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14 Poems of Enheduanna

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The Temple Hymns

Also known from its incipit as é-u4-nir, this collection of 42 hymns claims to have been composed by Enheduanna, Sargon’s daughter whom he appointed high priestess of Nanna at Ur; but at least two (numbers 9 and 12) appear to have been added or altered after Ur III. There is no reason, however, to doubt her basic authorship. The genre is not original with her for there are examples from Abu Salabikh of the Fara period (two centuries previously), and the ideology informing the genre reflects that antiquity of origin in that it supposes a society of equal city states, each centred on its local god(s). It was possibly Enheduanna’s intent in creating this collection to sugar the pill of Agadean supremacy by making this gesture of adherence to the ideology of the social order which her father had overthrown.

This translation by Sjoberg and Bergmann is based on 37 tablets and fragments dating variously from the Ur III and Old Babylonian periods.4

Eunir, which has grown high, uniting heaven and earth,
Foundation of heaven and earth, ‘Holy of Holies’, Eridu,
Abzu, shrine, erected for its prince,
House, holy mound, where pure food is eaten,
Watered by the prince’s pure canal,
Mountain, pure place, scoured with soap,
Abzu, your tigi belongs to your mes,
Your great ... wall is kept in good repair,
Into your ..., the place where the god dwells,
The great ..., the ..., the beautiful place, light enters not,
Your firmly-jointed house is clean, without equal.
Your prince, the great prince, a holy crown
He has placed for you upon your ..., O Eridu with a crown on your head!
Growing ..., pure ...,
Shrine Abzu, your place is a great place,
In your place where they call upon Utu,
Where the oven brings bread, good to eat,
On your ziqqurat, the lofty shrine, stretching toward the sky,
Where the oven rivals the ‘Holy of Holies’
Your prince is the prince of heaven and earth, [whose word] can never be changed,
..., the creator, the wise one,
..., the lord Nudimmud,
Has [O Eengurra], placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
[23.] The house of Enki in Eridu.
..., shrine where destiny is determined,
... [with a strong(?)] foundation, standing high on the ziqqurat,
... of Enlil,
Your right and your left (hand are) Sumer and Akkad,
House of Enlil, your interior is cool, your ‘back’ determines destiny,
Your ... threshold is a high mountain,
Your dubla (with its) ... is a mountain, possessing all that is proper,
Your ‘head’ is a ‘head’ ... of your princely ...,
Your base serves(?) heaven and earth,
Your prince, the great prince Enlil, the good lord,
The lord (who possesses) the utter limits of heaven, the lord, who determines destiny,
He, the great mountain Enlil, has, O shrine Nippur, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
13. The house of Enlil in Nibru.
Tummal, very worthy of the princely mes, clad in terror and awe,
Foundation, your pure laving rite spreads over the Abzu,
Primeval city, cane brake with beautifully grown mature reed and young reed,
Your interior is a mountain of abundance, built in plenitude,
In the month of the New-Year’s Day, on which the feast is celebrated, (you are) wondrously adorned,
The great lady of the Kiur rivals Enlil,
Your princess, mother Ninlil, the beloved wife of Nunamnir,
Has, O house Tummal, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
8. The house of Ninlil in Nibru.
House with awe-inspiring radiance, laden with splendour,
Lofty shrine (to which) the princely mes have been sent forth from heaven,
Storehouse of Enlil, founded for the primeval mes, worthy of ...,
Lifting its ‘head’ in princeship, counsellor of the Ekur,
..., your house (is a) ... which ... with heaven,
(making) the decisions, on its place of the great judgements is the river of the ordeal,
Which lets the just live but makes the heart of the evil ...,
In your great place which is fit for the
rite of laving and the purification priests,
You dine together with the lord Nunamnir
Your prince, the prince, the counsellor of Enlil, worthy of the lofty shrine,
Has, O house of Enlil, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
12. The house of Nuska in Nibru
House with the gathered mes of heaven standing on a great place,
With the true mes which the hero ...,
Arm of battle, heroic meddu-weapon, carrier of the quiver,
Valiant brickwork which endures, your foundation is eternal,
Founded by the primeval lord (temple which makes) a decision through the princely mes,
Holy soil which fills the mountain, lifting its head among the princes,
Lofty house, your ... is like the sunlight whose glow radiates,
Eshumesha, Enlil has clad your name in awe-inspiring splendour,
Your prince, the great ..., the hero whose strength is unsurpassed,
The great ensi of Enlil, the sovereign who rivals heaven and earth,
The ... sealkeeper of father Enlil, he who makes the mes perfect,
..., the leader (appointed) by father Enlil,
The foremost, the lion, whom the Great Mountain has engendered,
He who destroys the hostile land for him, the lord Ninurta,
He has, O Eshumesha, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
15. The house of Ninurta in Nibru.

