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Burton overy parish council

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MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD – Wednesday 15.04.15
Present: Cllr Fran Brown (Chair)

Cllr Simon Barre (Vice Chair)

Cllr Carolyn Carson
The Clerk

Plus one member of the public

1. Apologies – Apologies were given and accepted from Cllr Broughton and Cllr

2. Questions from members of the public – None

3. Declarations of interest – None
4. Approval of minutes 18.03.15 – Approved and signed
5. Matters arising not on the agenda – It was noted that a ‘No Fly Tipping’ notice had been erected on the lay-by on Mayns Lane. LCC would liaise with HDC regarding the on-going condition of the lay-by but the cost of tarmac removal was considered too great for reinstatement as verge. It was noted that farmers were increasingly concerned about the amount of rubbish left in ditches and the issue of local tip opening times was being taken up with local authorities by the NFU.
6. Street Lighting – Following the rise in tariff notified by E-ON a number of other providers had been contacted by the Clerk for quotes and a paper summarising responses to date was brought to the meeting. It was agreed that the since street lighting was a significant proportion of the precept a review should be undertaken of the nature of lighting required and best supplier. This would be put on the agenda for the newly elected council.
7. Finances a. payments of £130 (Clerk’s salary) and £144.90 (street light electricity) were agreed.

b. renewal of NALC & LRALC membership – the benefits of membership were noted and a payment of £134.95 agreed.
c. quarterly bank reconciliation – approved and signed

d. end of year budget report - noted

e. summary of risks assessed – revision in red agreed
All Cllrs received copies of audit papers for information.
8. Neighbourhood Plan – It was noted that the questionnaires received to date were, with one ‘don’t know’ exception, wholly positive and 18 offers of help had been so far received. It was agreed that at the next meeting an agenda item should be included to resolve to declare the neighbourhood area. The next step would be to convene a meeting and invite people to come forward to set up a steering group. Funding would be one of the first issues.
9. Community Projects – a. Notice board and dog waste bin – the village notice board had been ordered. Cllr Brown noted that the Highways License application had been sent on 31.03.15 and would chase as one of the grant conditions was that the board should be in place by the end of May.

Dog waste bin – similarly awaiting Highways License. It was noted that Nick Jones had looked at the bin and felt that it would not be possible to combine both safety and ease of removal. It was agreed that this bin would be erected on the Carlton Lane site as a permanent fixture and the council would consider further waste bin provision in the future.

b. Good Neighbour Scheme – Cllr Carson reported that she felt the appropriate way forward was to incorporate the Good Neighbour Scheme within the updated Village Directory together with the Burton Overy Community Watch Scheme. The fourteen existing volunteers for the Watch Scheme may be prepared to also be involved in the Good Neighbour Scheme. The Good Neighbour Scheme was likely to have three elements - suggesting appropriate contact details, emailing residents on the list to identify help with a planned future situation or phoning around to try to identify immediate sources of help in an emergency.
10. Village website – It was noted that LCC had announced that support for, which hosted the Burton Overy Village website, would be withdrawn in August 2016. This would affect any village organisations with associated pages. It was agreed that a useful web presence could be developed with little cost. Ways of promoting two way communication, e.g. Facebook and Instagram, was likely to promote engagement and be the best way forward. Mark Firth to put some ideas in writing. Cllr Brown to contact village organisations and Angus McKinnon, the village website site editor.

It was noted that the Parish Council website was separate and unaffected.

11. Items for the parish council website – it was noted that a lot of financial information was being uploaded as a result of the new Transparency Code. There were no additional items.
12. PC mobile phone – Cllr Carson to hold phone temporarily.
13. Annual Parish Meeting – in the absence of a chairman until the Annual Parish Council Meeting following the elections in May, two councillors could convene the Annual Parish Meeting. This meeting would take place at 7.30 pm on the 20th May and was an opportunity for residents to meet Cllrs and ask questions about the work of the council.
14. Items for the next agenda – Annual Governance Statement and Presentation of accounts, Christmas Tree Festival
15. Date of next meeting – the Annual Parish Council Meeting would be held at 8pm on Wednesday 20th May. Elections for office would take place at this meeting following the election of the new council on May 11th.

The Clerk to produce a list of meeting dates for the new council year.

The meeting finished at 8.30 pm

Signed Date

_______________________ _______________

Members of the public are invited to all Parish Council meetings


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