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Bulletin of Mariupol State University Series: History. Political Studies Collection of research papers

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1. Гаркавець ОН. Уруми Надазовя: історiя, мова, казки, пiснi, загадки, прислiв’я, писемнi пам’ятки / О. Н. Гаркавець. – Алма-Ата, 1999.  – 624 c.

2. Rum // Türk ansiklopedisi. – Ankara, 1978. –– Cilt ХХVII. - S. 456-457.

3. Κανδηλάπτη Κ. Η. Διάλεκτος των Ελλήνων της Μαριούπολης / Κ. Η. Κανδηλάπτη // Ελληνική Διεθνής Γλώσσα. / Επιμέλεια του Μ. Ι. Αρβανίτη, Γ. Α. Παυλάκου. – 2002. – Τ. 5. – Σ. 500.

4. Urum`lar // Türk ansiklopedisi. –– Ankara, 1984. - Cilt ХХХІІІ. 

5. Інститут рукописів. Національна бібліотека України ім. В. І. Вернадського. – Ф. V. – Спр. 3641. – Арк. 5 - 6 зв.

6. Каррыев Б. А. Эпические сказания о Кер-оглы у тюркоязычных народов / Б. А. Каррыев. – М., 1968. 

7. Образцы османского народного творчества. – М., 1916. – С. 39; Османские сказания и легенды // Этнографическое обозрение. – М., 1912. – № 86–87. – С. 77.

8. Інститут рукописів. Національна бібліотека України ім. В. І. Вернадського. – Ф. V  – Спр. 3738. – Арк. 191.

9. Маріупольський краєзнавчий музей. – Фонди. – Дело Мариупольского Греческого суда. – № 3503-Д; № 6259-Д; № 6271-Д. – Арк. 352, 353.

10. Відділ рукописів Російської національної бібліотеки. – Ф. Греческие рукописи. – Греч. 805. – Арк. 42. Песенник начала ХІХ в.

11. Пономарьова І. Етномовна ситуація серед греків – тюркофонів Приазов’я / І. Пономарьова // Історичні і політологічні дослідження. – 2007. – № 1/2. – С. 91-99.

12. Архів Інституту етнології та антропології Російської академії наук.  – Ф.22.  – Од. зб. 8. – Арк. 1.

13. Тимошевский Г. И. Переселение православних христиан из Крыма в Мариупольский уезд Азовской, ныне Екатеринославской губернии / Г. И. Тимошевский // Мариуполь и его окрестности. – Мариуполь, 1892. – С. 38.

14. Мариуполь и его окрестности. - Мариуполь, 1892 – С.411, 419–426, 436–437. Приложение.

15. Центральний державний архів вищих органів України. – Ф. 413. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 100. – Арк. 33, 38, 61.

16. Центральний державний архів вищих органів України – Ф. 413. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 483. – Арк. 63.

17. Араджиони М. А. Греки Крыма и Приазовья история изучения и историография этнической истории и культуры (80-е гг. ХУІІІ-90-е гг. ХХ вв.) / М. А. Араджиони. – Симферополь : Амена, 1999.– 132 с.

18. Центральний державний архів вищих органів України – Ф. 413. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 383. – Арк. 8–9, 21, 24.

19. Изидинова С. Р. Современное состояние и проблемы изучения крымскотатарского языка / С. Р. Изидинова // Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии. – Симферопоь, 1993. – Вып. 3. – С. 202.

20. Орфографический словарь крымскотатарского языка (для средней школы). – Симферополь, 1936.

21. Пономарьова І. Трансформація у часі та сучасне функціонування мови греків-тюркофонів Приазов’я / І. С. Пономарьова // Сходнознавство. – 2007. – № 3. – С. 163-180.

22. Центральний державний архів вищих органів України – Ф. 413. – Оп. 1. – Спр.351. – Арк. 2; Спр. 383. – Арк. 8, 23; Спр. 461. – Арк. 12–13.