Egaduda, ..., superior (to all other temples),
Crown of the high plain, holy place, pure place,
House, your foundation (with its shrine) is a princely mast,
Your lady, the singular woman, she who ‘fills’ the house and the dais,
She gladdens, O Dusagash, your princely ...,
Your princess, who does not ..., the most wise,
The princely daughter, who ..., together with the Great Mountain,
Shuzianna, the second wife of father Enlil,
Has, O Dusagash, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
9. The House of Shuzianna in Gagimakh.
Keshi, valiant (city) ... of heaven and earth,
Like a great poisonous serpent, instilling fear,
House of Ninkhursaga, built on an awe-inspiring place,
Respected Keshi, your interior (is a) ..., your ‘back’ is tall,
Great lion who ... on the high plain, who runs about on the plain,
Great mountain, founded by conjurations,
(Your) interior is dusk, the moonlight does not come forth there, Nintu makes it beautiful,
House of Keshi, your bricks are (well) moulded,
Your giguna is a mush-crown (lustrous like) lapis lazuli,
Your princess, the lady who ‘causes silence’, the true and great lady of heaven,
When she talks, heaven trembles, when she opens her mouth, there is clamour,
Aruru, the sister of Enlil,
Has, O Keshi , placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
13. The house of Ninkhursaga in Keshi.
Ur, (full of) bulls standing in the canebrake,
Ekishnugal, calf of a great cow, light ..., ... of the holy heaven,
... wild cow, trap, nest (of birds), lying on ...,
Ur, ..., giving food to all lands,
Shrine (built on) a pure place, earth of An,
House of Suen, your front (is) a prince, your back (is) a king,
Your banquet(-hall) is (filled with) adab-songs, your ‘Holy of Holies’ with ...-drums and ...-drums,
The light which emanates from you (and) your true en-ship are mighty,
Gipar, lofty shrine of holy mes, shining as the sun,
Ekishnugal, beaming moonlight, which comes forth in the land,
Daylight which fills all lands,
House, your ... (is) a great snake, marsh of ...,
Your foundations (are like those of the abzu, fifty in number, ‘seven’ oceans (are within you),
Shrine, which looks into the ‘heart’ of the gods,
Your prince, the prince who makes decisions, the crown of the wide heaven,
The lord of heaven, Ashimbabbar,
Has, O Ur , placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
17. The house of Nanna in Ur.
House with a lofty name, high mountain of heaven,
Your base (and) your great foundation are mighty,
(Your) interior is full of princely mes, a beaming light which comes forth,
Shrine, your ‘back’ is (like) the ‘green’ sky, your shining front (can be seen by) all people,
In the land it is a dome, guiding (it) in one track,
Large river with open ‘mouth’, collecting your ... mes,
Your base is radiance, ‘good’ mountain grown (high) on a wide place,
Your exalted dwelling-place is lofty, all mes of princeship (are there),
... shouting ...,
House (full of) luxury, your ... gladdens the habitat,
House, your prince Shulgi has made it great and large,
The perfect ..., the elevated one, the ... (and) great wind,
Adorned with the mes, determining destiny,
O Ekhursag, Shulgi of heaven (of An)
Has placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
15. Addition(al hymn). Ekhursag of Shulgi in Ur.
City, from/in the Abzu ... like grain,
Plain (with) heavy clouds, taking the mes from its midst,
Kuar, to the foundation of your shrine
The lord, who does not hold back his goods, goes amazed,
The Seven Wise Ones have enlarged it for you everywhere.
Your prince is the highly esteemed prince, Asarlukhi, the highly esteemed one,
The hero, born to (be) a prince, a leopard who seizes prey,
He is like an onrushing storm, he gores the rebellious land,
As long as it is not obedient, he pours out poisonous foam upon it.
Asaralimnunna, the son of the Abzu,
Has, O house Kuar, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
11. The house of Asarlukhi in Kuar.
House, (full of) unblemished and perfect oxen, (built of) ...-stone, its lord sits (in it),
Lofty trap, crown of the princely son,
Its finest oil is holy, well-prepared,
Gaburra, holy cattle-pen which ... the cows (fed with) musur-plants,
Your prince (is) a great wild ox, an elephant who rejoices at his strength,
A wild bull with horns, who rejoices at his ...,
(He is) a mashmash-priest (who keeps in order) the ‘opposed tongue’, he makes the cloud move in the sky,
The light of heaven, ... , as the sunlight he gives ... (to) the earth,
Ningublam, the son of Nanna,
Has, O Kiabrig, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Ningublam in Kiabrig.

