own neck began to glow, as did the ring.  When she reached his ring finger, she slid the ring all the way on.  As she did, she felt the ring warm under her fingers.  It sized itself instantly to Harry’s finger.  His experience was similar to Hermione’s.  The ring was not cold metal, but warm, as though it had just been forged.  It fit perfectly and seemed simply to be a part of him.

And suddenly, it was done, the process complete.  Harry and Hermione rose, uncertain of what was now expected of them.  Harry reached out and took both her hands in his and kissed her lightly.  Then Sirius was there, slapping him on the back.  Arabella held out her arms to Hermione who gave her a great hug.  Hopkins appeared with champagne, and Remus handed round the glasses.   He said, “I would like to propose a toast to Arabella, who has always had the grace to know where the Cadeau du Mer should be and when.”  “To Arabella” they said in unison, raising their glasses.   They toasted James and Lily, and eventually Harry and Hermione, as well.  Arabella summoned Hopkins to take a few pictures for which Hermione was eternally grateful.  They would be the first pictures she ever had of her “new” family all together.

At length, Sirius said, “I can’t stand it anymore!  Harry, Hermione, why don’t you see if you can wield this power you now possess?”  Laughing, they agreed to try.  Harry stood at one end of the room, and Hermione stood at the other.  “Harry, you try to apparate to Hermione, all right?  Close your eyes and think hard on Hermione” instructed Remus.  “When you are ready, you may cast your spell by saying ‘Appareo’”.  Harry closed his eyes and summoned an image of Hermione.  “Appareo” he whispered.  He heard a small popping noise and felt a rush of wind.  His feet touched down on carpet.  He opened his eyes to find himself standing next to Hermione.

There was tremendous cheering from Arabella, Remus and Sirius.  “Your turn, Hermione.” said Sirius.  She walked to the other side of the room.  Closing her eyes, she formed a picture of Harry in her mind. “Appareo” she whispered.  She too, heard the soft popping noise and felt the rush of wind.  She could hear clapping and cheering.  She opened her eyes to find Harry, smiling down at her.  She had done it! 

“Wonderful! Wonderful!” said Arabella.  “And now, shall we try the next bit? Let’s see if you can summon each other.  The spell for summoning is the charm you already know, ‘Accio’.  Normally, you wouldn’t be able to summon another person with it, but the Cadeau du Mer should make it possible.  Hermione, come with me.”  Taking her by the hand, Arabella led Hermione out of the dining room and into the entrance hall, out of Harry’s sight.  She returned in a moment.  “And now, Harry, if you will fix your mind firmly on Hermione and summon her.”  Harry closed his eyes, and whispered her name to himself.  The ring began to glow.  He took a deep breath and said, “Accio Hermione”.  And with a pop, she was at his side, laughing.  She said, “I sensed it just before you summoned me.  The amulet began to hum and glow.”

“Right then, Harry” said Remus, “off you go.” he said, pointing toward the door.  Harry gave Hermione a small wink and crossed to the door.  He ducked into the entrance hall and stood waiting, not sure what to expect.  In a moment, he felt the ring grow warm on his finger.  The stone gave off a shimmering blue-green light and began to hum.  In a rush of wind, the entrance hall disappeared.  With a small pop, he found himself back in the dining room standing next to Hermione who was flushed and triumphant. 

“Well done, Hermione.” said Remus.  “And now we come to the most difficult part, learning to apparate away from each another.  In this aspect of apparition, you will be essentially asking the ring and amulet to move away from one another.  They won’t like it, and their energy may make you appear short of your destination the first few times you try it.”  “In other words,” said Sirius, you might be intending to apparate to the library, but end up in oh, say, a broom closet” he chortled.  Remus made a disapproving face.  “Fortunately, for the two of you, if you end up in an odd place, you will be able to find each other again with the ring and amulet.” 

“Who wants to go first this time?” asked Arabella.  Hermione glanced at Harry, then said “I will.”  “Excellent” said Remus, “I want you to concentrate on a location – a destination somewhere in the house.  Think about what you see, in that space, how it sounds to be there, what you might smell or hear.  Closing her eyes, Hermione began to concentrate – willing herself to the place of her choosing.  Remus said quietly, “When you are ready, you may go.  When you arrive, select some object from the destination, and return here with it.  If you aren’t back in five minutes, I’ll send Harry to find you.  Okay?”  Hermione nodded, then vanished. 