23. Ponomaryova I. The Greeks of Mariupol: the Urums and the Roomies / I. Ponomaryova // III Uluslararası Ukrayna’da Türkçe Konuşan Halklar Sempozyumu düzenlendi. Sempozyumda ayrıca. “Türk Sanatı Karma Sergisi”. – 2012. – Р.94-98

24. Ponomaryova I. The Azov Urums. Ethnography Black Sea / I. Ponomaryova. – Mariupol, 2011. – 48 p.

25. Пономарьова І. С. Етнічна історія греків Приазов’я (кінець ХVIII – початок ХХІ ст.). Історико-етнографічне дослідження / І. С. Пономарьова. – К. : Реферат, 2006. – 300 с.

26. Романцов В. Старый Крым: история и современность. Историко-этнографическое исследование / В. Романцов, Г. Наметченюк, С. Арабаджи. – Мариуполь, 2010. – 328 с.

27. Arabadzhi S. Greek Woman in the North Azov Sea Region / S. Arabadzhi // Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora. – New York, USA : Pella Publishing Company, 2013. – № 39.1-2. - Р. 95-120.

28. Arabadzhу S. Daily life of a Greek woman in the North Azov Sea region and her role in preservation of greek ethnical identity at the end of XVIII – beginning of the XX century / S. Arabadzhу // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Сер. : Історія. Політологія. - 2014. – Вип. 9. - С. 7-17.

29. Арабаджи С. С. Відображення повсякденного життя приазовських греків у фольклорних джерелах / С. С. Арабаджи // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Сер. : Історія. Політологія. - 2013. – Вип. 7-8. - С. 7-14.

30. Арабаджи С. С Діловодні матеріали Маріупольського грецького суду як джерела з історії повсякденного життя грецького населення Північного Приазов’я / С. С. Арабаджи // Наукові праці : наук.-метод. журнал. – Миколаїв : Вид-во ЧДУ ім. Петра Могили, 2012. – Т. 171. Вип. 159. Історичні науки / С. 102-106.

UDK 355.48 (477.62-2) «1920-1921»(045)

V. Romantsov
The article highlights the insufficiently investigated problem of the events that took place at the time of the closing period of the civil war on the territory of Mariupol County. On the basis of documentary sources, materials of special origin and Mariupol’s periodicals, the author analyzes various issues concerned with the activities carried out by the Bolshevik power as well as by military, rebellious and Wrangel’s troops in Mariupol County. The author also dwells on the causes of and the conditions under which the Bolshevik power was established in North Azov.

The closing period of the civil war was marked by unsustainable and sluggish military and political environment in Ukraine in general and in Mariupol County in particular. During the spring and the summer of 1920, the rebellious troops of N. Makhno’s revolutionary army well supported by the local villagers were very active. Mariupol County became a base of their dislocation

The attempt to defeat the Red Army by the Russian army commanded by General Wrangel appeared to be unsuccessful. The Bolshevik policy also caused the villagers to become displeased. The villagers suffered from the surplus appropriation system but the years of war and great casualties predetermined their being very passive in 1920-1921. After P. Wrangel’s defeat, the Bolshevik commanders concentrated their outclassing forces in the region against Makhno’s troops. Those circumstances predetermined their defeat. Over all, the aforementioned problem requires profound research, a wide range of other sources being involved.

Key words: civil war, Mariupol County, rebellious troops, Makhno’s rebels, Bolshevik power, Wrangel’s troops.


UDK 364.044.68-053.67(477.62)