Shrine, great sanctuary, founded at a cattle-pen,

‘small’ city, ... of Suen,
Karzida, your interior is a ... place, your foundation is holy and clean,
Shrine, your Gipar is founded in purity,
Your door is (of) strong copper, set up at a great place,
Cattle-pen (filled with) the lowing (of the cows), like a (young) bull you ... the horn,
Your prince, the lord of heaven, standing in the ...,
At noon (like the sun) radiating, ...,
O Karzida, he, Ashimbabbar, has placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Nanna in Gaesh.

House which comes forth from heaven, visible in Kulaba,
Shrine Ebabbar, white, pure-bred steer,
Lift your neck to Utu, who ... in the sky!
Your brightness (is) ..., pure (and lustrous like) lapis lazuli,
Bearing a beard of ... lapis lazuli, ...,
Your prince, the ... sunlight, the lord, who ... the true word,
Who lightens the horizon, who brightens the sky’s height,
Utu, the lord (king) of the Ebabbar,
Has, O house Larsa, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
9. The house of Utu in Larsa.
Enegi, great ..., ... of the earth (= Nether World), which belongs to Ereshkigalla,
Gudua of Sumer, (the place) where all mankind is gathered,
Egidda, your shadow has stretched over the princes of the ‘land’, who (live) in the ‘land’,
Your prince (is) the seed of the great lord, the pure one of the ‘great earth’, borne by Ereshkigalla,
He who with a loud voice plays the zanaru-instrument, sweet (as) the voice of a calf,
Ninazu, (who hears) the word(s) of prayer,
Has, O house Enegi, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
7. The house of Ninazu in Enegi.

Eternal place, ‘deep mountain’, founded in an artful fashion,

Dark cella, awe-inspiring place, lying on a field,
(Full of) awe, (its) ‘way’ no one can fathom,
Gishbanda, neck-stock, fine-meshed net, bond of the ‘great earth’, no one can draw his foot from it,
Your ... ‘back’ is lofty, ... like a trap,
Your interior is the place where the sun rises, endowed with abundance, far-reaching,
Your prince (is) the prince who stretches out (his) pure hand, the holy one of heaven,
With luxuriant and abundant hair (flowing down his) back, the lord Ningishzida,
Ningishzida has O Gishbanda, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Ningishzida in Gishbanda.