Sirius looked at Harry, “So far, so good.  I wonder where she intended to go?”  “The library,” said Harry shortly, “I’m sure of it.”   “Yes, I suppose you’re right, but has she made it?” said Remus, glancing at his watch.  “Absolutely” said Hermione from behind him.  In her hands was a large Rune dictionary.   


“Impressive!” Sirius gave a low whistle.  “Tough act to follow, Harry!  Are you ready?”  He grinned and took a few steps away from the group.  Remus said, “Okay Harry, focus your mind on someplace in the house.  Put yourself in that place.  Smell it, feel it.  When you are ready, you may go and retrieve something from your destination.  Take your time, don’t rush.”  Harry took a deep breath and began to concentrate on his room - on the chest in his room with all his Hogwarts things in it.   He took a deep breath and murmured “Appareo”.  With a small “pop”, Harry disappeared.  Remus turned to Hermione, “Harry knew where you had gone when you disapparated.  He knew either because he knows you so well, or because the Cadeau du Mer is beginning to amplify your thoughts.  Do you have any sense of where Harry has gone?”  Hermione thought for a moment, then said “I’m not sure, maybe to his room.”

 Remus looked at his watch and frowned slightly.  “Hmm, am I going to have to send you after him?”  Hermione was about to reply, when she noticed something odd.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement in a flower arrangement on the dining room table.  A solitary pink rose was being draw out of the vase.  It floated toward her.  With a wave of excitement she smiled and said in a would-be-calm voice, “I don’t think that will be necessary.” Remus glanced around, puzzled.  The rose floated directly to Hermione.  As it reached her, Harry whipped off  the invisibility cloak he had inherited from his father and said, “Miss me?”  Sirius roared with laughter as Harry handed Hermione her rose.  “By God, you are James Potter’s son!” Remus exploded, then joined in their mirth. 

As the laughter died down, Harry said, turning to Sirius and Remus, “I’ve brought you something as well.  I thought you might like to look through this sometime…”  Harry held a leather-bound photograph album.  “Hagrid made it for me.” Harry said, as Sirius reached for the album.  As Sirius turned the pages, his face altered subtly.  The years seemed to slip away – there was a softness rarely seen in his eyes, and a hint of sorrow that nearly broke Hermione’s heart to see.  “Its James and Lily,” he said quietly to Remus and Arabella, “come and have a look”.  

Hermione stood on tiptoe and whispered into Harry’s ear, “Let’s leave them alone with it for a while.”  He nodded in silent agreement.  Clearing his throat he said, “I think Hermione and I are going to practice apparating a few more times.  We won’t leave the house or anything.”  “Of course, dear, whatever you like.” said Arabella, “And thank you for sharing this,” she gestured to the album, “it was thoughtful of you.”  Harry could only nod.  Hermione tugged at his sleeve and they walked into the entrance hall.

For the first time that day, Harry and Hermione found themselves alone.  “What a morning!” Hermione breathed.  “You were amazing – brilliant” said Harry.  He took both his hands in hers and turned to face her.  “You blew me away, when Arabella asked us if we were willing to be bound by the Cadeau du Mer.  You never gave it a second thought, even though you knew what they’d expect us to do with it.”  He drew her close to him, and kissed her deeply.  “Harry,” said Hermione, “Did you think for a minute that I wouldn’t want to be bound to you in such an intimate way?” Her voiced dropped to a whisper, “I am yours, Harry, forever.”  Hermione kissed him tenderly, then vanished into thin air.

Harry laughed, “So, she wants to play tag…”  He closed his eyes and concentrated on her for a moment, then said “Appareo”.  In a twinkling, he was standing in her bedroom.  Laughing, Hermione flung herself into his arms.  Her eyes were bright, her cheeks flushed.  Harry whirled her in a circle, then, his own eyes twinkling, said, “Catch me” and disappeared. 

Harry positioned himself carefully at the end of one of the long library tables.  The ring on his finger was beginning to glow.  “Any second now,” he thought to himself, and with a “pop” Hermione appeared in the small space between Harry and the table.  He encircled her with one arm, and with the other, raked the library books that covered the table onto the floor.  Volumes of “A History of Magical Law” thudded on the carpet, unnoticed.  As one, Harry and Hermione rolled onto the table.   

In what seemed like no time at all, the gong sounded for lunch.  Harry groaned and separated himself from Hermione.  He got to his feet, and helped Hermione off the table.  “I must look a mess,” she said, suddenly self-conscious.  He smoothed her curls into place and said, “Not a mess – lovely” The turned and left the library.

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