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A biodiversity Vision for the upper Paraná Atlantic Forest Ecoregion

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From Vision to Action – implementing an Ecoregion Action Plan

With this Biodiversity Vision as a guide, WWF and local partners need to each transform short-term actions already underway to an Ecoregion Action Plan that lays out specific targets over the short-term (1-5 years) and medium-term (10-15 years). This Plan should clearly identify threat mitigation strategies, and focus on clear targets for conservation achievement as well as on the roles of partner institutions, long-term financing possibilities, structures for effective governance, communication and campaign activities, and capacity building. These clear targets are essential to guiding, focusing, and monitoring progress. Together with this inspiring Vision, the clear targets and transparent reporting of achievements are necessary to build the commitment and ownership by partners for continued and active engagement. Embedded in the crafting of an Ecoregion Action Plan is the need for flexibility. As more information is collected and actions are monitored, the Plan can be easily updated and allow for sound judgment when a change of course or tactic is necessary. In addition to helping the ecoregion action programs organize their strategic efforts in an ecoregion, the Plan has other benefits. The Ecoregion Action Plan can help openly articulate the biodiversity agenda, and can help leaders recognize the importance of this agenda among other national and international priorities. It is clear that appropriate institutional development of partners is necessary to strengthen advocacy on a variety of levels. Since Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay are all (to varying degrees) recently emerging democracies, this capacity building overlaps significantly with the development of active participation in government and taking an active role as citizens.

Implementation may take place at levels below the ecoregional scale, or outside the ecoregion, depending on the issue involved. A threat analysis is an essential filter for determining at what scale and timeframe we should act. All conservation activities must be conceived and implemented in relation to the social and political realities in which they take place. In the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion, these realities are different in each of the three countries and even in different regions of the same country. Most of the actions will be implemented on a national or regional level within each country. However, strategic planning, monitoring of the threats and conservation results, and necessary adjustments must be conducted at an ecoregional scale.


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