House with the great mes of Kulaba .., (its) ... has made the temple flourish,
Well grown fresh fruit, marvellous, filled with ripeness,
Descending from the midst of heaven, shrine, built for the steer,
Eanna, house with seven corners, lifting the ‘seven fires’ at night,
Surveying the seven ...,
Your princess is the pure horizon,
Your queen is Inanna, ...,
Who adorns the woman, who covers (the head of) the man with a helmet,
(She carries) the ... mush-crown (lustrous as) lapis lazuli, the great dragon of the nigingar,
The great queen of heaven and earth, Inanna,
Has, O Eanna, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
7. The house of Inanna in Uruk (Unug).
House, with herbs (lustrous as) lapis lazuli, strewn upon the shining bed,
... of the holy Inanna,
Place where the lady of the plain refreshes herself,
The brickwork of the Emush is shining and pure, its ...-clay is set up (firmly on the earth),
(standing) on the high plain, (built) for him who tends the mother-sheep,
Your ..., the house of the Arali, has ... to the shepherd,
Your prince is a raging lion on the plain, the ‘shining’ one of the nugig,
(He with) the holy breast, marvellous to behold, the lord, the husband of Inanna,
Dumuzi, the lord of the Emush,
Has, O Badtibira, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Dumuzi in Badtibira.
House, your front is ..., from your midst (comes) plenty,
Your treasury (is) a mountain of abundance,
House, your pleasing odour is (like) mounds of vines,
Your true vizier (is) the leader of heaven,
House, your princess, the foremost among the gods,
The true vizier of the Eanna, who holds a pure sceptre in her hand,
Ninshubura, the true vizier of the Eanna,
Has O house Akkil, placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
8. The house of Ninshubura in Akkil.
City, in the Abzu founded upon a base, established for the ishib-priests,
House which recites conjurations of heaven and earth,
... strength ...,
[Your princess ...] ...,
[In] the holy heaven and [on the pure] earth ... holy lustration [water],
Ningirin, the lady of the shining holy lustration water,
Has, O house Murum, placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
9. The house of Ningirin in Murum.
Eninnu, right hand [of Lagash, foremo]st in Sumer,
Anzu-bird, [who gazes up]on the mountain,
Sharur-weapon, Ning[irsu ...] in all lands ...,
The arm of battle, a raging storm which envelops men,
The arm of battle, given by the anunna, the great gods,
Brickwork, on (its) pure mound destiny is determined, grown (high) like a mountain,
Your canal ...,
At your gate which faces Uruku(g),
Wine is poured out into holy An’s well-formed jar, set up under heaven,
That which is brought (into the temple) is unequalled,
That which comes out (of it) endures,
..., ‘furious face’, house (full of) splendour,
The place of judgement, lord Ningirsu
Has filled with radiance and awe,
To your great drinking-bout come all the anunna-gods,
Your prince, the raging storm which destroys the cities of the enemies’ land,
Your lord, the fierce wild ox who reveals his strength, the furious lion who smashes the head (of the enemies),
The heroic warrior who ...s in lordship,
Who in his kingship attains victory,
The strong one, the great warrior in battle, the lord without rival,
The son of Enlil, Lord Ningirsu,
Has, O Eninnu, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
22. The house of Ningirsu in Lagash.
Uruku(g), shrine which causes the seed to come forth, belonging to the holy An, called by a good name,
Within you (is) the river of ordeal which vindicates the just man,
House of widespread counsel, storehouse which eternally possesses silver and lapis lazuli,
Etarsir, (from which) decision and mes come forth, (where) the ‘man’ greets (the goddess),
Your princess, the merciful princess of the land, the mother of all lands,
The lady, the great healer of the dark-headed, who determines the destiny of her city,
The first-born daughter of the holy An, the maid, mother Bau,
Has, O house Uruku(g), placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
8. The house of Bau in Uruku(g).
House, (wild) cow, ...,
City, which appears (in splendour), adorned for its princess,
Sirara, great and princely place,
... the shrine ...,
Your lady Nanshe, the great storm, the high flood,
Born on the shore of the sea,
Who (stands) laughing on the foam of the sea,
Who plays on the [water] of the flood,
..., Nanshe, the ... lady,
Has, O house Sirara, placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
10. The house of Nanshe in Sirara.
House which extends over the midst of the sea, built on a holy place,