E. Ageeva

The article analyzes the process of attracting youth to the formation of civil society in the Donetsk region in the context of the state youth policy in the region in the period 1991-2003, the characteristic of political activity and assessment of young people about the activities of the authorities to address key youth issues. Considered the scope of activities of the regional youth policy in the context of the formation of civil society, which is actively involved in youth: support civic engagement (youth associations and organizations, youth forums and the like), the involvement of youth in cooperation with the state authorities, inter-regional and international cooperation youth of Donetsk region. Analyze the activities of institutions for Patriotic education of the youth of the region, especially the role in this process, the Center of military-Patriotic education and the coordination Council on the issues of Patriotic education of youth. Lit various forms of involvement of the youth in Donetsk region to the development of the civil society: cooperation with authorities and facilitating participation in decision making; support intelligent, talented, creative young people of the region, which is the most dynamic element of civil society through youth forums; engaging youth in Donetsk the area to participate in all-Ukrainian projects and programs aimed at supporting initiatives of young people, inter-regional exchange of experiences, best practices and innovation among young people; the harmonious integration of the youth of the region to the global community, international cooperation and the formation of a positive image of Donetsk oblast; social integration and youth with disabilities. Evaluate the effectiveness of these forms.

Key words: youth policy, Donetsk region, civil society, Patriotic education, international youth cooperation.

UDK 327.5

I. Buzadzhi, M. Bulyk
Territorial conflicts is an international dispute between two or more states concerning the legal ownership of certain areas. Each state to the dispute claims that this area is its property, as it is carried out or exercises power in the territory. Causes of conflict include: attempts to revise the international treaties about the borders; refusal of states to recognize the old conventional administrative boundaries; contestation of territories. The problem of territorial conflicts didn't spare the Asia-Pacific region, in particular it is about the conflict of Japan and China for the Senkaku archipelago (Diaoyu Islands).

The purpose of this article is to examine the positions of Japan and China in regard belonging Senkaku / Diaoyu and the positions of the leading countries in the world on this issue.

In writing this article the author relied on such method of social science as a content analysis. To assess the positions of Japan and China on the conflict the author used the comparative method, which was based on historical facts.

Senkaku archipelago (Diaoyu Islands) is a major stumbling block in bilateral Japan-China relations. Territorial conflict affects the diplomatic relations and, in particular, on trade and economic relations of states.

Looking at the arguments of Japan and China regarding accessories islands, we can say that Japan have more rights to the islands than China. Some evidences of the Japanese side contribute to this. From the XIV-XVI centuries, when it became known about the islands, and until 1895 the Senkaku islands were uninhabited. Since 1895 Senkaku Islands were officially incorporated into the territory of Japan. Since then, the Senkaku Islands historically consistently were part of the archipelago of Nancy, which is the Japan's territory. There are a number of documents of the first half of the XX century, according to which we can say that China, generally, recognize the Senkaku Islands as Japanese territory. In 1945, Japan lost all the territories it acquired in the late XIX century, but they were returned to Japan in accordance with the agreement on the return of Okinawa.

In accordance with historical references and documents, China has begun to give voice to the territory only in 1968. By this time, there was no encroachments to the islands from China. US and South Korea, as countrie sthat are most interested in stability in the region, stress that, in accordance with all facts, Japan has far more rights to the archipelago than China.

Today, experts do not presume to give accurate predictions about resolving the territorial dispute between Japan and China. However, they say in the coming years the conflict unlikely to turn into the armed conflict, because it will hit the close trade and economic relations between states. There is a compelling idea that Japan and China, as guarantors of security and development of the Asia-Pacific region, will reach a compromise on this issue.

Key words: territorial conflict archipelago Senkaku Islands Diaoyu, the Asia-Pacific region.

UDK 323.1(477.62-2Мар)(045)

  1. Degterenko

The article analyzes the decision-making system in the city of Mariupol, given the ethnic and political context of the region.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the research is fundamental assumptions, conceptual achievements and cognitive tools of ethnopolitology, ethnic Science on State and other social and humanitarian sciences.

Among the methods of cognitive activity presented in the research backbone there is dialectical one. It allows consideration of national processes and phenomena not as static, but as variables whose dynamics reveals the unity and struggle of opposites. It also uses empirical methods: monitoring, interviews, questionnaires, mathematics and statistics, including structural and typological grouping of base material.

The main source of statistical data was «Mariupol Gender passport», which was published in 2013. Only the following methodological pluralism in cognitive processes, using a multidisciplinary approach, methodology and techniques can be effective.