Guabba, your interior brings forth everything, (a firmly) founded storehouse,
Holy shrine, (wild) cow, everything endures (there),
Your princess (is) Ningagia, the lofty stewardess ...,
The strong [...] of father Enlil,
Who takes counsel with [lord Nuna]mnir,
Born in/on ..., ... on the waves of the sea,
Like her [...fa]ther (she is) the enku of the pure sea,
[O house Guabba], the holy Ninmara
Has placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
10. The house of Ninmara in Guabba.
[House of Kinirsha], suited for its queen,
[...], grown (high) like a mountain, standing on the ziqqurat,
House, ..., place of happiness, resounding loudly,
House, your princess (is) a storm(wind), riding on a lion, ...,
Exalted in holy song(s) and ...-songs, singing with a loud voice,
The child, the wild cow, taken care of at the holy breast of her mother,
O shrine Kinirsha, Dumuziabzu
Has placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
7. The house of Dumuzi(abzu) in [Kinirsha].
House with the well-formed jars, set up under heaven,
... sanctuary, ‘attaining the utterance’,
(Full of) the abundance of the midst of the sea, ... basin
At (its) holy ... is a cry of prayer, a shout of joy,
Emakh, the house of Shara, the faithful man
Has enlarged for you (Umma) in plenty,
Your princely Emakh – your prince (is) the princely son of the nugig,
(With) good fortune it is expanding, (its) ... is abundance and well-being,
..., (with) the gaze of a (wild) cow,
Shara, who ...s good things, the son, who allots mes to his mother
Has, O house Umma, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
11. The house of Shara in Umma.
House full of brightness, clad in the ...,
(Filled with) radiance, nigingar of the holy Inanna,
Adorned with true mes ...,
Zabalam, shrine of the pure mountain, shrine ... dawn,
It has let the ‘word which fills the heaven’ resound,
Your ‘good’ sanctuary has the nugig ... for you in ...,
Your queen (is) Inanna, the singular woman,
The great dragon who speaks inimical words to the evil,
Who makes (everything as ) clean (as) the whitest of things, who goes against the enemies’ land,
Through her the firmament is made beautiful in the evening,
The great daughter of Suen, the holy Inanna,
Has, O house Zabalam, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
12. The house of Inanna in Zabalam.
House, terrifying like a great lion,
Making decisions for (the people living) on the high plain, ...,
House of Ishkur, your front (is) abundance, your ‘back’ (is) luxury,
Your foundation (is) a steer, ...,
Holy ..., teat of heaven, (sending) rain for the late barley,
The dubla of your house (is) a fierce ...,
... foundation, wall which rises high,
... thick (and heavy) cloud,
[...] ...-snake,
[...] ... the light of the moon,
[...] ... Ishkur ..., devastating flood,
[...] ... south storm (and) ‘seven’ raging storms,
[...], (the) blowing raging storms,
[...] ... running out of ...,
[...] ... mountain ... diorite, stone(s) (and) ... he splits,
[...], the seed of the land,
[...], the ... prince, the canal inspector of heaven and earth,
..., who bestows life upon numerous people,
[...] ... Ishkur
Has, O house Karkara, [placed] the house upon your ..., has [taken] his place on your d[ai]s.
23. The house of Ishkur in Karkara.
[...] Enki [...],
[...] ... [...],
[...] ... [...],
[ Has, O house ..., placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.]
[ 9+?. The house of ... in ... .]
Your [...] [has] En[...],
Your ... [has] An...,
Lofty house, ‘House of the Universe’, suited for its queen,
Your front is full of radiance, your interior is filled with splendour,
Mother Nintu, Enlil and Enki determine (your) destiny,
Esuga, which makes ... to ..., life of the dark-headed,
The lofty mes An has given to you from the midst of heaven,
Holy usga, which maintains your shrine,
Ninkhursaga makes (everything) pleasant (also) for Keshi,
House, (which possesses) great mes, pure ‘platform’, executing the laving rite,
AshSHIRgi, the god of Adab,
Has O Adab, house situated at the canal,
placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
15. The house of Ninkhursag in Adab
Isin, city, founded by An, which he has built on an empty plain,
Its front is mighty, its interior is built in an artful fashion,
Its mes (are) mes which An has determined,
‘Low dais’, which Enlil loves,
Place, where the great gods dine,
Filled with radiance and awe,
To your great drinking-bout come all the anunna-gods,
Your princess (is) the mother-nugig, who wears a long ...,
Who maintains the nigingar of the holy place,
Who binds the mush-headgear upon the nugig,
who allows the nubar to pour from the ‘vessel with the seven teats’,
Who has let the ‘word which fills the heaven’ resound,
Your queen, the great healer of the land,
Nininsina, the daughter of An,
Has O house Isin, placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
16. The house of Nininsina in Isin.
Kazallu, your ... (is) in the midst of the sky,
..., ..., standing to be admired,
[Your] prince (is) the seed of a steer, engendered by a wild ox in ...,
A great [bison] with speckled eyes, a lord with teeth of a lion,
Who snatches the calf with (his) [cla]ws,
Who catches [a man in his net],
[The strong one] who snatches [the bull],
..., who gives strength to the ...,
The great lord Numushda has, O ‘ladder (leading up) to the mountain’,
Placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Numushda in Kazallu.
House, eye of the land, (your) foundation is firmly laid,
Mountain, growing high, which stands broadly on the earth,
All the enemies’ land ...,
[... hea]ven (and) earth (...) Nin-...[...],
[Has, O house Marda, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais].
[9. The house of Lugalmarda in Marda].
Deri, adept in making decisions, ...,
On your gate (full of) awe and splendour
The trap embraces a poisonous serpent and a furious serpent,
Your prince (is) the leader of the gods,
Fit for ‘giving counsel’ and making it lofty,
The son of Urash, who knows the true mes of princeship,
Ishtaran, the ...-king (lord) of heaven,
Has O House-the-great-mast-in-Sumer, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
8. The house of Ishtaran in Deri.
Esikil, its mes are unsurpassed in all lands,
Its name is weighty and mighty, lofty dwelling of the warrior,
Holy house of Ninazu, house of the holy mes,
House your mes (are) pure mes, your laving rite (is) a clean laving rite,
In your dwelling the warrior refreshes himself,
On your ‘platform’ Ninazu dines,
Your lord, the great lord, the son of Enlil,
(Is) a lion who ..., pouring out poisonous venom over the hostile land,
Like a south storm, rising against the enemies’ land,
Like a great dragon raging against the rebellious land,
He envelops the disobedient (like) a raging storm, he besmears the enemy with spittle,
When he ‘opens his knees’, the evildoer cannot escape,
When he establishes his triumph, he destroys the cities of the rebellious land,
When he frowns, its people are thrown to the dust,
House, your prince (is) a great lion, the enemy hangs down from his claw,
Your lord (is) a furious and strong storm, the ‘heart of the battle’,
In the combat he goes like ..., his lofty arm (holds) the shield,
(It is) a net over the widespread people, the foe cannot escape from his hand,
The great and splendid lord, when he appears great, no one can keep pace with him,
The ‘true’ seed, born of the great mountain and Ninlil,
Esikil, your lord (king), the warrior Ninazu,
Has, O Eshnunna, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
22. The house of Ninazu in Eshnunna.
House, built in plenitude, Kish, lifting (its) head in princeship,
Habitat, firmly founded, your great foundation cannot be scattered,
Your enclosing wall is a heavy cloud, spreading wide, floating in the midst of the sky,
Your interior (is) a mace, a meddu-weapon, beautifully adorned with ...,
Your right (hand) causes the mountain to tremble, your left (hand) strews the enemy (on the ground),
Your prince (is) mighty and august, a great storm, which presses the earth, clad in terrifying awe,
Ekishiba, your lord, the warrior Zababa,
Has, O house Kish, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
8. The house of Zababa in Kish.
House, ‘dam’ of the land,
Steer, (whose) great strength non of the gods can repulse,
Wild cow, (all) terrifying, bull who causes sighing,
Gudua, your quay (is) a ... quay which bestows water,
Your interior is built in an artful fashion, your utug-weapon (is) a ... utug-weapon released from heaven,
Your ... (is) a ... (lustrous as) lapis lazuli, spreading over the Meslam,
Your prince Girra, the lord of the Meslam,
Khushkia, the lord of the sunset,
Has placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Nergal in Gudua.
Urum, ..., the place where Suen pronounces judgement,
House with numerous cows, wide cattle-yard,
Ashimbabbar acts as your shepherd,
House, my lord, your sceptre you stretch out in heaven,
..., to the earth [...] ..., light of the moon, ..., (full of) delight,
Your [...] may ... light,
Your prince (is) a prince (full of) delight, holy [...],
Who comes out of the bright sky, (full of) delight, in [...], the ‘man’ greets (him),
Who brightens the land, Suen, ... [...],
Has, O house Urum, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
10. The house of Suen in Urum.