Today Mariupol is unique city, an industrial center of the country, port, metallurgy and engineering center, which combines different ethnic groups, cultural backgrounds and educational trends. Every new day changes Mariupol to the city of European level. Vital functions of the territorial community of Mariupol covers all major segments of public relations: politics, law, economics, social sphere, culture, education, science, religion and tradition.

On the territory of this investigated region vital activity has as specific so common to many other regions of the country signs, the study of which requires the use of inductive and deductive cognitive procedures based on nationwide trends. This makes it possible to obtain such knowledge of the communities in the region characteristic of the phenomena and processes, that allow to formulate conclusions and proposals topical for Ukraine.

Among the factors of structuring territorial communities are gender of personality and gender equality. Gender equality consists of equal rights, opportunities, position, equal importance and appropriate system. Often gender equality is perceived as a "sameness." Men and women are not equal and never will. Their differences are the most important contribution to the diversity of the world. It is important to understand that gender equality is not just biological differences, but social components. Women and men are citizens of different countries, they have a different ethnicity, religious preference, differing in social status, level of education, age criteria, health, place of residence (rural or urban population) and other components which are gender of personality is formed according to gender.

Thus, taking into account all the gender components of the development of the city allows to analyze the features of decision making in Mariupol and make recommendations for improving the efficiency of decision-making systems, not only in Mariupol and region, but also in the whole country.

Politological analysis conducted in the article combines socio-demographic, socio-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural components.

Representation in elected bodies and access to public services is an important marker in determining the level of gender equality in society and in decision-making system. The author analyzes the representation of women and men in elected bodies of local communities of Donetsk region, the number of deputies in Mariupol city council, the election of village, town and city heads of Donetsk region on the basis of sex, as well as the situation of the personnel reserve.

Key words: effective decision-making system, local governments, gender expertise, equal opportunities.

UDK 323.12 (045)

The article is devoted to one of the basic problems of contemporary world – ethnic identity. The contemporary world is characterized by the globalization processes that decrease the level of ethnic identity among people throughout the world. But as the modern history shows the ethnic identity is still strong in some countries that lead to cruel civil wars. It happened in former Yugoslavia, some republics of the former USSR, and now ethnic identity led to the civil war that is taking place now in Ukraine. The author analyzes ethnic identity factor through the primordialism and constructivism, but the author thinks that these two methods don’t explain the nature of ethnic identity completely, that is why the author presents his own method that is called pattern-behavior approach. In the article the author presents several definitions that highlight the nature of the ethnic identity and presents the opinion of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The author presents the explanation of ethnic identity influence on the development of ethnic conflicts given by such famous politologists as S.Huntington, T.Gurr and some others. Besides it is necessary to underline that ethnic identity factor is used by the representatives of the local elite in order to launch ethnic conflict and gain profit out of it. In this case it is important to stress that in the essence of any ethnic conflict there are some reasons that are stimulated and catalyzed artificially. The author underlines that despite the processes of globalization that try to deprive people of their ethnic feelings, ethnic identity will play an important role in desire of people to belong to their civilization field. So, the factor of ethnic identity will always influence the conflict situation in this or that country and will be used by political elites in order to gain their objectives even at the expense of people’s lives.

Key words: identity, ethnic identity, ethnic conflict, primordialism, constructivism, pattern-behavior approach, civilization field.

UDK 314.7(4-6 EC)“312”(045)

E. Ryabchenko
The stages of the European Union migration policy to the third countries in the beginning of 21st century
The present article deals with the urgent issues of the European Union migration policy in the beginning of current century. Due to the yearly increasing number of migrants from third countries the EU faced with the range of problems in the sphere of human rights. Also, while the above mentioned period a huge work was done in the sphere of counteraction with illegal migration. Thus, EU worked out the principles of control in external and internal borders of EU. The principals of the system VIS and EURODAC were describes as important element in prevention of illegal migration. Special attention was paid to those who seek for asylum. Another problem that described is family reunification of migrants and the legal base of it. But the special attention is paid to the problem of xenophobia and any type of discrimination that any migrant can face. Another very important problem that needs study and legal solution is the problem of refugees. It should be also mentioned that every conference of European Council and the circulations issued concluding them are studied by UNCHR and can be reworked again in order to find the proper way to solve the problem of migration. It must be also mentioned that European countries sometimes do not have common meaning in the approaches to the working out of migration policy. It needs also cooperation with the countries of migrants’ origin.

Key words: European Union, illegal migration, political asylum, discrimination, human rights.

UDK 324(450)"2006"(045)

M. Svetlakova
The 2006 Italian general election has been characterized by a competition between the centre-right coalition (called “House of Freedoms”) led by the incumbent Prime Minister S. Berlusconi and the centre-left coalition (called “the Union”) led by the R. Prodi. The 2006 election was held with a new PR electoral system introduced in late 2005 by the incumbent government.

According to the 2005 law, both in the Chamber and the Senate, the seats are to be distributed by proportional representation. The electoral system-driven mechanism of awarding the absolute majority of seats to the party (or parties) able to gain the relative majority of votes provides strong incentives to the formation of pre-electoral coalitions. Seats for the Chamber are distributed nationally whereas they are distributed regionally for the Senate. A different system is applied for the autonomous Region of Aosta Valley in both houses, and Trentino Alto-Adige in the Senate only. The electorate cannot choose individual candidates in the party/coalition lists.

The primary elections proved to be a good moment for the centre-left, with extremely high visibility in the media. This context revealed itself as the most uncertain one of the entire history of the Italian Republic, ending with the centre-left coalition winning the election.

Key words: parliamentary elections 2006, center-right coalition, center-left coalition, new electoral law.

UDK 316.74:323(477.62)(045)

  1. Slyuschynskyy

The modern realities of socio-political and economic life of the population of Ukrainian Pryazov’ye are under consideration in the present article.

The formation of political culture is being analysed. The author argues this process to take place primarily influenced by political life, certain modes of political regimes, political systems which affect the establishment of appropriate political communication. Political communication as well as its character creates an information model of personality which influences the relations in the society, the development of an opinion consequently the formation of the political culture of the community. The level of political culture depends on the state system, neighbour countries, political leaders, population composition (age, ethnic, etc.) and the level of democracy in the state. In the historical development under the influence of socio-economic, political, religious and other factors the political culture has being changed. New political values and ideas have been worked out, political ideology has been updated as well as social consciousness and political behaviour have been changed. This problem was always interested to the scientists. For example, scientists during the certain historical periods have sought to define what is politics and to highlight it in a positive sense (to achieve collective goals) as well as in a negative (rule over) [1, p. 9]. In particular, Aristotle, Plato, E. Anchel, A. Butenko, G. Hegel, Anthony Giddens, A. Kaminskyy etc.

Modern Ukrainian sociologists and political scientists V. Zhuravskyy, O. Kucherenko, M. Myhalchenko believe that «First, the elite of society with the accordance to the spheres of human activity: political, economic and spiritual spheres. Second, the elites of social structures: the class-group, ethnical, party, ruling, union, professional (military, medical, administrative, educational, etc.) elites. Third, the elite which is classified according to the social space and time: the Ukrainian elite, the Ukrainian elite of Soviet and post-Soviet period, the elite of center and the elite of regions (transition elites)».

Therefore, it can be mentioned that political culture and political communication are created by the elite of the society, but its culture and political communication depends on social and cultural space in which it exists. The problem under consideration is rather urgent. Complex processes taking place in Ukraine confirms the various theoretical approaches to the problem of political communication and its impact on the formation of political culture through the examples of modern human activity.

Examining the formation of political culture of the population of Ukrainian Pryazov’ye, the author has drawn the conclusion that the political culture in the region is rather low and it is a mirror image of the self-interested political communication. It is evident as a contraposition of regions and their representatives even within the same area. It does not promote the unification of the population.

Key words: political culture, political communication, social and political realities, democracy, interiorization, exteriorization.

UDK 378.4(477.62-2)МДУ:061.2(045)

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