Sippar, dais, upon which Utu sits daily,
Sanctuary of heaven, star of heaven, crown, borne by Ningal,
House of Utu, Your prince ...[...] the horizon, he fills heaven and earth,
When he, the lord, reposes, the people repose (with him),
When he arises, the people arise (with him),
The steer ..., the people prostrate themselves,
Before Utu the herds stand ...,
The dark-headed people have bathed,
The land has ... before him,
He measures out the mes, your shrine (is a) devastating flood,
He pronounces judgement at the place where the sun rises, (he,) the ... light, bearing a beard,
In the night he binds the mush-crown (around his head),
Utu, the lord of the Ebabbar,
Has, O house Sippar, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
14. The house of Utu in Sippar.

House, mountain, like herbs and plants beautifully blooming, KHI.ZA, your interior is plenitude,

On the place where destiny is determined you determine destiny,
To your ... the crown brings joy,
Your ‘root’ is like a ...-snake,
Your holy foundation you have made shining,
Mother Nintu, the lady of ...,
Within your dark place performs her task:
The (new)born king, she binds the mush (around his head),
The (new)born lord, she sets the crown (on his head), he is (secure) in her hand,
The midwife of heaven and earth, Ninkhursaga,
Has O house KHI.ZA, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
12. The house of Ninkhursaga in KHI.ZA.

Ulmash, ‘upper land’, ... of the land,
Ferocious lion, raging against a wild bull,
Net spreading over the enemies,
It makes silence fall upon the hostile land,
As long as it is not submissive poisonous foam is poured out upon it,
House of Inanna, of silver and lapis lazuli, storehouse built of gold,
Your princess (is) an urabu-bird, the nugig of the nigingar,
Arrayed in battle, beautiful ..., who handles the utug-weapon,
Who washed the tools in the ‘blood of battle’,
She opens the ‘door of battle’, ...,
The wise one of heaven, Inanna,
Has, O house Ulmash, placed the house upon your ..., has taken her place on your dais.
10. The house of Inanna in Ulmash.
House, right arm of ...,
Whose green meadows have been tilled,
Your prince (is) a warrior, ...,
Who defeats countless (enemies) in the battle, playing [...],
Aba, the god of Akkad,
Has O house Akkad, placed the house upon your ..., has taken his place on your dais.
8. The house of Aba in Akkad.

Shining house, house adorned with lapis lazuli, spreading in all lands,

..., which establishes (them) in the shrine,
Eresh, the primeval lords raise their heads monthly to you,
On (your) ‘platform’ the lye plant ...,
The great Nanibgal, Nisaba,
Has brought the mes from heaven, she has added (them) to your (own) mes,
Sanctuary, established for ...,
The true woman who possesses exceeding wisdom,
Who cools off ..., opening her mouth,
She consults a tablet of lapis lazuli,
She gives advice to all lands,
The true woman, the holy lye plant, born of the ...-reed.
She measures off the heaven, she places the measuring-cords on the earth.
Nisaba, praise!
The compiler of the tablet (is) Enkheduanna.
My lord, that which has been created (here) no one has created (before).
14. The house of Nisaba in Eresh

Incipit: Eunir.

The number of its verses are together 480.

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